"Goo......"Bonzhi Wuzhi couldn't help but start thinking.

This proposal is still very tempting to her. Compared with following this dangerous guy like Swain, it is more important to live a peaceful life. She just doesn't know if she will have the chance to take revenge on those magicians in this life!

"Let me say it first."Bangzhi Wuzhi explained very nervously:"My abilities are the natural abilities of vampires. I can't guarantee that you will learn it 100%."

"of course i understand"

"I have similar shape-shifting abilities, except......This is different from controls such as magic. There is no one to give me demonstrations and guidance, so it is a bit difficult to develop by myself."Sven's ability as a shapeshifter is somewhat more restrictive than that of the Bon Mist Branch. He cannot transform any creature at will. He can only transform into a humanoid existence. At the same time, his services are also variable within a certain range..

Swain originally wanted Justeza to teach him, but when Justeza appeared, whether she was transformed into a girl, a brownie, a plum or a sakura, her personality would be affected by the incarnation.

Simple. It is not just a simple appearance transformation, but a copy of a person's personality from the outside to the inside, and then covers his own personal information.

But the problem this caused was that Justeza and these incarnations had a problem. Without assimilation, the boundaries between the self and these incarnations are blurred.

For example, when Justeza came out before, Ji who jumped around like a wild girl, Brownie who did scientific research, Mei who did housework, and Sakura who drank too much.....

It was pure chaos.

Therefore, this approach was directly rejected by Swain himself.

Although I don’t know if the Invisible One has this side effect, but once it’s caught, it’s over!

"I see."Bangzhi Wuzhi thought for a moment and finally agreed.

"I promise to teach you the secret of change, and in return you will let me go."

She didn't want to let go of this opportunity to be free.

"So.....Contract established?"

Sven put away the screen, hugged Qi Bai, turned around and stretched out his right hand towards the fog branch of the camp.

"Well, I just hope you don’t regret it!"

Bangzhi Wuzhi also stretched out his right hand and shook it with Sven.

"certainly."Sven's expression was very serious, not joking at all, but then he showed a very gentle and harmless look.

"The one who breaks his promise will have his head chopped off by the other party. Please also note that~"

"Uh-huh......."Bonzhi Wuzhi looked at the opposite person and said such terrifying words with a smile, and his expression suddenly changed.

"It's a shame that you can say such horrible things with such an expression."

"Since you know the horror, don't break the contract."

The eyes of Swain and Bonzhi Wuzhi accidentally met. Bonzhi Wuzhi, whose aura was already much weaker than before, immediately lowered his head and avoided looking directly at him.

"You two?"

The hands of Sven and Bon Mist Branch were still holding each other, which caused several people who had just finished the battle to come here to cast disdainful glances at Sven.

Even if you don't have weapons, you are at least a man.!

It’s okay to just put two supporting sacred arts in front of you!

Then you sit here and do nothing for a long time?

No, you can’t say that.

Isn’t the guy on the other side still having a good time chatting with the girl!

He’s chatting with her all the time. She had to lower her head and didn't dare to see anyone anymore. She must have been talking about some strange topic again!

Yula held her big sword and gritted her teeth. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that this guy was unhappy!

So she shouted angrily:"You! , even if you don’t have the ability to fight, you can’t help much, but at least you should show concern for others, right?"

Looking at her appearance, the joy she had just gained from winning the battle was now completely covered up by her anger.

"Miss Siritis, let’s not talk about it. Are you so confident about letting these two little ones come with us?"Ula initially objected to Fisel and Lineel also participating in the war.

However, her objections were obviously not listened to by these two wild girls.

Yula, Amber and Siritis just started fighting. The two of them secretly got involved.

"Well, anyway, calm down first."Amber smiled bitterly and stepped forward to comfort Youla.

Seeing that Swain had not revealed his own affairs, Siritis had been in a default state, so she wisely chose to remain silent.

Although she didn't know what Swain was going to do, But it is necessary to deceive people.

Feisel and Lineel, who were in the middle of the topic, were not listening to what Yura said at all. Instead, they were checking how many Warcraft they had killed and assisted. However, because There was an argument about the quantity.

Swain looked at the people present. Except for Nuomi, who had a lot of blood on his body because he was fighting too aggressively and looked bad, the rest of them had just consumed a lot and were not injured.

"Is it necessary to be so angry?"

"Aren't they all injured?"Sven spread his hands disapprovingly. Not to mention Youla, even Amber showed faint signs of dissatisfaction.

Doesn't it feel like this person is a little too irresponsible to say this?

"You guy!"

"What if!"

"What if you get injured or something more serious happens!"Yora looked at Sven and was so angry that she really wanted to draw her sword.

"That is impossible."

Swiping away the snow stains on his body, Swain stood up and helped Nuomi, who was cleaning up his own blood on the snow, walk towards him and help him clean it up.

"Do you have any basis for this?"

"Judging from the combat prowess you two have shown so far, you are both very capable people. With Siritis and these two little guys, dealing with these guys is not a problem at all. As long as you defeat these guys steadily, it is only a matter of time.."

Having said this, Sven turned to look at Amber and Yola, and continued with a kind face:"And you two were always distracted during the battle and paid more attention to them. Even if there is an accident, you two Two people can handle it easily. I believe you have the strength."

"And I'm also prepared to have enough first aid supplies, and I also have compressed sacred power here, so you don't have to worry even if you're seriously injured."

"Forehead......Did you notice?"Amber looked at Silitis with a surprised look on her face. It was obvious that none of her comrades standing beside her during the battle had noticed something. How could this guy who had always turned his back to everyone and didn't know what to do, be able to discover this?

"How strong we are has nothing to do with your indulging in their behavior!"Ula's anger has obviously subsided. At least the opponent is not brainless, nor is he really irresponsible. He is at least paying attention to the changes on the field and preparing for the worst in advance.

"Regarding this point, my opinion is that beings who are always under protection will not make significant progress. If they are just protected blindly, they will not learn because there is no need."

Sven straightforwardly explained the reasons for his actions.

"They will eventually grow up and leave one day. It is impossible for anyone to be their permanent shelter, so if you want to protect yourself, you must work hard to become stronger on your own."

"......."Amber and Youla were silent, then looked at each other, their mouths slightly opened, but they did not refute.

Because what Swain said was right.

Didn’t they also leave the protection of their parents, fight and survive until now?

"snort~!"Yora closed her eyes slightly, accepting what Swain said. She stopped talking and went to the side. With her back to Swain, she sat on a big rock and began to clean the blood stains on her sword.

"Hehe~" Amber's face also regained its energetic smile, and she also went to collect her own arrows.

"Swain."Cylitis came closer, unable to suppress the doubts in her heart, and asked softly next to Sven:"Is this really good?"

"Wouldn't it be better to tell the truth about our affairs?"

"Hey!"Sven waved his hand and rejected the proposal with a smile.

"That would be too boring, and if the truth were told, these two people would definitely be as straight-faced as everyone else, speaking and acting too rigidly. How could they be as relaxed and comfortable as they are now?"

"......really."Xilitis thought back to her life in the past ten years, and the people around her seemed to be like this.

Not only did they speak in a rigid manner, but their expressions were also flattering and smiling, and they were very reserved in everything they did. Moreover, they were so reserved. Not only was the person across from me reserved, but her words and deeds were also passive and reserved!

But it seemed that after coming to the Central Cathedral, words such as restraint and rigidity seemed to be far away from her.

At least she couldn't be like this in normal times. I quarrel with Esalina every day like this!

But on the contrary, the burden on me is much lighter.......This feels pretty good!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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