Sven coughed slightly and stepped forward to introduce the two parties to each other.

A few words allowed both parties to understand each other.

Liya narrowed her eyes. She had been paying attention to the blood-red command spell on the back of Xiaoxue's right hand from just now.

"Hoho, I didn’t realize that such a weak little girl was actually the Master."Liya's tone was a bit sinister.

"What about the followers?"

"How about handing it over and fighting with me?"Liya moved her fingers and it seemed a little itchy.

But it was impossible to know whether she was feeling itchy or for some other reason.

"There is no need to test in such a roundabout way, I am the one who signed the contract with her."Sven directly stated his relationship with Xiaoxue.

As expected, Sakura and Liya, who knew what this meant, looked at Xiaoxue with different eyes.

"First of all, let me say that this happened for a reason. Now our lives are tied together, so don't use your imagination."

"whispering sound~!"When Liya heard this, she bit her nails and turned her head away with a sinister expression.

Seeing this, Swain continued:"Besides, even if she doesn't die, it won't do to make her half dead."

"Tsk~!"At this moment, even Sakura's expression became unhappy, her face was sullen and her mouth seemed to be muttering something.

"......."Xiaoxue crossed her arms and crossed her legs, taking in all the expressions of the person in front of her.

Her expression was indifferent, as if she didn't change her expression and her heart was not beating when the mountain collapsed in front of her, but she was actually panicking in her heart!

Who are these people!

It is exactly the same as Justeza from before.

Are you going to kill him if you don't agree with him?

Judging from the looks of these two people, if Swain hadn't specifically given instructions or orders in advance, wouldn't he even be able to survive today's noon?

Swain glanced at everyone. He obviously had no intention of asking about what happened in this messy room.

"By the way, where is Wuming?"

"I haven't seen her since I came back?"Sven asked everyone

"have no idea."The answers from Liya, Sakura and Ciel were surprisingly consistent.

They are all the kind of people who are rarely interested in other things besides their own affairs.

"Ah, Sister Wuming would have been working for the deputy chief a long time ago! Linel replied while raising her hand.

"Ah, let’s put it this way. Feisel also remembered this incident, raised his hand as well, and said,"I heard that I also got an artifact from the Supreme Priest. It seems to be a pair of combat boots?""

"Now it seems that I went to the Eastern Empire with the deputy chief."

"Fanatio's men?"

"Got the artifact?"

"Also went to the Eastern Empire?"

Sven folded his hands, wondering what Wuming was thinking.

Looking at Wuming's appearance, he didn't look like someone who liked to make military exploits, right?

"The highest priest, ah, that woman with the fake smile who has super long hair."

Following the testimonies of Linel and Fisel, the other four people all said that they had also been approached by Adomis Strada.

However, they were all words of persuasion. The four of them were not interested, so they did not agree.

"Smiling woman......"

When Siritis heard these people's comments about the highest priest, her lips moved slightly, and the expression on her face was unusually complicated.

Is it really okay to say such disrespectful things?

"Okay, let’s put the Wuming things aside for now. She has her freedom, and so do you. Just remember to tell me what you want to do."Sven said this, but obviously the four of them didn't have anything they wanted to do.

"want to do.....It seems like there is nothing in particular that I want to do."

"So, can I be a full-time housewife?"

In the rejection of the three people almost in unison, Sakura's declaration at the moment was directly buried. The room was left to Liya and Bonzhi Wuzhi to clean, while Hill went to find the other nuns to clean the room again and replace it. Furniture, Sakura was preparing breakfast for Sven.

Sven originally planned to take this time to go to Sheeta alone, but Fisel and Lineel expressed that they also wanted to go, so Xiaoxue naturally wanted to follow. Seeing this, Xili Tis didn’t want to leave either.

Scheeta’s residence was originally on the eighty-fifth floor, but now she should be in the study on the ninety-third floor.

The ninety-third floor is the residence of the Integrity Knight Commander Bercouli and the study of the Integrity Knights. location

"Sir Wuyin, this is the damage report of the Warcraft disasters that occurred in various places this week due to the lack of knight patrols."


"Mr. Wuyin, this is the record of the inspection of the Northern Empire and the Southern Empire last week. No trace of the new Dark Empire was found."


"Sir Wuyin, do you have any instructions?"


In the study, several scribes presented reports one by one to Sheeta who was sitting in the study, but she was just as she was called. Not to mention opening her mouth to answer, she didn't say a simple 'um'.

If she hadn't reached out to take the report, everyone would have thought she was a fake!

It was this attitude that made all the scribes feel extremely exhausted.

If you cannot get effective instructions from your superiors, what should you do next?

Do you really want the big guys to watch and discuss it?

A little away from Sheeta's position, several scribes couldn't help but sigh.

"How can we continue our official duties with Lord Wuyin like this?"

"Yes, without Master Wuyin’s approval, we wouldn’t be able to make decisions on these plans!"

"Hey, I can't help it. Who told Lord Wuyin to be called Wuyin?"

Everyone sighed helplessly. There was no way. Master Wuyin hadn't spoken a word for decades. At least in the eyes of other people in the central church, Xie Ta had never spoken.

Not to mention hearing her answer. Not many people even know what Sheita’s voice sounds like!

"Sure enough, it's impossible for you to sit in this position. If the manager doesn't open his mouth to issue orders, the people below will only be miserable."

From the corridor outside the door, the voice came first before Swain showed up.

When he walked in directly, all the scribes bowed and saluted, and Shetta who was in front of the desk also stood up directly.

Swain looked at Several scribes around him patted one of them on the shoulder and said,"If you have an opinion, just say it directly. If you don't say it, how will others know whether it is good or bad, and how will they determine whether to correct it?"

"No, no, no, we have no objections to your Lord Knights......."Several secretaries immediately broke out in cold sweat.

"Then don't give your opinions, just treat them as suggestions. That's no problem. Feel free to make suggestions. It's not up to you whether you adopt them or not."


Several scribes kept their heads down, looked at each other with wry smiles, and had no choice but to agree.

Continuing to walk forward, before Swain could reach the desk, Shetta had already come out from behind the desk.

".....You're back, it'll be fine."Xieta's voice was very soft, but the clerks and nuns who heard this all had expressions of psychological shock on their faces.

What's going on!

Master Wuyin spoke up!!

I heard that Master Wuyin last time It was decades ago that we started talking!

Many people in the central church have almost forgotten Sheita’s voice.

Only Sven can talk to Sheita in private without feeling weird.

"Um."Sven's response was a little dull. He picked up the official business on the table and only glanced at it for a few times before making a decision in his mind.

Before.During the time that Inazuma was acting as the general, he also improved his government affairs abilities!

Although it can’t be called full level, it’s almost the same!

Needless to say, Sheita directly handed over all political power to Swain.

Sven sat down at the desk without hesitation, and quickly passed on the orders one after another. This made the clerks feel that the big stone in their hearts was gone, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

During this time, Swain Duo was able to converse with Sheita while attending to official business.

Fortunately, for Swain, this is not much. He can finish it in about the afternoon, and maybe he can make it in time for afternoon tea.

"So the monsters of the Western Empire......Did you let Alice go?"Sven asked without raising his head.

"Yes, I asked Xiaohu to take her to the place where the monster was last found."Sheeta nodded honestly.

"Well, I can guess without you having to say that it was Alice who suggested it when she saw that you were so troubled, right?"


"I knew it......."

Swain held the paper in front of him with his right hand, and tapped the table with his left index finger rhythmically, while his eyes quickly scanned the documents in front of him.

Alice and Alice are both such 'energetic' people.

It's not easy to control them.

"But now that you are back, I can go back to the Western Empire and get her back......."Scheeta felt that it would be better to give his current position as an agent of the Knights to Swain.

"No, I'd better go. Swain rejected her without thinking, and continued to ask:"Otherwise, if I ask you to find her now, how will you find her?""

"Start looking for her from where you left her."Xie Ta replied directly.

"So you can track?"

"Won't."Xie Ta replied cutely.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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