"Hey hey~~ Can my lovely audience hear my moving voice~~"

"Oh, by the way, today’s special relaxation program is only for my lovely Swain. If anyone else hears it, please close your ears and exit the live broadcast room in an orderly manner~~

" Mei Lin also tried to wink at Sven, and playfully stuck out a small part of her pink tongue from the corner of her mouth. In conjunction with her idol-like exaggerated movements, she crossed one leg, leaned forward, and He threw the staff aside and gave Sven a heart sign with both hands.………

This operation made everyone look stupid. After all, Meilin's hood blocked most of her face, and basically nothing could be seen except her mouth and chin, let alone her flirtatious look.

"this………what is this……"The lively girl was immediately dumbfounded

"This is the first time I have seen someone do this set of actions so naturally in real life."

"………"Sister Xiaoxue pinched her chin. Although she didn't recognize the person in front of her, she still recognized who the person in front of her was from the highly recognizable voice on the other side.

It's the woman who hides in Swain's bracelet all day long!

Outside, Mei Lin kept crossing one leg and leaning forward in a loving gesture, waiting for Swain's reaction.

However, Sven just took a deep breath and folded his arms quietly, looking at Mei Lin with no expression on his face.

Suddenly the scene came to a standstill.

But it didn't take long for Mei Lin, who was supporting herself on one leg, to stand unsteadily. Her legs began to tremble, and her body began to tremble as well. She was swaying and might fall down at any time.


Why didn't you respond?

I learned this set of moves from those idols on the Internet!

Doesn't Swain like it?

What's his expression now?

Do you want to change your outfit? Would it be better to switch to Plan B?

Mei Lin regretted a little. She couldn't see Sven's expression clearly even though she was wearing a hood!


How could Sven look at her flawless and cute face when she was wearing a hood?

Although he was a little shy to let people other than Sven see his appearance, it was all to charm him!

For the freedom of wealth, freedom of fishing and freedom of snacks in the future!

Fight it yourself!

Thinking of this, Mei Lin quickly wanted to lift her hood, but when she moved her hands, her body supported by one leg immediately lost balance.


With a strange scream, Mei Lin not only did not lift up her hood, but she fell down with a direct blow. Her face was buried in the sea of ​​flowers, lifting a large number of petals, and even kicked the staff on one side to the side..Hmm... This is the first time Sven has heard flowers chirping in his life.

"Sven...why don't you catch me?………"Mellie's voice sounded muffled. She did not raise her head, but directly stretched out a hand towards Swain.

"I fell... I need to be kissed, hugged and lifted up to get up."

"………"Such a sentence made everyone speechless.

Is anyone really so coquettish?

Sven still didn't help Mei Lin, but the corners of his eyes jumped violently a few times, and then turned around and left with an indifferent expression.

"I've been fighting for several days. I'm tired. I'll play with you next time. I'm going back.………"


"do not!"

"I have serious business, not joking!"

When Mei Lin heard this, she stood up in a hurry. Her body was still stained with petals. She grabbed Sven's clothes in a panic and prayed with tears.

"Woo hoo hoo, I'm sorry, at worst, don't lift it up, just kiss it.....Just a hug is fine………Ah, okay, okay, I'll just get up by myself……"

Seeing that Sven was really about to leave, Meilin no longer bothered.

She stood up on her own as if she had suffered a big loss, muttering and complaining while slapping the petals on her body.

"Really, I haven’t visited my sister for a long time. I didn’t expect Sven to become so cold. Alas, the world is really declining."

Sven's face looked a little strange, but he did not continue to ignore her behavior.

"Is it just because I'm busy lately that I haven't noticed that I've been researching all day and night just to catch up on Mjolnir's creation?………"

"Hmm, Swain, what you said is like the way a husband working away from home would use it to deal with his wife at home~~" Meilin covered her mouth and chuckled. Siwen didn't say anything, but just waved to Meilin.


Although she didn't know what was going on, Mellie still stepped forward.

However, when she got close to Swain, he stepped forward directly, hugged her, and lifted her hood, revealing what was hidden underneath. She has a cute face like a fairy, long silver hair, soft pink eyes, a delicate face and a weak expression.

Even some women can't help but blush when they see her.

"This is Mei Lin! ?"

"He actually looks like this………cute? pretty?"

"Looks like a fairy………No, these ears, aren’t they just like a fairy!!"

"I feel like my image has collapsed and I can't connect with that unreliable voice at all.………"

Everyone who had only heard her voice but not seen her was surprised by Mei Lin's appearance.


This is really a hidden treasure in a golden house!

"Eh?"Meilin was startled at first, and then she pretended to be weak.

She bit her finger, looked away with her watery eyes, not daring to look directly at Sven, and murmured in a very weak voice.

"Do you want to be here?"

"I am still………Uh-huh!!"

However, before she could finish her words, Swain pressed her temples with his hands.

"I still don’t know the ingredients of your food!"

"You're an old perverted dream monster with a lustful heart but no lustful courage. Do you think you can't tell me by using your charm?"

"And for someone like you, do you really dare to come with me?"

"Besides, I am protected by the God of Love, so charm skills are useless to me!"

"I've been letting you go, it seems like you're a little distracted!"



"I've been so carried away lately!"


Mei Lin's begging for mercy continued to resound throughout the sky, and her voice was extremely miserable!

After about a few minutes, Mei Lin, who had just experienced the torture, covered her head and recovered from the ground, and slowly stood up.

I took off my clothes, straightened my hair, and then put on my idol's business-like smile.

"Hum~~ So, let’s get back to the topic now~~"

"Just act like nothing happened."

"……This guy is so awesome."

Everyone's complaints were ignored because no one heard them.

Sven was already immune to Mei Lin's appearance, and now he just wanted to see what she wanted to do by dragging him here.

Mei Lin picked up the staff, Then she waved lightly, and suddenly the sea of ​​​​flowers rippled and a wave of petals enveloped Si Wen. She was still smiling, but her temperament was a little calmer, not like the usual carefree and unreliable old lady.

This made Sven a little surprised. This was the first time he saw Mei Lin showing such an expression.

When the petals around them dispersed, the positions of the two of them also changed slightly.

From the sea of ​​flowers We arrived at the top of a small hill.

Mei Lin stood aside, and at some point in front of Sven there was a stone platform carved with complex patterns. Sven recognized that the patterns seemed to be star road maps, and they were also shrunk. I don't know how many times it has been skipped, but it is impossible to count how many stars are drawn in such a dense manner.

There is a vertical light pillar falling on the stone platform, and the top of it seems to reach the starry sky.

And in the light pillar, There was a golden sword with a golden scabbard half-way inserted on the stone platform, motionless, with light shining like stars around it.

Sven walked forward doubtfully and came to the stone platform, although the scabbard was somewhat It's unfamiliar, but he has seen the hilt of this sword before.

Although the color is a little different, it is exactly the same as the hilt of the magic sword used by Liya.

"this is not………"Sven looked at Merlin and pointed at the sword and asked.

Mei Lin came to the side of the stone platform, close to Sven, and slowly explained:"You should have seen the power of this thing."

"But unlike that magic sword, this is the Holy Sword of the Stars that has real salvation power and was born from the Inner Sea of ​​Stars!"

"of saving power………The Holy Sword of the Stars?"Sven tilted her head.

Merlin raised her head when she said this, tapped her chin with a soft green-white finger and said:"You can understand that the inverse of the deteriorated version of this thing is the inverse version of your previous one. The Noble Phantasm placed in Orobus's belly."

Hearing so much about Mei Lin, everyone who actually felt the power froze.

The previous one was already that kind of power, isn't this thing that can be called the original even more terrifying?

How about it?

I'm excited!

If you are excited, click on the link below the live broadcast room to place an order and get it......Ahem, no, it’s a conspiracy.

Now I am not in Internet marketing;......Offline sales!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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