"Eh! ?"



Sifangchuan Changpu, Ikoma and Wuming had three reactions.

After hearing my words, Sifangchuan Changpu was shocked and froze in place, Wuming looked at me with a wicked smile, and Ikoma walked directly in front of me, stretched out his head and said loudly to me,

"Yue, what are you talking about? It would be great if Lord Calamus could share it with us, but we can’t go overboard like this."

"Don't be so excited! What I said is only the truth."I patted Ikoma's shoulder to ask him to relax.

"But you are so rude!"

"Calm down, it's not you who makes the final decision."I continued to say with a smile.


"Okay, it's okay."Sifangchuan Changpu stretched out his hand to block Ikoma, and then walked to the front

"It’s okay with me. I’ll give this to you too."Sifangchuan Changpu also gave us his last wallet.

"Lord Iris..."

"It’s okay, I’ll still have it tomorrow, it’s okay if I just eat less today."Sifangchuan Iris put her hands up, maintaining a very polite posture.

"see it? This is the eldest lady~~"I said without conscience, and gave the food to Ikoma and Wuming.

"you...."Ikoma looked at the purse in his hand with a speechless face.

Wuming, on the other hand, didn't say anything. Just like me, he just opened it and started eating.

"Lord Calamus, I'm not hungry now, so you might as well take it back."Ikoma handed the food to Sifangchuan Changpu

"No, you've helped us a lot. It's just a portion of food, so feel free to accept it."Sifangchuan Changpu smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, Ikoma, just accept it, you deserve it."I stepped forward and opened the purse in Ikoma's hand and forcefully stuffed it into his mouth.


"Don't vomit, otherwise it will be wasted."

Ikoma blocked the words with a smirk on my face, and could only start eating the food in his hand with a speechless expression.

"Well....Then I will go back first, and you can eat slowly."Sifangchuan Iris saw us all eating happily, smiled and thought about going back, because not only was she hungry, but she also sneaked here without telling Kuchi Laisu.....

"Well, Miss Calamus, be careful on the road."I waved my hand.

Then I looked at the figure of Sifangchuan Acorus gradually disappearing, and laughed out loud.

"Now, what on earth do you want to do?"Ikoma asked curiously next to me.

"and nothing"

"Humph~ Your expression doesn’t look like that at all."Wu Ming, who was on the side, had already finished eating what he had on his hands. He came up and poked my face with his finger and said

"Can you read my expressions too?"I asked curiously with a slanted face.

"Um...I don’t know, I always have a feeling"

"Then you feel it's pretty accurate"

"Ah, as expected, what are you thinking about? What on earth are you going to do?"

"I always feel like I don't have enough food. I'll go find some more food. You just stay here and don't let anything happen."I ignored Wuming's question, opened the side door of the car, turned over and jumped out of the car, and Xiaobai followed from behind.

"Hello! Wait a moment!"Wuming hurriedly chased me out and looked towards the ground, but at this time my figure had disappeared.

""Hmm~" Wuming pouted, very dissatisfied with my abandonment of her.

On the other hand, I left here not to find food, but because I wanted to find the pregnant woman I saw today. Women, because I discovered something when I checked today.

I stood in the shadows and looked towards the crowd in the distance. My target was in the center of the crowd, seemingly praying in a certified way. When I saw this scene , I didn’t rush forward rashly, I thought it would be better to find her later, so I started looking for my second target, but still didn’t find it.

"They're not here...."I frowned slightly, and now I felt that I needed to go into Juncheng to search.

So I walked around the periphery of Juncheng and came to the front carriage of Juncheng. On the roof of the car, there were two warriors in groups every short distance watching the surroundings on guard. There were also many at the entrance of Juncheng. While people gather, there are also people guarding them.

I found a carriage guarded by a warrior, took out a copper coin from my pocket and threw it on a stone on the side. A crisp sound obviously attracted the warrior's attention. He walked carefully towards the direction of the sound and found that After it was a copper coin, I bent down to pick it up with a smile on my face, and I took advantage of this to turn over and jump into Juncheng.

There are almost no people here now. Most of the people are praying for funerals outside, and a considerable number of people are preparing for dinner.

What I want to find is the culprit that caused today's dispute between everyone and Sifangchuan Changpu. Today, the group of people seemed to be arguing about our affairs, but I obviously heard that things were not that simple.

Although rumors can spread, the flow of people in the car is not close now, and they spread to the entire city in less than half a day. This is obviously someone behind it who wants to disrupt the order here. If this problem is not solved, , then there will be some hardships along the way.

There was no one in the control room at the front of the car. Then I searched to the back, but the result was still nothing. After that, there was the passenger car compartment. I didn’t believe that a group of arrogant and luxurious people would go there. go

"It's not in the room or in a crowd, so the biggest possibility is that there is something that I don't want people to know. There are several beds and a certain temperature. It is probably nearby, so the most advantageous place nearby should be...."Just a simple inference and I got the result.

So I turned around and walked towards the exit of the carriage. I passed by the place where the commander's room was written. I had seen this place just now. It should be the residence of Sifangchuan Changpu, so I chuckled and walked in. , and then put a few steamed buns on the table inside

"The price of being a good person is to be hungry~~Does that young lady have a clear understanding of her current status?...."I took a few bites of a steamed bun and prepared to leave.

But when I walked to the gate of Juncheng, I saw Kuchi Kurusu and a few warriors looking around for something in a panic, and they were also walking towards this way.

"It seems that the young lady who sneaked out has been discovered~"

I returned to the car and came to the bottom of a sunroof, and then listened carefully to the footsteps of the two people above.

"One is approaching, the other is moving away....It's now!"I heard the footsteps of the two people gradually moving away from the skylight, so I jumped up and jumped out of the skylight. At this time, both of them happened to have their backs to me, so I rolled and jumped again. I came down and landed on the grass without making a sound.

After completing this set of actions lightly, I stood up and walked to one side while looking at the surrounding forest area.

"The distance should be safe, it should be concealed enough in case of an accident, and there should be enough time to escape, and it should not be easy for people to pass by. Then we will follow the nature of animals to choose the best......It should be in that direction."

I finally locked my sights on several locations, all of which were suspicious, so I waved to the sky, and sure enough, Xiaobai flew down soon.

"Please, help me look for any crowds nearby."After that, Xiaobai flew away.

At this time, I found two familiar figures a little further away.

"Really, no matter how much you pray, the dead will never come back!"A young man is complaining

"Stop whining and just concentrate on your work."The opposite is a girl with pink hair.

"Isn’t there someone close to you who has died that you need to pray for?"The young man asked, and at the same time, the two of them worked together to lift a huge steel plate.

"My master."The pink-haired girl said calmly.

"Hey~ You have a very close relationship with your master~" The young man said in a very annoying tone. The pink-haired girl frowned, and she lifted the steel plate with both hands and feet at the same time and slammed it in the direction of the young man.

"It hurts!"The young man was pushed and hit the steel plate on one side, and he screamed out in pain.

"Scumbag."The pink-haired girl said disdainfully.

But the two quickly recovered and inserted the steel plate onto Juncheng again.

"snort. That's the kind of man I am."The young man said with a smile.

The pink-haired girl kicked him and then turned around and walked towards the next steel plate.

"What did that mean just now?"I suddenly asked, standing on the side of the steel plate.

"!"The pink-haired girl suddenly turned her head with a slightly shocked expression.

"Woohoo!"The young man was shocked.

"It's you?"The pink-haired girl saw my face clearly first, and her expression returned to a calm expression.

"You walk without making any sound!"The other person, Chao Jiao, patted his chest and said

"Sorry, sorry, I'm used to it. By the way, what did you mean by what you just said? Why is intimacy a scumbag?"I asked with curiosity on my face. After all, the conversation just now....No one really taught me!

The pink-haired girl turned her head and looked at Chao Gao, which meant that you were responsible for solving the trouble you caused. I also turned my attention to Chao Gao.

"Forehead....Ahem, it’s too early for you to know this....."Chao Jiu held it in for a long time before he said this. but....

? ? ? ? morning?

If I really wanted to do the math now, I would already be in my twenties, almost thirty, okay!!

But because I don’t have enough experience, mentally I’m still just a thirteen-year-old.....

"I'm not young anymore!"I said with my waist

"How old are you?

I thought for a while and said:"Twenty-two!""

"...."Chao Gao looked at me speechlessly.

"......."Pfft~" The pink-haired girl was expressionless at first, but after a while she covered her mouth and smiled softly, only to return to calmness.

"No matter how you look at it, it’s only twelve....."

(To be continued)

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