Their faces were very close.

The afterimage's ferocious expression, distorted by rage, was in contrast to Sven's plain expression, which seemed to be smiling at the same time.

"Goooooo!!"The anger in Afterimage's heart increased to a higher level.

"You bastard, you are obviously the same as me, don’t think that no one will know if you put on this disgusting and artificial expression now!"

"I didn't mean that, and I didn't pretend to be anything because it wasn't necessary."

Sven let go of his defense and allowed the opposite sword blade to slash through his body from the carotid artery, while his hands and legs were ready to wrap around the afterimage.

With a pop, the blade entered his body, but flowed out. It was not the warm blood, but the flashing thunder.

Obviously, this was a clone created by the God of Thunder.

It was a fake!

The moment he saw through it, the afterimage's pupils shrank, and he suddenly turned around. Sven was holding Fei Yue and Zang Yue, Staggered cuts were made to the back of his neck.

Don't even think about it!

The wide blade of the two-handed sword once again blocked Swain's attack. However, this was something he expected, so Swain did not use all his strength to really cut.

The moment he was bounced away again. Changing the weapon, he clenched Balumong with both hands and raised it high.


At this time, the clone composed of electric lightning exploded directly. The afterimage was hit in the front and flew backwards, but hit his own hands. The sword was on her body.

Seeing the right moment, Sven swung Balumong with all her strength.


As the metal collided violently and the sound of teeth grinding was echoed, the afterimage was hit together with her big sword. The ground.



The ground is filled with smoke and is full of traces of cracked pits. Afterimages and two-handed swords fell in the largest pit. The rain in the sky turned into heavy rain, which slightly affected the battle. The sights of both sides.

Crashing -

Sven lowered his height slightly, and the rain washed his body. Suspended in the air, Sven stretched out his left hand to condense a bow with ice, and used snow as the bowstring. He opened his right hand and reached into the void.

The two The arrows gathered together quickly and formed. One was made of ice, snow and water, and the other was completely made of thunder elements.


Swain did not give the afterimage a chance to get up, and the arrows were directly aimed at it and began to look down on it. The non-stop bombardment.

Two shots were fired and two were followed!

But it seemed to have no effect. Afterimage got up very quickly, quickly exchanged the weapons in his hands, and held the chain blade in his right hand and waved it quickly in the air, keeping all of Sven's arrows in the air. Defeated.

His left hand quickly waved the one-handed sword, and the red and black sword energy flew towards Sven in the air with different sword paths. And because of the reflection of the rain and snowflakes, the red and black light and shadow looked... It even sounds a bit illusory.

Buzzing -

The light wings behind Sven are increasing in power, constantly dodging in the air, and when his body moves, there will be a few wisps of purple fluorescence behind him. The attacks from both sides have not been effective, either It was blocked or dodged.

Because Sven kept moving, more and more arrows remained on the ground around the afterimage, almost forming a circle, and Sven didn't feel distressed.

But when the afterimage saw this, it felt a little... He became impatient and scratched his neck and cheeks anxiously, and then the attacks became more intensive.

This made Sven almost unable to see clearly the afterimages hiding behind the sword energy on this rainy day, and he needed to be more flexible to dodge these swords. Angry.

He continued to shoot arrows, but this time Sven did not directly aim at the afterimage, but predicted and shot the arrow to the side of the afterimage. Did he miss the target?

Was it because the afterimage/his own attacks were concentrated, or because he Tired?

Everyone and the afterimage were guessing this.

But the arrow in the air that was supposed to miss made an arc and struck from the side of the afterimage!

She turned her eyes, looking very surprised, and quickly moved back. He looked up and watched the arrow passing by his eyes pierce the raindrops falling in front of his face and shoot to the side.

She barely dodged the arrow, but it caused her own chain blade defense and one-handed sword energy attack to temporarily stop.

She noticed that the feathers of these two arrows had a strange shape. They had obviously been specially trimmed, or were intentionally made to look like this!

Otherwise, no matter how skilled the archer is, he will not be able to shoot this kind of arrow!

Unless there is outside interference!

Whoosh whoosh!

There are more and more arrows similar to Sven's, and their trajectories are no longer what regular arrows should be. How they fly depends entirely on how Sven exerts force and trims the arrow feathers!

What's even more hateful is that Sven will also quickly calculate and use subsequent arrows to catch up with the previous arrows and change their trajectories. This makes Afterimage, who had predicted the order of the arrows early and prepared for defense, bewildered. Not changing the order of the attack made her feel helpless in dealing with it.

Afterimage obviously felt that he was constantly dodging, but now it always felt like he was specifically hitting the arrows from the opposite side!

"The evasive movements were completely predicted!"Afterimage gritted his teeth and looked at the arrows flying from all directions around him in surprise. He was very unwilling to accept it, but at the same time he was still laughing.

"Do you think I'm predicting.....but......"Sven looked at the movement of the afterimage below, and drew his bow and arrow again.

"But for a guy like you who doesn't like to use your brain and just likes to rush hard with your body, trying to induce you to make corresponding actions is no more difficult than training a wild animal."

"As long as I continue to trap you in this place without realizing it, the location will be completely mine......."

Sven's high maneuverability advantage in the air and relatively wide field of vision make the attack of the afterimage on the ground ineffective.

"Humph, that's pretty good~"

Afterimage continued to dodge and attack, but also laughed wildly and praised Sven. At this moment, she obviously didn't know that she was being plotted.

"But no matter how sharp the attack is, if the strength is only this level, it is still not enough!"

The afterimage switched weapons and gave up the long sword and chain blade in her hand. Instead, she raised the sword with both hands and used it as a shield to protect her. The black energy on her body flashed, and she was freed from the shackles of gravity. The densely packed broken arrows at his feet were shattered, and the afterimages flew into the air.

"anti-gravity.......Maybe you don’t know how subtle the control of energy needs to be in anti-gravity mode. A slight obstruction will cause many problems. In the air, if you make a mistake, your body’s balance will be affected. break directly"

"But for a fighting maniac like you, this kind of subtle and delicate work may not be suitable for you."

Sven looked at the afterimage and muttered in a low voice. Instead of changing weapons, he used thunder to condense a heavy arrow and aimed it at the afterimage.


A gust of wind passed by Sven's side, and Grammer quickly moved toward Afterimage flew away.

Afterimage laughed wildly and easily blocked the attack with her big sword, but the heavy arrows that followed made her unable to completely parry!

The big sword and arrows collided, and Afterimage wanted to use her legs to lend strength. It is difficult to push the arrow away or block it back, but it is really difficult to exert force in the air. If you increase the anti-gravity control, your body will be unbalanced in advance!

"The result is........Become a slow moving target that floats in the air."

Sven shot two more arrows in tandem, with great force. This attack directly broke through the afterimage's defense, and the subsequent arrow even pointed directly at the afterimage's head.!

"Don't underestimate me!"

Seeing that it was too late to fight back, Afterimage opened his mouth directly, turned his neck sideways, and bit the arrow directly with his mouth! He spat out the arrow in his mouth, looked at Sven, and found that he had already replaced the bow and arrow, with his left hand Flashing lightning, he clenched his fist and struck Grammer, hiding his right hand to gather energy.

He did not choose to use his high mobility to dodge, but chose to fight head-on against his inferior strength!

Afterimage quickly used his big sword Blocking Grammer's flying attack, he immediately abandoned the weapon, quickly reached forward with his hands, clasped Sven's two wrists tightly respectively, and raised them high above his head, using the palm of his right hand that shone with energy to The arm blade cannot attack yourself


"At this distance, let me see how you exert your strength!"Afterimage seems to think that it was a wrong decision for Swain to give up his high mobility to fight him in close combat.

"is that so?"

The thruster on the back of Swain's right leg suddenly turned on full power, and the shimmering leg blade stabbed into the abdomen of Afterimage. Seeing this,

Afterimage quickly used his own legs to move Swain's legs away, but soon his other One leg also launched an attack in the same manner!


However, the chain blade of the afterimage was the first to wrap around Sven's two thighs, and also tied their legs slightly tightly, restraining them together.!

Although Sven has an advantage in the air, as long as he is controlled like this, he can't do anything to himself!!

Afterimage showed a set of white teeth and a very healthy smile, his hands slowly exerted force, and there was a slight crunch of metal from the armor. The sound of transformation.

Sven has really experienced the strange power of these fists. Let alone ordinary people, even this metal armor cannot hold it!

"Hum~~I caught you!"

"No need to struggle, I won't let go easily......This will ruin your hands!!"Afterimage feels that he has a chance to win.

"Yeah, that's just what I want, but please note that Thunder is very fast."Not only did Swain not struggle, he even attached a layer of ice where the afterimage came into contact with his body for secondary fixation.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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