Swain hurried to the target location.

Three or four detection drones were followed by Lecia, who automatically spread out and surveyed, and turned on the life search and rescue device and heat source detector.

Swain first looked inside the tent. There was only a sleeping bag inside, the luggage on the side was smashed, and a few simple clothes were scattered around. But the most eye-catching thing was lying quietly on the ground beside it, a handle of ice. A big sword with a blue blade, a silver blade, and a golden, harp-like jaw.

"The target is presumed to be a female, two-handed swordsman." Lecia speculated

"Even this is too abnormal. You don’t even have any weapons?"Sven picked up the sword and looked back at the longbow and another luggage scattered outside the tent.

"A tent and sleeping bag......But it looks like there are two people."

Sven searched along the remaining footprints on the ground, and sure enough, the traces along the way were completely washed away by the avalanche.

"I hope these two people weren't involved."

Sven's eyes were a little worried. Although he tried to ask about the snow here and tried to get them to slightly change the direction of the avalanche, he obviously failed. It was as if his ice and snow power had failed. He had obviously looked for Kallen before. It went smoothly while waiting for people. Is it just that the snow here doesn't want to pay attention to me?

The rolling thunder in the sky has dissipated, and the previous lightning strikes seem to be fake.......Don't let me know who caused it. If there is no legitimate reason, I will let you try what it feels like to be struck by lightning!

Swain doesn't have many drones on hand anymore and needs to find a way to make more. Moreover, gems can no longer be used as energy source, so they can only be replaced by conventional power.

Sven had no choice but to search back and forth among the snow.


A way of applying the power of erosion, purple-black lightning swept across large areas of snow.

Transferring part of his consciousness to the snow, he gathered them together to form a huge hand. Like two large excavators, Swain dug frantically on the surrounding ground.

The rescue time after the avalanche was very short, and the previous search for the missing people also took a lot of time. I don’t know if the two people are still alive.

If you are still alive, even if you still have a breath, you will try your best to save it. But if it is a step too late, even if you have just died, you will be powerless.....

But Swain dug for a long time and still found nothing.


"Is the area presumed to be around here?"Sven wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the bumpy snow surface around him. He asked Lecia's calculation results more than once.

"Yes, the prediction results have been calculated five times, and the probability that the estimated location is within the next 300 meters is 73%. It is the most likely location among all candidates. The second candidate location is 100 meters to the east. , within 80 meters......"

"Three hundred meters, seventy-three percent......."Swain felt a little confused and looked around, but the movement of his hands never stopped.

This range is long and narrow, and any accidents along the way may cause huge changes in the burial location. The probability of seventy-three is already high.

"What about time?"Sister Xiaoxue asked casually.

"We were in the sky when the avalanche started. Judging by the way it looks now, it must have been fifteen minutes, about seventeen or eighteen minutes."The magnetic male voice is still very sensitive to time.

"......."Sister Xiaoxue did not continue to speak, but quietly watched Sven digging in the snow alone.

At this time, all he needs to do is go back and say that he has not found anything, but he is still so stubborn.

"No, this won't work."

Sven stopped his hands, and those huge snow arms collapsed instantly.

A long time has passed, and now if those two people are still buried under the ice and snow, the situation is already quite dangerous, and even if they are not lucky, Already now.......

"I can only take a gamble and hope nothing happens."

The purple-black thunder and lightning surrounding Sven dissipated and was replaced by a large piece of pure black particle-like mist. Kneeling in the snow, he pressed his hands on the snow layer, and suddenly a large piece of particle mist spread to all directions.

"This is?"

Because it is an extremely threatening and lethal ability, Sven does not often use this ability. Many people do not know what this ability is. The power of withering has the ability to cause all things to decay, which can also be understood as powerful. The corrosive ability, even if it is diluted and released into the atmosphere, will cause the spread of quite serious diseases.

It was this ability that Xier relied on to involve almost all of Europe in the haze of the Black Death!

Compared with Xier, Swain also possesses part of the power of creation. The fusion of these two mutually reinforcing abilities, coupled with his own control ability, allows Swain to control these particle mist with extremely high precision. The moment he comes into contact with the mist

, The snow layer was dyed black in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.

So much so that the thickness of the snow layer dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"All the snow is gone! ?"

Sven did not dare to be distracted at all. It is easy to use the power of withering to remove the snow, but Swain can only remove one layer at a time. If there is a little more particle fog, once it is touched by someone buried in the snow, If there is no time to save it, it will be directly decomposed and completely disintegrated!

"found it!"

Sven's face lit up, and he immediately canceled the power of withering, turned around and ran towards the discovery site.

Peeling away some of the remaining snow on the bodies of the buried people, Swain saw each other hugging each other, and in front of them. Two girls, one with blue hair and one with brown hair, were frozen under the ice.

They were dug out of the snow first, but the girl with blue hair and taller figure kept hugging the slightly petite one in her arms. The brown-haired girl, Sven tried, could not separate the two people at all, and it seemed that both of them had been affected to varying degrees, and it was not suitable to move now. He quickly checked the vitality index of the two people, and all the values ​​​​were very good. Low, the brown-haired girl is well protected and has no external injuries. However, due to hypoxia and hypothermia, she is now in shock, with multiple organs failing and her body functions severely damaged.

But in comparison, this is not bad.

There are serious problems. It was the girl with blue hair. She had various injuries on her body, and even a few ice thorns pierced her back. But the most shocking thing was that when Swain was cleaning the snow from her ears, nose and throat, she found that there were holes in her ears. and the transparent and reddish liquid flowing out of her nose. Swain dipped a little bit of the liquid flowing out of her ears and rubbed it twice with his fingertips.

"What's this?"

"nosebleed? No, ear bleeding?"The lively female voice's first reaction was that her nose was bleeding, but how could her ears also bleed like this?

"This is spinal fluid, and it's cerebrospinal fluid."The cold female voice explained slowly. As a person who specializes in biology, she naturally knows what this is.

"What is spinal fluid?"Not only the lively female voice, many people don't understand this unfamiliar term.

"is a kind of brain......Ouch!"The cold girl just wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, she felt that even if she explained it, people would not be able to understand just the medical terms. At this time, the calm young man took over and explained in a simple and clear way. Current situation

"In short, you just need to remember that cerebrospinal fluid is in the cranial cavity and is what is in the brain. Rhinorrhea and otorrhea occur in this thing, which means that her head has been impacted and cracks have appeared in the cranial cavity. If it is not dealt with quickly.....No, even if it is dealt with in time, the chance of survival is very low."

"The brain was opened......."

When this was mentioned, many people showed unacceptable expressions. Many people even felt their bodies go numb, and an inexplicable sense of fear came from the soles of their feet.

Swain here also quickly checked the status of the two of them. At the same time, he also found the hit area on the back of the blue-haired girl's head, and there were traces of impact on the back of the head.


Sven's Saint's Burst Healing Skill can help the two of them heal their injuries, but their vitality is a little too low. Even if they are cured, they may not be able to hold on.

The body is just a shell, but if the spirit dies, it is just a vegetative state!

"Ordinary treatment methods are no longer useful to these two people."

"I can only try high-level sacred arts."

Sven did not start treatment immediately, but opened the Stacia Window and looked at his destiny value.

"High level sacred art?"

"What does he want to do?"Sister Xiaoxue subconsciously felt something was wrong, and felt bad in her heart.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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