The two of them changed out of their spring and autumn clothes and into medieval-style summer clothes. Sven also put on the silver-framed glasses given by Skaya and hung an iron fan on his waist. He looked more like a scholar than a nobleman. temperament.

Climbing up the grassy slope from the wilderness, we arrived at a commanding height.

Xiaoxue followed closely behind, and at the same time, a huge black shadow passed over from behind, causing a storm that made Xiaoxue have to cover her hair with both hands.

What a strong wind.

I raised my head and saw a flock of unknown birds that were much larger than cattle and sheep passing by from the sky.

"What kind of bird is that?"

Xiaoxue looked up at this group of unknown birds and beasts, and quickly followed Sven's pace in front of her to the top of the hillside. There were vast stretches of mountain forest as far as the eye could see, and there were all kinds of towering giant trees that required seven or eight people to hug each other, and gurgling The stream flows through the paths in the forest, and various strange-looking creatures live in it.

Buffaloes with tusks gather at the edge of a pond, and four-handed apes keep wandering in the forest. There are snails with rock shells, beavers with needle-like hair, and a four-eyed squirrel holding a pine cone on the tree on one side, curiously watching the two people on the hillside. Not only animals, but also some seemingly The harmless plants are all alive, including slowly moving vines and flowers with mouths that are constantly swaying with sweet smells.

Xiaoxue panted heavily and kept scanning the surroundings with surprise and amazement, so this place is not ordinary. world?

Can’t this guy tell me something?

And Sven turned around, opened his arms to show Xiaoxue the strange scene behind him

"Welcome to my hometown - the human world"


On the forest path, various monsters hidden among the leaves looked curiously at the approaching sound of horse hooves.


Sven was riding on the back of a black galloping horse, holding the reins in both hands as he galloped.

Judging from his excitement, he is now very enthusiastic about this behavior.

Xiaoxue, who was behind, hugged Sven's waist tightly. She was a little nervous at first, clinging tightly to Sven's back. She didn't even dare to open her eyes, for fear that she would be thrown out on this winding path.

But after getting used to it, you can enjoy the natural scenery at the top.

Thinking about it carefully, since I came to this era, I have been either running away or following my way. How can I have time to enjoy the scenery?

The seemingly winding animal path seemed to others to be an easy road for overturning. I felt that if I didn't ride a horse, I might fall if I just walked on it, but I was stunned when Swain rode me off the highway. a feeling of.

And the way he gallops on a horse really makes many people yearn for him!

The gem in the center of Sven's armor still had a lot of magic power, but now that it couldn't be replenished, Sven still didn't want to waste the magic power on non-combat purposes. The motorcycle was not used for the same reason, so he chose to ride on horseback..

I raise a lot of things in my pasture.

Soon, the two passed directly through the dense forest area and came to the main road from the less traveled forest path.

Xiaoxue raised her head and could roughly tell from the direction of the sun that the two of them were heading south.

"Now, Mr. Knight, who is running like a wild horse, where are we going now?"

Xiaoxue couldn't help but ask while not forgetting to insult him.

"We are heading south. According to the villagers, there is a big city Sakarya to the south from the village of Lulite where I lived when I was a child. We will go there first."Sven was also going to Sakarya for the first time, so he didn't know the way. He basically relied on Xiaobai's voice to guide him. He originally wanted to go back to Lulit Village to have another look, but then he thought about it, and he still had There are a lot of things to do, especially since I still have some students who are still in the ice.

But depending on the time, those people should have come out long ago, but anyway, let’s go back and take a look.

"Our destination is in the human world...Centoria City, which is at the center of this world."

"The center of the world?"Xiaoxue secretly kept the information Sven said in mind.

"Well, we are now in the northernmost part of the human world and need to keep going south."Sven nodded.

"all the way south………But what are we doing there?"

"That's my territory. I only said it for a while, but now I have to go back as soon as possible. Although I haven't managed Centoria seriously, I can't completely ignore it."

"………"Xiaoxue pursed her lips, not knowing what to say for a moment.

You are still a lord! ?

Why haven’t I heard you say this?

"how? Didn't I say that?"Sven seemed to hear Xiaoxue's surprise, and asked back without realizing it.


Don't talk about it, he hasn't even mentioned it!

Xiaoxue sighed helplessly, this guy has too many secrets.

"How long are we going to ride?"

For modern people who usually choose trains, planes or ships for long-distance travel, the novelty of riding a horse is second only to Swain's Blue Whale.

But the speed cannot keep up with modern transportation. If it takes a long time, Xiaoxue always feels like her butt is hurting from sitting, so that won’t be fun.

"I don’t know. When I went back and forth before, I always flew non-stop on a flying dragon. It took about half a day. If I rode a horse, it might take longer, right?"Sven laughed and said that he didn't know either.

"Flying dragon... have you actually ridden it?"Xiao Xueton was speechless.

Is this guy not only a knight but also a dragon knight?

Well, in addition to riding a blue whale, the novelty and curiosity of riding a flying dragon currently ranks first in everyone's mind.

In addition to not knowing how to cook, This guy is really a perfect match!

Many people feel that coming to such a place is like coming to a fantasy world in a game, which makes people yearn for it.

As they spoke, the two of them had already seen the distance along the road. The city of Sakarya is a typical medieval city, surrounded by farmland and pastures. In addition to the guards at the city gate, there are also a few knights returning on horseback.


Sven saw clearly with his unimaginable eyesight. The knights who are entering the city are led by two lower-level integrity knights.

Unlike Swain, Edith, Scheta and other custom-made integrity knight armors of different colors, the armors of these people are all standard and have no characteristics. , there is a certain gap in the materials and craftsmanship, and there are basically no flying dragons, and they can only ride horses, so they are easier to recognize. It seems that they have just returned from patrol. After a group of people entered the city, although the city gate was not directly closed, it could be seen that The interrogation was much more rigorous.

"Something is wrong."

Xiaoxue turned her head and looked curiously at Sven's slightly solemn profile, and asked curiously:"What's wrong?"

In her opinion, in a world with Warcraft around, the city should be tightly defended.

"Something is wrong. There should only be a senior knight riding a dragon regularly patrolling this area. There shouldn't be a permanent knight here."

Sven recalled what happened before he left here.

After assessing the team of more than 200 people under his command, he took Edith's flying dragon and returned to Lulid Village. Then he found his brother who had crossed the mountain range at the end. The Bollingers and some troll giants asked Edith to go back and report. It seems that this matter is not as easy to solve as she thought.

"Is it because there is any danger?"

"For example, is there an invasion of monsters or something?"As Xiaoxue walked along, she felt that the most dangerous things were the monsters that were completely unclear as to whether they were harmful or not.

There were cows that ate meat, tigers that ate grass, and rabbits that were bigger than hippopotamuses....

You said when you saw a few of them in the wild, which side did you think was dangerous?

"No, it could also be an invasion by those guys from the Dark Empire"

"dark.....empire?"Xiaoxue's heart sank. Are you going to join the fight between the same races?

"I've only seen it twice. I heard they are some guys who always want to invade the human world."


Sven pulled the reins and continued riding towards Sakarya.

"However, it seems that the situation is not urgent. Otherwise, the surrounding farmland and pasture personnel would have been evacuated long ago, the strong walls would be cleared, and the city gates would be closed."

"But if you look carefully, there are many civilians around, and there are not many combatants on the city wall. Obviously they are not in a state of war readiness, it is just martial law."

"really."Xiaoxue secretly nodded and wrote down this experience.

Not long after, the two people riding on the same horse gradually approached the city of Sakarya from the main road.

The guards on the city wall looked at the distance with confusion. Here There are only a few scattered small villages to the north, and there are few people there whose vocation allows them to ride horses to travel between towns at will.

Opposite, two people are riding a horse together, and they don't look like businessmen. Very suspicious

It was the guards on the city wall who hurried to the wall, leaned out and shouted to the guards at the city gate below:"Hey!"

"There are two people approaching on a horse in front. No one else is seen around. Please pay attention."

Hearing this, the guard captain grasped the brim of his helmet and moved his helmet. You must know that it is uncomfortable to wear such a lump of iron on a hot day. The light of Saurus above the head and the high temperature bake the endless earth.

Sweat wrapped in Being baked in an iron sheet will quickly dry it out. Just staying there for one noon can make your whole body sticky and make you dizzy and uncomfortable.

As a result, now someone comes to look for trouble for you, and no one can do it. Acting very happy.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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