
Smoke and dust filled the air, and the thunder in the sky fell on it, filling the air with thunder light. Even from a very distance, one could see a shocking explosion taking place here. The pale sun directly illuminated this area. Bright as day!

I do not know how long it has been.

The smoke and dust dissipated slightly, and the pools on the ground had disappeared, leaving only some traces of water in some places. In other places, the land was even slightly crystallized, and the pale flames had dissipated a lot, and it looked like they were all gone. It's almost burning.

Sven, who was in the shadow, just came out, but he looked good, and as soon as he came back, he knelt on the ground tiredly.


"If I were running a step slower, it would almost be bad.……"Swain pursed his lips and shook his head slightly, with an expression that was hard to explain.

The armor all over his body turned dark red, the temperature was high, and all the fabrics in it were burned away. He tried his best to defend just now, but he didn't expect the explosion to be so powerful!

Looking around, there was no object at all wherever he looked, only the thin layer of crystals remaining on the ground.

Hepal, Balumong and the chain blade in the far distance all remained there, but compared to Sven's armor, these three objects were completely red!

Like wrought iron fresh from the furnace

"Does chlorine and hydrogen mixed with light explode?………And also prepared a considerable amount of oxygen as a combustion accelerant"


"Really awesome!"

It turns out that everything the teacher taught is really useful!

After analyzing and observing Siwen's actions, the calm young man sighed sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

But Siwen's eyes were still looking for

"By the way, where is that guy?………"

Before Sven could finish his words, the scene in the sky suddenly changed!

Looking up, large tracts of materialized Honkai Energy were spiraling toward the sky like ribbons, and a huge red totem appeared in the sky, which looked like a huge phoenix!

At the center of the Phoenix, the afterimage was floating in the air, but her appearance was extremely miserable compared to Sven!

Most of the skin on the body has melted, and the underlying muscles also have many traces of carbonization. In some places, the white bones in the body and the organs that can still maintain activity can be seen!

The hair has basically been burned away, and the face cannot maintain a human shape. There is nothing even visible on one side of the face, just a scorched black.

The ends of the body's limbs were all melted, and the hands and feet were just a piece of dark carbon. There was no tissue left except the thighs and upper arms.

In the center of her forehead, a purple-black flame kept burning, and soon it completely enveloped her body, turning into a huge fireball burning with purple-black flames!

The ground trembled, and grains of sand and boulders also floated toward the sky in defiance of gravity.

She kept coughing up pink-purple blood from her mouth, but before more blood could be coughed out from her mouth, it flowed directly from the wound near her throat.

This injury is basically hopeless, and even Sven does not have enough strength to save her, so it is obvious that the winner of this battle is Sven!


"Haha...ahem………"Afterimage Even so, she still wanted to laugh, but the injuries on her body were too serious, and she started coughing continuously after not laughing twice.

"interesting………Have fun!"


"It makes you feel good!"

"Yes, that’s it!"

"That's how it should be!"

"Spend everything you have and fight to your heart's content!"

"This is what I'm after!"

"The weak defeat the strong?"

"That's just an excuse to defeat the weak!"

"Whether it's the hard-fought martial arts or the racked-up calculations, it's all just power!"

"Not the smart one wins, not the strong one wins, nor the strong one wins, but only the one who wins is the strong one!!"

The afterimage was talking loudly there. Swain did not refute this idea and could not tell his opinion.

The flames in the sky burned more and more fiercely, and the dark clouds above were burned away, revealing a faint gray halo. In the sky, purple thunder and black flames dominate the sky, intertwining and confronting each other.

"but………"Even now on this unrecognizable face, Sven can still see some traces of the arrogant smile in the afterimage.

"But if you think you’ve won, you’re wrong!"

"I am the strongest!"

"Therefore I will not lose!"

"Even in the end, my life will burn for the fight!!"

The voice of the afterimage continued to echo between heaven and earth, mixed with her everlasting belief!

Boom boom boom -!!

The fire ball surrounding the afterimage exploded, and the flames splashed and burned the red phoenix totem in the sky. Ignite.

Immediately, the entire totem came to life completely, turning directly into an evil phoenix burning with black flames! The overwhelming flames dripped from the sky to the earth, causing the earth to continue to be burned, and the sky seemed to be on fire. , turned red!

"Ouch ouch—!!"

The long phoenix call was melodious, clear and delicate. The sound pierced the clouds and dispersed all the clouds and mists. Suddenly, there were no clouds in the sky, leaving only the dark red sky with the phoenix entangled!

"This guy is planning to die together!"Many people have seen the opponent's plan.

"He obviously lost the fight, but he was so shameless!"Sister Xiaoxue bit her nails, not liking this kind of stalker.

"However, it is not impossible to understand………He was going to die, and he had to make the other party suffer in the end."The calm boy analyzed calmly and said matter-of-factly.

It can be seen from this that this guy is definitely not looking at the atmosphere of the scene. His IQ is not low, but his emotional intelligence is definitely not high...

At this time, even if he knows, he should shut up.!

"Where are you from?"So it's no surprise that he drew the eyes of everyone else and the contemptuous words.


Seeing this, Swain shook his head slightly, wiped the blood around his mouth with his right hand, and then stood up slowly.

The Thunder and Lightning Sisters still have a lot of energy left for him, but how can he block this move now?

The Noble Phantasm cannot be activated just by relying on the energy supply from the armor gem core!

As for the skills granted by the other characters, Swain checked his skill board and found that there seemed to be no ability suitable to resist this move!

Looking down at the weapons he was carrying, Sven had a gloomy and uncertain expression on his face.

If that doesn't work, we can only use the continuous strengthening of the weapons for months and the enlargement of the weapons caused by the explosion. Let's go head-to-head!

But he only has one good hand left, and he can't lift his left hand. Moreover, there is a problem with power output.………

"Really, you are really not reassuring."

"It seems that I am very foresighted, sister~"

Thunder Movie and Lightning Realm appeared next to Swain at this moment, and they put their hands on Swain's shoulders and said

"I have to admit that what my sister said before was right."Ying squinted his eyes, looking a little complicated.

"What does it mean to have to!"Zhen was a little dissatisfied with the film's evaluation. He puffed up his cheeks and looked at his sister angrily.

"Sister, I decided to stay after thinking carefully!"


Swain looked at the person accompanying him, his expression seemed a little dull, and even a little curious. After all, he had never seen the Thunder and Lightning sisters quarreling.

"Well~ don’t show this incredible expression," Zhen smiled and patted Swain on the back, and then his expression became very serious again.

"Sister, I haven't been able to help much, but I was able to help in the end!"

"I still don't feel at ease relying on my sister and you alone. It's a pity that I didn't help much in this battle, but at the last moment, don't worry and trust me!"

"As long as the three of us work together, no one can defeat us!"

After saying that, Raiden Zhen and Raiden Movie turned into light particles and disappeared again. But then Swain's expression changed. He was a little surprised at first, but then he became more understanding.

"Really, then this body………Just use it as you wish!"

Sven said this while closing his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his right eye opened the magic eye again.

At the same time, the expression on his face changed slightly, looking as cold and cold as in a thunder movie. Arrogant but with Sven's personal composure.

His left arm that lost control was covered with purple fluorescent lightning, almost completely wrapping his arm in it, and he regained the ability to move in a strange form.

Behind him The light wheel continued to emit a shimmering light, and even the tips of the two horns on Sven's head became more blood-red and bright.

The thunder in the sky continued to pierce the dark sky, driving away the large dark clouds, revealing the twinkling lights above it. In the dazzling starry night, the moon has begun to set, and the sun is about to rise opposite it.

The ground is illuminated by thunder, and many things can be seen clearly even in the dark night before dawn.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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