"The outer armor of the weapons container on the right melted, and the internal temperature was too high, posing a risk of detonation."

The position generator also flashed several blue arcs, which looked very bad.

"Position generator is reaching its limit......Estimated remaining time is five seconds.....four seconds.....three seconds......"

Swain had a solemn look on his face, sweat dripping from his forehead.

At this moment, he could completely evade the attack and attack Orobas from one side. At worst, he could do a one-for-one exchange, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't leave the others behind!

"It's over, it's over, it's reaching its limit!"The timid girl held her head, grabbed her hair frantically and cried.

"Snowy night, get away quickly!"Sister Xiaoxue also couldn't bear to make the decision.

She couldn't watch him and Xiaoxue confess here!

The selfishness of the elder sister told her to keep at least one of them!


However, just when Sven was about to be unable to withstand it, Orobas' side was too seriously injured and could not support it first. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and the breathing was forced to stop. After the breathing disappeared, Mjolni I was puffing out white smoke and floating in the air. When I was blocking the wave just now, I used too much force and stopped briefly in the air. I couldn't make evasive actions at this time.

Orobas seized the neutral position and A claw slapped on the left side of Mjolnir, and the position generator that was about to be scrapped was directly blown up, and the armor on the front of Mjolnir was also scratched with several holes. What is even more shocking is that Sven The cockpit door was also scratched, revealing a large hole. It can be said that the driver's entire body was exposed!

Mjolnir spun and flew to its right, and sparks flashed everywhere in the cockpit. The sound of continuous electric bursts sounded, and finally the tactical helmet and glasses that Sven wore on his head went black.

"Hey, hey!"


Sven looked ferocious, turned his head, took off his helmet and threw it directly behind the driver's seat.

Through the gap in the hatch, Swain could see the rapidly rotating and blurry scene outside, and the screen on one side It also shows that the temperature of the weapons container on the right has remained high and is on red alert.

"The remaining weapons, one on each side, are not broken and can still be used!"

"No. 4 and No. 13 will be switched to full manual operation, and I will control the launch timing."

Sven wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his right hand and moved his fingers.

The weapon containers on both sides opened, revealing the last two 108-link wide-area micro missile pods. There was no system assistance at all, so manual aiming was can only fire one at a time

"Angle calculation, irregular motion trajectory confirmation, distance prediction, shooting advance calculation......."

After the display is disabled, these things all need to be calculated by the brain and intuition.

"The auxiliary heat source tracking detector is turned off, the detonation distance is reset, and the altitude is confirmed........shooting timing........Right now!"

Narrowing his eyes, Sven relied on his naked eyes to shoot the last missile from the weapons container on the right side of the rapidly rotating body. The rotating body suddenly threw out a missile halfway.


The gray tail The smoke formed by the flames drew an arc in the air and flew towards the eyes of Orobas.

Then, only part of the barrage that exploded in the sky hit Orobas, while most of the rest exploded in front of its eyes, blocking it. It lost its sight, but this also attracted all its attention back to Sven's side.



After Mjolnir spun for an unknown number of weeks, the height dropped and hit the ground with a bang. , after bouncing a few times, it continued to slide forward for a long distance, leaving a deep ravine.

But soon an explosion occurred in the weapons container on the right side of the middle, blowing it away again, and changed direction halfway. , rotated and crashed directly into the rocks on one side. The engine at the rear was directly embedded into the mountain, not only hitting a big hole, but also burying Mjolnir under various rocks and sand that fell from above. part of


"My body seems to be falling apart......."

Swain had such a solid impact. In the cockpit without any shock absorption and protective measures, it seemed that there was not much difference between this impact and his own fall from the sky.

In the cab, the screens of various monitors were either completely black, or had various colorful garbled patterns and snowflake screens. There were only a few screens that were still on.

Various baffles in the cockpit were shaken off, and a lot of wiring on the inside was thrown out. The air was filled with smoke and the smell of burnt plastic, and electric sparks were flickering continuously, so much so that even the AI ​​​​No sound could be heard anymore, only various alarms sounding from nowhere.

Because it was a rear impact, it was inserted diagonally into the mountain. Sven fell directly on the driver's seat at an angle. Fortunately, he had a six-point seat belt, otherwise he would not have known where he would have been thrown.

When he grimaced, frowned, and slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the cockpit, which was blocked by green smoke and external sand and gravel and seemed a little dim.

Before he could recover, he covered his head with a look of pain on his face.

Opening his palms, they were soaked in red blood.

The slightest pain awakened Sven's will, and he also came to his senses, and he is still on the battlefield!

"000Answer me, are all the lines and systems destroyed?"

"Are there any systems alive?........"

Looking around, Swain tried pressing several buttons in the cockpit, but nothing happened.

I quickly pulled the folding keyboard aside and pressed it a few times. Unfortunately, the blacked-out screens still didn't respond. I tried the joystick, the pedal under my feet, and the throttle on one side, but nothing happened.

"Damn it, did the impact just now destroy almost all the control systems?"

Sven gritted his teeth and checked the machine body and the surrounding situation through the few remaining display screens.

Unfortunately, the system was seriously damaged and there was no response no matter what he did. The things on these display screens could not be understood at all. It’s a garbled pattern!


"We are almost done with it. A few more attacks will kill it. You must not strike at this time!"

"If you, a big guy, are done playing, what will the people here do?!"

"They don't have the ability to survive under such a big guy!"

"Do you want them to just fend for themselves?"


Sven muttered a few words anxiously, then looked angry and slammed the unresponsive display screen in front of him. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt, got off the driver's seat, came to the rear, and followed the tactics Looking at the lines connected to the back of the helmet, Swain found the central control system.

"snowy night........classmate?"

"Snowy night, you......Not only for my own reasons, but also for the people here........."

Perhaps Swain did not expect that his casual words would be remembered by so many people.

Swain opened the outer baffle of the central control system and pulled out the internal chassis to check the various circuits. The result was a burst of eye-smoking green smoke and a pungent smell that made Swain look very bad.

This is not because of the smell, but because the control system has been burned like this. The chance of repairing it is very slim!

Boom boom boom————

Crunch - the roar of heavy objects moving quickly on the ground was heard in the distance, and the exposed wiring inside the cockpit also shook.

Apparently Orobas is approaching him!!

If Mjolnir is not repaired quickly, I will wait here to die!

As the sound gets louder and louder, it means that the distance on the other side is getting closer and closer, but Sven cannot know all the information from the outside at all. But just listening to the sound and feeling the vibration will invisibly create greater pressure!

There was cold sweat on Swain's forehead and he was breathing heavily through his nostrils, but the movements of his hands were not ambiguous at all. He kept replacing parts used in other surrounding auxiliary systems and put them first on the central control system.

This is a race against time, or rather against Orobas!

However, the damage to the system was so severe that even if Swain worked hard, it would still take several minutes to complete the most basic repair work!

"There is no need to repair everything, as long as the control system that coordinates the entire machine is repaired, then even if the driving system is not completely repaired, you can still control Mjolnir!"Sven's thinking is very clear, and he is very clear about the sequence of his actions at this time and his subsequent actions.

However ,....

Boom boom——!

Suddenly, the roar outside stopped, and at the same time, the sound of heavy breathing came through the deck outside the cockpit.

"Uh-huh......."Another heavy breath, mixed with some vibrato in the throat.

"This sound is right outside......"Mei Lin's voice was trembling. The oppressive feeling of knowing that the enemy was outside but not being able to go out to see made her break into a cold sweat unconsciously.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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