A specially enlarged home theater was densely packed with more than a hundred people, including two little wolves, Xiao Bai, pink-furred fox and Hidama Maru.

Although Swain had considered letting the dragon lizards also receive the influence of art, he later thought about it and decided to give them some meat so that they could be influenced by the fruity charcoal smell of bacon.

On the flickering movie screen in front of me, in a seemingly ordinary house, a middle-aged bald man with a slightly obscene smirk slowly approached a white door.


Rin, who was sitting in the middle of the sofa, swallowed nervously, put down the snack bag on his leg unconsciously, retracted his two calves on the sofa, and curled up into a ball.

He shrank back and leaned against the back of the sofa. He stretched out his little hand and pulled the clothes of his brother and sister beside him, so that they could get closer to him so that they could form a triangle of protection around him.

He even felt that it was not enough, so he suddenly reached out and grabbed Hiyama Wan who was eating fish balls on the coffee table in front of him, pulled him into his arms, and hugged him tightly, seeking a trace of warmth.

"No~!"Just looking at the way Hitamamaru's little hand kept slapping Rin's arm as if begging for mercy, it was obvious that the fish balls he had just eaten were grabbed by Rin's throat before he could swallow them.......

Swin and Sakura's expressions remained the same, there was no big change, they just leaned towards Rin wordlessly.

On the sofa on the other side, Gan Yu, who was eating sweet flowers and not paying attention to the movie at all, and Xin Hai, who looked indifferent and even had the mood to analyze the characters' activities and changes in his heart seriously, did not show any fear. form.

Some of the little ones looked very nervous, but they were all fine. Rita had no expression on her face and even had the time to push the snacks in front of her in front of Gan Yu.


Sven here just moved a little bit in the direction of Rin, and Karen, who was holding his right arm tightly, let out a little scream.

"S-Sven, don’t move!"

"Very scary! Kallen changed her normal appearance. Kallen, who had never shown any timidity in the face of any powerful opponent, now looked like a little girl. Xiaoxue, who was on the other side of Kallen, whispered in surprise. He said:"Miss Kallen, judging from your usual behavior and combat performance, I think that if you face such a situation, I'm afraid that if you step forward five seconds before the incident starts, you can directly hit the opponent with one kick. I won't be able to get back up again in this life."

Xiaoxue really couldn't understand. Even if a person with her fighting ability was afraid, how could someone of Kallen's level be so afraid?

"Because, because........."|

Kallen grimaced and began to argue, and the movie ahead entered the next scene.

I saw the man swinging a long ax and smashing it towards the door in front of him.



The door soon cracked open, splinters flying everywhere.

The woman hiding in the house was holding a long kitchen knife, crying and leaning against the corner.

With every blow of the man's axe, the woman's heart-rending roars and cries became even more terrifying.


When the door was mostly broken open, the man put down the long ax in his hand, approached the crack, and put his face against it. With a weird expression of excitement and joking, he showed his upper and lower teeth and squinted at the woman huddled tightly in the corner.

"Johnny is here~!"


With the man's words, the woman on the movie screen and Kallen beside Swain screamed at the same time.

Even compared to the cry of the woman in the movie, Kallen jumped directly towards Swain, attracting everyone's attention. Looking sideways.

Sven looked panicked when something happened suddenly and opened his arms to hug Karen. Soon he found that Kallen was hugging his neck like a koala, and she was sitting on his lap.

"Really, Karen, you are so bad at this type of horror story, why did you choose this one?"Sven comforted her in a really speechless and funny way.

Looking at Rin next to him, he was also frightened by the black shadow formed by Kallen's delicate and slender thighs when she jumped up. Jumping, he also screamed and grabbed Swin and Sakura's clothes tightly. The Hitamaru held by his arm was not spared at this moment, his face was blue and foaming at the mouth.........

Not long after, the movie was almost over.

When the behind-the-scenes and the list of cast and crew members started to play on the screen, everyone slowly got up. Those who went to the toilet went to the toilet, and those who went to drink water and rest also went to the kitchen.

Xiaoxue had been looking at Kallen sitting next to her from the beginning. She had no intention of getting off Sven. Looking at the others, it seemed that they didn't find anything strange about their actions.

The lights in the room came on, and Sven patted Kallen's long legs.

"Okay, it’s all over and the changes have been made."


Kallen breathed a sigh of relief before jumping down and covering her somewhat red cheeks with her hands, feeling that her embarrassing behavior just now would definitely become a topic of discussion for others after dinner.

Rin relaxed and became less nervous after seeing the hero in the movie die and the other two people escaping.

"I didn’t expect you, Karen, to be afraid of this."Sakura helped Rin wipe the broken snacks from her mouth, and at the same time she couldn't help but look at Kallen with a chuckle. Kallen looked at Sven again, and her evil smile was almost carved from the same mold as Sakura's.

"Stop laughing~!"

"There is nothing we can do about it, after all, living in a place completely isolated from the world for a long time, it feels like there is something wrong with your brain!"

"Ah, do you think we can become like this in the future?"

When talking about the content of the movie, Kallen couldn't help but shudder.

She is the kind of person who likes to have fun. It's okay when she goes out to hunt Honkaimon. She can come back after completing the mission, but she has to be away for a long time. I really can’t stand the loneliness!

"You silly girl, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Sven stood up and slapped Kallen on the back of the head angrily.

"There are so many people in the family, even if we all move there, it won’t be like what it is inside."

"Well, that's right too........."Karen could tell with just a moment's thought that with Swen's temperament, it might be impossible to live far away from the world.

Compared to this hermit life, if the two of them were not tied together, they might become a ranger wandering around in the sky.

One became a phantom thief for the sake of the people, and the other became a knight.

"It’s true, it’s all fake, so why do I still feel scared when watching a movie?"Karen covered her face, not wanting to see anyone anymore.

"Whether it's the one just now or the ghosts, ghosts and monsters I watched before, they are too realistic, and to be honest, I'm not very good at those kind of guys where guns and physical attacks don't work."Karen, who possesses strange powers and super shooting skills, is a pure physical output. She said that she really can't handle supernatural enemies..........

"This is the role of images. Through continuous pictures, people's thoughts in reality are drawn into the plot of the story. It is not surprising that there will be such a performance."Xiaoxue explained in a more reasonable way.

"Yes, don't worry too much."Sven nodded in comfort.

Kallen took a deep breath, and just when she was about to cheer up again, she heard Swain continue.

"For those ghosts and monsters, physical attacks are not completely ineffective, but the effect is somewhat low."

"Um?"Karen looked back at Sven in confusion.

"Because I didn't have the means to attack with energy, it took a lot of effort to deal with a ghost. It took me from midnight to dawn to deal with it."

"Aha?"Karen blinked, as if she was digesting what Swain just said.

"Indeed, there are similar records in books."Xiaoxue also agreed with Swain's words, nodded and continued:"If there are no energy-type attacks, then you really can only use your fists. Sakura actually showed some interest and asked:"So the weapons in the vampire movie I watched before are also useful?""

"Well, for beings like vampires, silver items and crosses are indeed of some use."Xiaoxue nodded.

"In addition, they cannot cross rivers, are afraid of sunlight, onions, and horsetails, and must suck blood regularly. These are all vampire weaknesses."

"Vampires, speaking of which, I have never encountered one."Gan Yu nodded her chin and recalled

"In other words, do you have to consider how to fight these enemies in the future?"Xinhai suddenly understood and took out his notebook and started recording.

Several people present walked out of the house while chatting. Only Kallen stayed behind.

"No, are you waiting?"

"Are these all true or false?"

"It can’t really happen! ?"

Karen quickly caught up and took Sven's arm as if begging.Said:"Sven!"

"Help me make a gun that will be useful to these guys!"

"My fairy bow was broken before!"

"Okay, okay, I'll do it for you, I'll do it for you."Sven was pulled back and forth by Kallen, and he agreed directly with a casual tone.

"Forget about pistols, if you want guns, I will do them for you"

"real?"Karen's face lit up and she immediately continued to make new requests.

"Then in addition to two guns, I also need a cannon that can be carried on my back!"

"OK, no problem."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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