After the light balls in Orobas's horns accumulated to a certain extent, they suddenly shot towards Sven below.

At the same time, the strange sound approaching quickly from far away also attracted the attention of both parties.


There was a sharp sound of breaking through the air. Sven curled up and put his left arm in front of him. The next moment, the red and black ball of light was directly shattered in the air, causing a large-scale air explosion.

Large amounts of smoke and dust blocked the view of the scene. Orobus's body was hovering over the airspace, its golden vertical pupils constantly searching. At the same time, it was also very concerned about what it had just shattered in its attack.

At that moment, it seemed to hear the sound of thunder.

Hum hum hum hum— yes, it was this unknown sound that made it inexplicably irritated. This roar was not something a living thing could make at all!

Orobas took a closer look and saw a huge metal block in the clouds below moving at an extremely fast speed, and it was the owner of this irritating sound!

Sven landed just on one of the weapons containers on one side of Mjolnir. The purple lightning flashing under his feet allowed him to stand firmly on the high-speed and troublesome Mjolnir's fuselage.

At the same time, this can also provide a more intuitive understanding of the behemoth under Swain's feet.

The total length is 73 meters, including the main gun barrel on the right side, which is 140 meters, the height is 38.5 meters, and the width is 62 meters. It is equipped with a total of eleven close-in defense guns on the top, bottom, left and right. , there are six large thrusters at the rear and other small auxiliary thrusters scattered throughout the body.

At the bottom, you can also see two large mechanical arms that are not deployed and two bundles of triple-packed large missiles that cannot be stored in the weapons container.

Coupled with the main gun on the right and the device on the left, the weight of this steel behemoth reached an astonishing 470 tons.

(The prototype of the design is GP03D Dendrobium Orchid).

Swain combined all the storage in the several mineral veins in the Pacific Ocean that he mined along the way, combined with gems, Herrscher-like cores, and his own abilities and wisdom to create a combination of magic, A collection of Honkai energy and human technology!

"This, this, what is this!!!"

"so big!"

"Air battleship! ?"



"Uh-huh! what is this!"



"This one is really flying!!"

However, after everyone in the gem saw such a big guy, they were completely confused!

You want to say that Orobas, an unconventional monster, is so big, maybe it is normal in a fantasy world, but you... No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like something that can be accomplished by manpower!

This is simply a complete alien black technology!

Compared to the people in the shogunate who watched this big guy assemble the various levels of parts made from it, the gems It was the first time that everyone saw this big guy in such a complete form. The shock was really overwhelming!

Sven jumped off the weapons container, stretched out a lightning bolt in mid-air and pulled himself to the driver's seat in the cab. position.

The hatch opened automatically, and Swain got directly in. He fastened the six-point seat belt on the driver's seat, put on his tactical helmet and glasses and made sure his vision was OK. After that, Swain checked the various systems of the machine body. settings, it directly takes over the control of the body.

"Control is transferred to me (Ihavecontrol)"

"Understand, the driving rights of Mjolnir are transferred to the commander, and it is under your control (Youhavecontrol)"The AI ​​neatly took a back seat, changing from controller to tactical support.

Swain turned his head to look at Orobas above on the left. He immediately raised his feet that were grazing the pedals, pushed the throttle to increase the output, and at the same time changed the direction of travel and rushed directly towards Orobas!

"Well, Orobas has been showing off his power for a long time, and now it’s time to settle things with you!"

Sven's hands were holding the joystick tightly, and the exposed corners of his mouth were grinning excitedly, like a child who just got his favorite toy.

Seeing this, Orobas directly raised his upper body and opened a bunch of The flesh wings and the scales on the long body lit up, and large beams of light shot out overwhelmingly.

Swain's fingers holding the joystick danced quickly, pressing the buttons on the joystick to input instructions like a pianist, and the pedals under his feet also moved. A very flexible jump.

Immediately, Mjolnir's speed did not slow down, and he began to roll and dodge in the air with high maneuverability.

The powerful overload will cause a certain burden on the body, especially when the physical condition is not good. It's amazing, but now I can only grit my teeth and persevere!

Everyone in the cab feels like everything is shaking. The mechanical steel is constantly colliding, making a squeezing sound. They are afraid that the thing will disintegrate in the air in the next moment!

However, it is shaking violently like this Inside the machine, Swain released the joystick in his right hand and quickly touched the ring keyboard near the joystick.

The screen on one side lit up, showing the corresponding weapon, which was Mjolnir's main gun. , a large-scale electromagnetic gun for Honkaiju annihilation with a caliber of 460mm!

The main gun on the right side of the exterior began to adjust the gun port, and then the sight of the crosshair appeared on the glasses screen in front of Swain. Swain wanted to aim at Oro In the middle of Buzz's horns, there is a third eye that doesn't look like a good thing at first glance. However, the movement on the opposite side is very sensitive. In such a hail of bullets, it is still too difficult to accurately aim and shoot.


Swain tried to fire a main cannon, and the shells that came out of the barrel drew an orange trajectory in the sky, mixed with blue lightning.


However, the attack deflected, from Orobas's It shot into the sky from its side, and its attack temporarily slowed down. It seemed to be preparing for the next wave of more violent attacks.

"Is it crooked?………"

Swain is not surprised. This thing has not been debugged yet. After all, it has just been produced. It is only a production setting. It can only be regarded as a test launch just now.

His right hand tapped on the keyboard again, while his left hand continued to control Mjolnir to avoid the opponent's attack.

All the data parameters of the main gun were displayed on the screen. The data were changing rapidly in front of him, while Swain changed the parameters on the spot.

"The calibration system is changed to auxiliary, the main prediction parameter, the advance calculation also needs to be additionally combined with the movement of the machine………"

Many people didn't even see what was written on the screen clearly, Swain had already reset it.

Turning his head again, Sven looked through the monitor at Orobas, who was gathering strength to launch the next attack. The dark blue scales on its body lit up again, and a lot of power was also concentrated on its forehead.

"Launched on the 1st and 16th."Sven said lightly, and the weapon corresponding to the number and basic weapon information were displayed on the screen on the other side.


Mjolnir was flying at high speed. The two weapons container doors above him opened up and down, revealing a densely packed interior with a total of sixteen different triangular faces.


Along with red flames and smoke, the two weapons The triangle at the edge of the container shot out like a missile. It wasn't until they flew out of the warehouse that they discovered that they were two objects shaped like triangles, and the outer protective shells on its three planes suddenly opened like umbrellas, revealing Among them, the warheads were densely arranged like a honeycomb at a 45-degree angle!

This was clearly a submunition bomb!

Boom, boom, boom—!

The sound of firing continued, and in the blink of an eye, the airspace in front of them was filled with these warheads.

Although Orobas didn't know what it was, it subconsciously felt that what Swain made must not be a good thing!

Whoosh whoosh!

The light emitted from the special scales on its body collided with these missiles. together, but there was no big explosion, and it was even said that it had almost no power, just like a dumb cannon. However, after the explosion, Orobas focused his attention on Mjolnir again, and at the same time noticed that he was now In this place, the air seems to be covered with a light veil.

Even under the sunlight, you can see something twinkling in the air, shining like diamonds and stars.

This What is it?

Orobas didn't care about this, he just aimed at Mjolnir and fired the headcannon he had been preparing for a long time!

Boom -!!

This huge red and black sphere exploded out, speeding in the sky It flew past like a falling meteorite.

But Swain chose to turn a blind eye to the attack on his path. Instead, he set up the main gun again and aimed at Orobas.

Is he crazy?

All of them Just when everyone thought so, they suddenly discovered that the red and black sphere was rapidly being worn and shrunk. In the end, the huge sphere became as small as a car and was completely destroyed halfway!

What happened

? When everyone and Orobas were stunned at the same time, Sven's electromagnetic main gun fired again.


"Uh oh oh—!!"

The electric light flashed, and Orobas received a blow on his neck. He leaned back, and large ice-blue scales fell off. A roar of pain resounded throughout the world.

"what happened?"

Faced with everyone's questions, the calm young man shifted his attention to the various data displayed on the display screen on one side.

"One hundred and two serial anti-beam blast mines………this is!"

The calm young man looked at the airspace again.

"So the glittering thing in this airspace is gem powder filled with more than 200 missiles?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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