Continuing deeper along the tunnel, the passage inside has been widened as expected. The smell of rotting water plants and trees is only near the entrance of the cave, and there are indeed a lot of rotting dead trees there, but it feels more like a coincidence than a coincidence. They looked like they were deliberately piled up at the entrance of the cave.

As we go deeper, the smell here becomes slightly better, but the fishy smell of earth is a bit obvious.

The group's lighting equipment was made of long poles of wild grass entwined with light elements, and they also relied on some luminous ores scattered around the cave for lighting.

The trend of the tunnel is almost slowly sloping downward. The entrance of the tunnel is facing the direction of the sun, so there is light even far deep inward.

But when everyone came to the turning point along this road, they found that the road ahead had changed dramatically.

The water vapor in the air began to increase, the surrounding rock mass began to be mixed with ice, and the temperature began to drop rapidly, even colder than the outside world.

"so cold~!!"

Amber couldn't help but rub her arms with both hands, but everyone was already wearing warm clothes before setting off, and she couldn't gain any heat by doing so.

Therefore, you can only rub your exposed hands together. After all, archers cannot wear cotton gloves that are too thick, otherwise the shooting feel and accuracy will be affected.

After taking a look at the others, they all behaved similarly, except for Swain and Yula.

These two people were absolutely full of cold resistance, and the clothes they wore were so thin that they were no different from summer clothes!

"Are you two really okay?"She admired Swain and Yula very much.


"This level is totally fine"

"Is it......"Amber said she didn't want to talk to these two people because even if she did, they wouldn't be able to talk together.

At this time, Nuomi at the front stopped, raised his head and moved his nose as if he had discovered something.

Fisel's eyes lit up immediately after feeling bored since just now.

"Found anything interesting?"

As she said that, she rushed forward, and in a blink of an eye, she passed over Youla and Nuomi and went to the first place.


"Don't run around alone! Linel wanted to catch up, but before that, Yura had already taken a step ahead.

There was a curve not far from the road ahead. After turning to the right, the field of vision suddenly became much darker, and the sunlight outside could not reach here. Said that Fisel himself did not carry a light source, and the ores on the road suddenly disappeared, and his eyes suddenly became pitch black.


While Fisel was dazed, she suddenly felt that her feet were empty, and she was slipping on a slope in front of her!

She lost her footing and fell. After sliding for a distance, what followed was an indescribable feeling of weightlessness!


Just when Fisel screamed and felt helpless, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind and grabbed her back collar tightly.

Then she heard the rocks sliding down at the same time. After a while, she There was an ordinary sound of water entering.

It was obvious that there was a pool deep below, and even if there was a pool, it would be impossible to die if you fell from this height!

Fisel swallowed dryly, slowly raised his head, and found the man who had just grabbed his collar. It was Yola!

At this moment, Yola inserted the big sword on the slope, leaned out half of her body, grasped the hilt of the sword tightly with one hand, and held Fisel with the other hand. The angle of this part of the slope exceeded 70 degrees, almost There was no foothold, so Yura was a little unable to go up for a while.

"Really, kids shouldn’t run around in a place like this!"Yura lowered her head and looked at Feisel, scolding him unhappily.

"Um, yes, sorry......"Fisel this time apologized honestly, shrinking his neck.

It can be seen that her first cave exploration made her very emotional.

"Are you two okay?"

Amber lay on the top and shouted towards the bottom, but the visibility was too low, and she could only vaguely see Yula's figure.

When she was about to use the light element to illuminate the surroundings, the side of her body suddenly lit up.

She turned around and looked. From the backpacks that Swin and Bonzhi Wuzhi were carrying just now, two folding outdoor searchlights protruded from both sides of their shoulders. They were also the kind that could be turned and shaped at will. Suddenly, the area It was illuminated as bright as day.

Not to mention Amber, even Silitisi and Bon Mist Branch had never seen this equipment before!

Especially Bon Mist Branch, she didn’t know anything about it just now, and her backpack was Suddenly two big lights came on, which scared her so much that she almost jumped up!

Seeing the three people looking at each other curiously, Sven was very cute, and said slowly and naturally:"It's a cave.......Lighting is definitely needed."


Yes, there is nothing wrong with this.

Sesame followed from behind, slowly sneaked into his shadow, and immediately moved to where Yura and Fisel were.

When the big sword stuck on the slope came loose, Yora thought she and Fisel were going to fall, but the next moment she found that her body was sinking and was about to be swallowed by the black shadow of the blade!


"what is this!"

She subconsciously wanted to wave her sword to resist, and Fisel did the same.

"It's okay, that's Sesame's ability."Sven explained casually.

At this moment, Yura noticed the position behind her. It was like a sesame with only a small head leaking out of the pool.

"Ah, sorry."Yura apologized very honestly, and waited quietly for Zhizhi to rescue the two of them.

The rest of the crowd watched Zhizhi lead the two of them into the shadows, and then the shadow moved into the team, and the two and the wolf slowly reappeared from the shadow. Looked like he was immediately shocked

"What an amazing ability!"

Yura was the first to come to her senses and touched Sesame's head.

"Thank you"

"Uh-huh......"Fisel looked at Swain nervously, his index fingers on both hands bit by bit, his eyes looking around and wandering.

Swain didn't preach too much, he just looked at her with a smile.

"What do you think?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run around alone. I should have stayed in good formation as Sister Silitis told me from the beginning......."

"Well, mistakes are inevitable, what matters is what you learn from them, and that’s progress."Sven nodded with satisfaction and touched the heads of the two little girls at the same time.

"After this lesson, just don’t do it again in the future. Lineel also did a good job of maintaining her formation and suppressing her curiosity."

The rest of the people peeked at the three people here, and Amber expressed his opinion.

"You look so patient"

"It looks like he will become a good father in the future.~!"

"What do you think?"

Amber threw the question to Siritis.


Silitis was speechless for a moment. If Sven was just an ordinary noble, she would agree with Amber's point of view.

But he is an integrity knight......being a father......Who should he marry and give birth to?

All of a sudden, many candidates appeared in Silitis's mind unconsciously. These people seemed to be good, but they seemed not so good.

Sven can marry anyone he wants, so it's okay, but none of them seems to be a good match, so it's not feasible.

So the conclusion is.......Marry someone from the Integrity Knight?

Anyway, I heard from the nuns in the Central Cathedral that he seemed to live in the same room with Miss Alice, but there was also an integrity knight named Edith who occasionally lived with Miss Alice?

What kind of chaotic relationship do these people have?

Not paying attention to the conversation between Amber and Silitis, nor the scene where Sven was educating the children, Bonzhi Wuzhi and Yola leaned on the edge of the slide, trying to use a searchlight to illuminate the area in front, but the light was obviously a little It was too weak, it was still pitch black in the distance, and only the sound of gurgling water could be heard.

The few seemingly normal people in the two teams are now trying to calm down their emotions and not pay attention to the conversations of those behind them.

Although what you said makes sense, can you look at the situation?


Explore it!

Could you please respect the unknown?

But behind is a social terrorist reconnaissance knight, a seemingly fledgling commander, a parenting educator and two naughty kids?

Is there really nothing wrong with this combination? ?

Hey, as expected, this team feels like it’s going to be over without the two of us!

After Sven finished preaching, he and Silitis came closer together.

Even if there are people in the team carrying four searchlights, they still look so pale and feeble in the darkness in front of them. The light can illuminate the area in front of them, but no matter how far away they are, there is still endless darkness.

Amber tried to pick up a small stone at her feet and threw it into the distance, but after a while she didn't hear the stone hitting anything or falling to the ground. It was obvious that the space in front of her was very large and it was impossible to cross it.

"No, at this range, even using sacred magic cannot illuminate the area ahead.

As a reconnaissance knight, Amber can already judge that the area with poor visibility in front of her is very large based on her experience.

"Last time I came here, it was just a narrow trail. The speed of this expansion is too abnormal, and there haven't been any changes in this area recently."

Ura relied on the sound of falling rocks into the water and deduced that the height from this place to the pool below may be about 30 meters. It is not a problem to use the ropes brought by everyone to go down. The key is that it is impossible to determine whether there is any danger here. If you hang in mid-air When attacked, it’s really like a grasshopper strung on a rope, not a single one can escape!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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