Bonzhi Wuzhi looked at the two of them gloatingly. When she noticed Sven's gaze, she took two steps back and distanced herself.

"You, what are you doing?"Many unbearable memories of Bonzhi Wuzhi flooded into my mind.

Now it sounds like I am a maid, but in fact I am still a prisoner!

The power of life and death is still in the hands of the opposite party!

"I, I tell you, if you dare to come over, I will………"She wanted to threaten Swain, but found that she had no ability to threaten him.

Sven just looked at her thoughtfully and stopped paying attention, which made Bonzhi Wuzhi very surprised.

"Okay, although I have a lot to say about you sneaking here, but if I can guarantee that I won't cause trouble, it doesn't hurt to take you with me."

When the two little girls, who were covering their heads and with tears already beginning to form in the corners of their eyes, heard this, their moods immediately changed.


"Then next time we………"

"Next time I will let you try what it feels like to be frozen in ice and unable to move."


"What's the answer?"

"Yes, I won’t dare next time………"

Although the two admitted their mistakes, Swain believed that they would never change their ways.

Actively admit your mistakes, resolutely not change it, and dare to do it next time!

Moving in the swamp is very difficult. You basically have to take one step at a time and watch three steps at a time. If you make a mistake, you may have to go back to the starting point and find your way again.

But in such an environment, Siritis used her special crystal element sacred art to do some tricks on her boots to make them look like snowboards, which allowed her to move around here faster..

It seems that she learned a lot during her absence.

"Swain, if you go further there is the lighthouse, and further away there is a larger inland lake."

"Once it rains here, it is easy to get foggy and the fog is very thick. Therefore, in order to prevent people from getting lost or ships from straying into this area, many lighthouses have been built nearby for guidance."

As she said this, Silitis also glanced at Sven who was walking on the water in the swamp, and the Mist Branch of the Bonfire, which spread a pair of wings around its waist and flew low over the water.

So what kind of sacred spell is this?!

Why? I feel like I am the one with the worst skills here!

As for Lineel and Fisel, they are addicted to poisons and assassinations, and have not made much progress in sacred arts. It will take a lot of effort to break through here on their own..

So these two people are now being carried by Sven one by one, like luggage or suitcases.


While chatting along the way, thunder began to roll in the sky, and raindrops began to patter. Falling.

Except for Sven, everyone else was inevitably drenched by the sudden rain.

Silitis was familiar with the weather in this place, so she naturally put on a hood, which was also waterproof, but the water splashed in the swamp The mud still caused a lot of trouble for her.

As for Bonzhi Wuzhi's white silk maid uniform, not to mention it was almost transparent. Even if she could fly in front of the rain, she still couldn't help it. She had to get wet when she should. Yes.

Only Fisel and Linel had fun. As soon as their feet stepped on the solid ground, they broke free from Sven's hands. They didn't care about anything else and walked straight to the lighthouse on the top of the hillside in the distance. Run.

When a group of people arrived at the door of the lighthouse in a slightly embarrassed manner, they found that the lighthouse, which was made of thick bluestone bricks and had a heavy metal door, was closed. As for Xiaobai, he had lit up from the top early in the morning. Su pointed to the location of the light and flew directly into the tower to take shelter from the rain.

"Brother Swing, the door here is closed."

"And looking at the footprints at the door, they were from several days ago. No one has been here in the past few days. Linel glanced at the door, and after checking it, she found that someone had deliberately blocked the door with crystal elements. It was obvious that someone had already left the tower.

Sven nodded clearly and said:"As expected. There is a large Warcraft nearby. It is not safe to continue to station people until it is resolved. If the attention and interest of the Warcraft are attracted, I am afraid that not only the people will be gone, but the lighthouse will not be spared either."

"I'm afraid it has been changed to the form of someone specially coming to inspect it every day to ensure that the light source lamp pointed at the top can always be used normally."

While speaking, Siritis had already removed the crystal element and opened the door.

The facilities inside the lighthouse are relatively simple. There are a large amount of firewood and some camping tools on the bottom floor, as well as some standard weapons, but the quality of the weapons should not be too high. Exceeded expectations.

In addition, there are some animal traps and other things, and there are no living supplies. There is only some clear water in the water tank on the side. I think all the supplies have been taken away.

Go up one floor, and here is It is the residence of the tower keepers. This floor has a large space, and there are traces of camping and bonfires. Obviously, other people come to stay here occasionally.

On the side, there are two rooms built on one side of the wall, and there is only one room in each room. There was a bed and a desk, and another room was filled with various records, including the tower keeper's diary and the lighthouse's log.

At night, with the sound of rain outside the tower, the four of them gathered in front of the bonfire.

The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and it has already formed a heavy rain. The visibility is even less than five meters. This visibility is too dangerous.

Some monsters that are good at hiding cannot even be discovered by Sven before they attack. Some ancient monsters, With five meters of visibility, you may not even be able to get out of the attack distance of the opposite side.

In this case, it is too dangerous to set off with a few people.

Therefore, you can only rest here for one night, and release the drone to explore the path first. Get some information from here, and wait until tomorrow to talk about the rest.

Looking through the tower keeper’s previous diary and various records, Silitisi on the side was describing the surrounding situation to Sven in a verbal explanation.

"If we go west from where we are now, we will first reach a forest, which is the main route of the Western Empire. From there, we can go to the Siniruda Snowfield in the north, the Minelda Rock in the south, and continue to the west. If you go there, you will reach the Wallington Terrace Group, and from there the direction of the canyon will be to the west."

Cylitis said while occasionally glancing at Sven sitting next to her.

After a brief cleaning, her coat was spread out and hung on the rack on one side to be dried together with other people's coats. Now she She only wore a layer of plain inner clothing, and the outer layer was covered with a somehow conjured blanket given to her by Swain.

Although she didn't expose anything, she would inadvertently glance at her chest when she lowered her head to warm herself up by the fire. , it feels like something has been exposed again………


Why do I feel like I have become sentimental?

But it was obvious that Swain didn't care about this. He nodded in response to Siritis while looking at the simulated map he had roughly drawn based on the feedback from the drone and the information provided by Siritis.

The somewhat boring and serious topic made Feisel and Lineel feel sleepy when they heard it.

The two little heads were leaning against each other, covered with a blanket.

So in order not to let themselves get bored, the two of them ran back and forth in the lighthouse like crazy girls. On the spiral building leaning on the wall, the two of them casually lay down on one side of the window and looked at the heavy rain outside.

"Will this heavy rain happen?World of Warcraft?"Fisel is not worried that Warcraft will appear, but that Warcraft will not appear.

Typical of watching a movie, it is not too big a deal!

"Probably not. It’s rare for monsters to come out on such a rainy day."

"After all, even if you go out, it will be difficult to find food. Linel looked at the dark clouds in the sky that showed no sign of dispersing and guessed.

"Ouch~~~" Feisel grimaced in frustration.

"Why is this happening~!"

"So how do I test my powerful new poison?"

"Humph, forget about Seer’s poison, it’s definitely not as powerful as mine!"Linelle proudly swore with her chest puffed out.

"Aha! Obviously mine is more powerful!"


"Uh-huh!!"During the quarrel, the two little girls once again gnashed their teeth and pressed each other's foreheads, took out weapons in their hands, and planned to fight again. Silitis couldn't help but look back at the overly energetic, or noisy, person. two people

"I originally thought, Sven, that you discovered them after you set out. Since you discovered them early, why didn't you leave them behind?"This is something that makes Silitis very puzzled.

"I can stop them, but I can't stop them every time."

Sven glanced at the two people who were wielding swords, and then returned his gaze to Siritis.

"This is their own choice, and I should have no right to interfere. The most I can do is to persuade them, but obviously they won't listen."Sven couldn't help but smile bitterly when he said this.

"You have made a choice and refused to listen to dissuasion. Even though you are a child, you still have to bear the consequences of your choice. Only the bloody lessons can be remembered arduously."

"But, having said that, Swain, you also said that they are children, how can they distinguish between right and wrong?"Sylitis once again realized that the person in front of her not only looked so kind, but he was also a quite severe person.

"That’s why I will follow, I will protect and wait for them to grow up. If by that time, they are still so unruly and even wanton.………"Sven smiled mysteriously

"If you act recklessly?"Cylitis was a little nervous, and under the influence of curiosity, she eagerly wanted to continue to pursue the answer.

"So......."Sven just squinted his eyes and looked at Silitis without blinking.

Due to the invisible pressure and her previous experiences, a very absurd answer suddenly appeared in her mind.

For these people, it is still hard to say whether Sven will freeze them in ice as punishment like before........Will there be more serious consequences?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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