
Returning to consciousness, Sven looked at the endless starry sky and large swaths of colorful nebulae around him with a calm expression. This was his spiritual world, and Mei Lin had also come here before.

And every time he 'dies' in battle, he will appear here. The repair time of the damage to his body will affect the time he stays here. The more serious the injury, the more time it will take to repair.

On the other hand, if you want to pretend to be dead for a while, you can stay here for a while, but I don’t know if I will really lose my temper if I don’t go out here all the time. On the contrary, I even started eating outside..

"Okay, after that, as long as you use the last invisible skill to resurrect, the previous injuries and fatigue on your body should be able to be reset back to normal. I have basically memorized the moves of the guy from the previous test, but the power gap is still a bit big. If my inference is incorrect, the chances of winning are still slim."

"The words of Noble Phantasm......Obviously, the external magic circuit that relies on the armor cannot be made into a Noble Phantasm and consumed, so I can only use abilities such as finishing moves. Fortunately, my weapons are back now. If I have a backpack, I should be able to put it into actual combat."


"I was careless. I didn't expect that there would be a one-on-one battle after Orobus was solved. But I remember that when I was designing the cockpit, I prepared some small thermal weapons under the seats. Why not?"

"Could it be that there was an error during assembly of the machine and it was not installed?"

"Hey, if I had known earlier, I would have prepared more."

"Always keep a trump card, even if you don't use it in the end, it is still necessary."

Sven crossed his legs in the air, tapping the side of his forehead with the index finger of his right hand, closing his eyes and thinking about countermeasures.

"I can see that you have a headache. Are your chances of winning low?"

"After all, that afterimage is really strong. When the power gap is large, the help that the strategy can provide is limited. He should be worried about how to make up for this gap."

"Really, I think his tactics and previous fighting methods are already powerful enough, but that person is still able to forcefully resolve it. It must be difficult to make up for it, right?"

"Yeah, but it can be seen that her reaction was a little hasty. It didn't look like a well-thought-out countermeasure. Instead, it felt like it was just a reaction based on wild intuition."

"Then, can you do that?"

"......I can try"

"So that’s not enough?"

"Sven, can't you do that too?"

On the left and right sides of Swain, two voices with the same voice but completely different intonations sounded one after another.

"Not very good. I can only rely on my senses to know where danger is, and I have to rely on myself to react.......Um?"Sven nodded in agreement at first. After all, this voice and way of speaking were familiar to him, but then he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

He really hadn't spoken to anyone else in this place!

When he opened his eyes, he realized that Zhen Heying was there. Stay by your side, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Are you two actually staying here?"Obviously Swain didn't expect these two people to stay in his conscious space.

"If you ask us, we don’t know what the situation is."Zhen spread his hands like Ying who also shook his head, and didn't know how to explain this situation. It

's the first time for everyone to do this kind of thing, and no one knows what unexpected things will happen.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't found a suitable opportunity for you two to go out since I came out."Sven slapped his forehead in frustration.

"After my body is fully restored and resurrected, I will release you two first."



Zhen and Ying looked at Sven, both of them were silent. They looked at each other, and then Zhen said:"If you only rely on yourself, what are your chances of winning." After hearing this, Sven thought for a moment, and then gave a cautious answer. Got an answer

"Probably about a 40% chance of winning."

"Four percent.....Not too high."Ying frowned and crossed his arms, obviously not satisfied with Swain's answer.

"There are still some uncertainties. I only make conservative estimates. Based on the actual situation, the winning rate will be much higher."

"After all, the closer her image is to a human, the more obvious her corresponding weaknesses will be."

Sven then explained in detail some of his findings and the plans he had prepared to implement, but to Zhen Heying, this sounded like a boy's sophistry to save face.

"Then, I'll stay."Zhen smiled and said to Ying and Sven.

"elder sister?"


"Although the previous attack consumed some energy, I still have some leftover. Even a small amount can be useful. But if I leave here, I can only watch and cannot help at all. It is better to stay here and be useful. big."

Really, her expression looked very lonely. How she wished she could stand on the same front with the two people in front of her, instead of Shadow and Sven charging in the front, while she was in the second line.

Although in terms of responsibilities and abilities , It seems that there is no problem, but.....Starting from the mentality of sisters and friends, I really still have some small grudges in my heart.

You can also go to the front line to protect others and your own country!


When Ying and Sven heard this, they pursed their lips, as if they were seriously considering the feasibility of Zhen's proposal, but in fact Sven was conveying the message to Ying with very obscure eyes.

"Hello, is this your sister?"

"Think of a way to persuade her. If she really consumes too much power, let alone separation later, it will be difficult for her to maintain her own existence alone. Then there really will be no need to separate!"

Of course Ying saw the slightly trembling corners of Sven's eyes and the vague meaning in his eyes. The two of them still have this tacit understanding.

She sighed silently and shook her head lightly, then replied with a slightly helpless and aggrieved look.

"There's nothing I can do about it. My sister is sometimes tougher than me. Once a decision is made, it's hard to change it. She's just like you."

"At this time, is your last sentence really necessary?"

"I think it's quite necessary."The inexplicable shadow seemed to be playing tricks. After a final indifferent glance at Swain, he folded his hands and turned sideways, no longer looking at him.


Sven was speechless. He looked up again and found that Zhen had been watching the silent eye contact between him and Ying with great interest.

There was an inexplicable thump in his heart, and he had an unpleasant feeling.

These two beings can be said to be of the same mind. If they only communicate with one of them, can they really completely deceive the other?

There shouldn't be many separate secrets between these two people, right?

Then, with Ying turning around and ignoring him, Zhen took two steps forward slowly, leaned over softly, held Sven's shoulders with both hands, lowered his head, and whispered in his ear with warm and moist breath.

"Do I know that you two were........."

As he spoke, Sven had these unnatural expressions on his face.

After Zhen finished speaking, he took a half step back to allow some space between the two of them, but still didn't take his hands back, and just looked at him with a gentle smile.


Zhen spoke very quietly, and only Sven, who was close to her, heard what was said.

But when Sven turned to look at the shadow on one side, he found that her expressionless face had not changed at all, but the opposite ears and cheeks began to turn slightly red.

"like.......Do you really have nothing to hide from each other?"

Sven smiled bitterly and shook his head. In the end, the result of this debate was that Swain lost. As the compromising party, he accepted the truth.......There are also shadow suggestions..........


Xinhai blinked his eyes and looked at the gradually dimming light particles above him. With an expression of disbelief, he took a step back.

"Well......."The faces of the Kamisato siblings and Kujo Sora were not very good either. They looked solemn, as if the sky was filled with dark clouds at the moment, and a heavy rain would fall at any time.


Xiao Gong's expression also looked a lot more lonely. As someone who often went to the Eighth Cathedral Hall, she liked the atmosphere there very much, and she also had a certain fondness for Sven who could take in so many people. However, for such a person, the result was like this The fate of no bones left.

There were two little wolves lying next to him who were completely unable to get up. However, compared to the others, they were much calmer and their expressions did not change much.

Because their sensitive sense of smell clearly smelled Sven's breath, and it was not the kind after death and decay, but rather had a smell mixed in thunderclouds.

"No, it's not over yet………"

"It's not over yet!"

As Sven's master, Xiaoxue clenched her fists without any sign of fear. She was very sure that everything was not over yet!


In the dark clouds in the sky, blue natural lightning flashed continuously. , the air became wet and heavy.

Wind blew from all directions, dark clouds rolled in, the moonlight was gradually obscured and became hazy, and the visibility on the field began to decrease.

Boom, boom -!

Rolling thunder bursts, strong wind mixed with lightning, as if venting anger , the volume and frequency are rising rapidly, and the temperature of the air, which has always been hot during the day, is dropping rapidly.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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