The three-legged singing toad waved its two front paws to grab the two wolves, but Sesame and Nuomi did not continue to move forward, but tentatively leaned forward and retreated, just dealing with each other, with a certain desire to attack, but they did not Not intense.

Sven and others in the rear were leaning against the shadow of the wall, looking at the scene ahead, with no intention of supporting them.

"Arrange the sacred arts as I just said, do you understand?"Sven probed his head, always paying attention to the changes in the battle situation ahead.

The few people behind looked at each other, completely unaware of what Sven was going to do.

But the situation was urgent now, so they dispersed and went to complete what they were told.


The cry of the three-legged toad changed slightly. Its powerful hind legs actually supported the big guy and raised its upper body!

It raised its claws high, as if staring down at the sesame seeds and glutinous rice with its contemptuous eyes!

Two The little wolves originally planned to attack each other in a wave, but when they saw the posture on the other side, they immediately stopped. Not only Sesame, but also Nuomi, a guy who likes to be reckless, was retreating! Just kidding, it was just a little reckless, and No stupid!

The front paws of the two webbed feet on the opposite side can easily hold their heads. If you go up, it will be a gift!

Bang bang!!

At the same time as the two little wolves dodged, the body of the three-legged singing toad roared Falling down, both claws hit the ground. The strong impact still made Sesame and Nuomi unable to stand firm when they retreated, and they staggered around. The three-legged singing toad seized this opportunity, directly grabbed the gravel on the ground, and headed towards They threw it!


Seeing this, Nuomi stepped forward and swung his shadow blade to smash part of it, but he still received some attacks.

Sesame took the opportunity to sneak into the ground and wanted to go back again, but was thrown intensively by the opponent. He was forced out of the shadow on the ground!

Sneaking into the shadow is not immune to damage. If the attack falls on the shadow, it will also be fed back to Sesame! The three-legged singing toad used throwing and tongue-linked attacks to kill the two little wolves. He continued to fight back, and his body gradually received more injuries.


Seeing this, Xiaobai above didn't scream, but glided closer from behind the three-legged singing toad, hoping to sneak attack on this guy from behind!

Seeing that he was about to approach the target, but the opponent was still dealing with it without noticing, Xiaobai showed off his sharp claws.

Suddenly, the three-legged singing toad's black eyeballs made a very sticky rotating sound, looking around as if wrapped in a layer of mucus.

Xiaobai didn't notice anything strange on the other side and was even ready to attack.

"call out————"

However, along with a series of bright whistles of a specific frequency coming from the front, Xiaobai's attack was temporarily brought to an end, and it even began to climb rapidly!

Almost at the same moment, the bulges on the back of the three-legged singing toad used toad venom in a wide range and indiscriminately at the position of his back!

The white toad venom turned into sharp arrows and shot toward the sky like an anti-aircraft gun.

Xiaobai's figure turned back and forth, dodging quickly, but it was too close to the three-legged singing toad just now, and it was still too difficult to dodge all the attacks!

After quickly dodging several rounds of attacks, he was unfortunately hit.

Xiaobai stalled and fell from the sky. The three-legged singing toad below opened its mouth and its tongue shot out quickly like a spring.

Obviously it wants to eat Xiaobai directly.

Seeing this, Sesame and Nuomi also took advantage of the opportunity when the other party's attention was slightly diverted to step forward.

One wolf restrained the opponent with one paw, but the strength of the two was too big compared to the three-legged singing toad, and he was pressed down directly.

At the same time, just when its tongue was about to touch Xiao Bai, the Bonzhi Wuzhi, which turned into a cloud of mist, suddenly appeared, hugged Xiao Bai and flew back towards the crowd.

But the tongue of the three-legged singing toad is like a spiritual snake, and it is still chasing after it.

"hateful.......I'm not cut out for this!"

Bangzhi Wuzhi looked and dodged twice, then lowered her height and retreated almost close to the ground.

But this still could not change the fact that she was about to be overtaken. She looked back at the greasy and fishy smell. Tongue, that thing will obviously be directly stuck when touched, and then it will be directly rolled into the mouth by the toad at the back and eaten.

Bonzhi Wuzhi feels that he is rejecting this thing with all his strength, both psychologically and physically. touch!

"Drink ah ah ah!!!"

On the other side, Yula was the main one, with Siritis and Amber standing on both sides. The three of them worked together to raise a large shield made of steel and pushed it up......No, it's not quite accurate to say it's a shield. It should be said to be a slightly thick steel wall, which can be considered a large steel shield.


The soft but rubber-like tongue collided with the steel wall. The three people behind him took a few steps back at the same time, and the steel shield in front also swung back and forth unsteadily a few times, and there was a gap on the surface. A thin layer of ice and traces of frost rested on it.

The three-legged singing toad narrowed its eyes and felt it at the moment of contact. This shield was very thin. If it weren't for its tongue, it could easily be broken with its own claws!

You want to use this kind of thing to defend me!

That is impossible!

Thinking of this, the three-legged singing toad did not retract its tongue but spit out almost all of its tongue. The front part of the tongue turned in a few small circles on the steel shield, directly sticking to the steel shield with the mucus attached to the tongue, and then lightly With a flick, the fragile shield flew to the wall on one side.

Huh, nothing more than that...

Just when the three-legged singing toad was still feeling proud, it discovered a very serious problem. It seemed that its tongue was stuck to the steel shield and could not be pulled out!!

"It's now!"

Sven obviously expected that things would develop like this, so he turned to several people and continued to give orders.

Following Sven's instructions, Siritis directly fired the crystal spear that had been prepared towards the steel shield on one side. And the tongue of the three-legged singing toad.


The elasticity of the straight tongue will decrease, so the nail-like spear directly penetrates it and sinks deep into the wall!

"OK, the tongue is sealed!"Cylitis' face was filled with joy. This sense of accomplishment of perfectly accomplishing what the teacher ordered was really addictive.

The moment the steel shield was lost, Yola had already charged forward with a big sword. The opponent's tongue can't be used now, the two front paws are entangled with sesame seeds and glutinous rice, the toad's poison cannot deal with the front, and the two large speakers behind it have no air supply, which means that the opponent has no time to take care of her now!

The three-legged singing toad is obviously It also discovered this, and it wanted to withdraw its hands, but this time it was restrained by the other party!

It tried to struggle, but the two little wolves did not let go at all, and their four paws were tightly Clasping the gap in the ground, the fangs pierced into the guy's muscles. Red blood was flowing everywhere. The smell of blood and the injuries on their bodies made the two men's wildness and fighting power continue to increase. In the blink of an eye, Yula came to Sanzu Ming. In front of Toad, she held up her sword with both hands.

"I hope your tongue is as hard as your head!"

The sword in both hands is wrapped with white mist, which is formed by the low temperature freezing the water in the air.

"Cut it off!"

Yura suddenly swung her sword, and the sword turned into a cold sword and easily cut off the tongue of the three-legged singing toad from the root!


The two wolves and Yula retreated while screaming in agony from the other side.

The huge mouth of the three-legged singing toad is bleeding continuously, as if it has turned into a small waterfall. Especially for this toad type, the tongue is the most important thing!

The other side may lose a lot of blood very quickly like this.

Life is rapidly declining, but everyone present knows that when fighting beasts, monsters, or any creature, the first few minutes of injury and the last few minutes of death are always the craziest!

The three-legged singing toad's black eyes looked faintly red at the moment. It lowered its body, opened its mouth wide, ignoring the wounds in its mouth and the blood that flowed into the river, and took in a big breath with all its strength.

It was replenishing ammunition and preparing to use the powerful wind blade again.

Instead of stopping it, everyone was preparing to use their own powerful attacks to fight against the opponent!

The belly of the three-legged chirping toad swelled again, like a big balloon. It leaned down and opened the diaphragms in the two big horns on its back, ready for launch.

However, in the blink of an eye, the fog branch of the camp appeared in front of it very strangely, and the distance was only one person!

It could clearly see the white skin on the other side, the disgusted eyes, the slender hand gently covering its nose, and the hand stretched out towards itself with unusual disgust.

When was this person?

No, what is she going to do?

Under a subconscious stress reaction, the three-legged singing toad directly lowered his body further and pointed the two large speakers at the fog branch of the camp.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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