"No, there's a map."

Rita's words immediately attracted the attention of people around her.


"Where where?"Rin trotted closer to Rita with bright eyes, and leaned her little head close.

Rita came out with a portable small terminal just in case. When she was walking through the maze just now, she just rummaged through it. After some research, I found quite a lot of information.

"here......There are marked routes out there, as well as part of Northern Centoria.........Forehead......"

She originally thought that looking at the scattered markings on the map, she felt that there was only part of the information, but as she clicked to expand all the icons and information, the virtual map in front of her was completely filled with various small note boxes.

Rin then clicked on an article and started reading it unconsciously. Hitamaru on top of his head and the little fox in his arms couldn't help but stretched their heads and came closer.

"Weapons and equipment store, owner Bo Fulan, male, 42 years old, weight 172 pounds, height 179 centimeters, short hair, injury to the right eye, weak vision, lame left leg, bad manners Speech, expressionless, looks more fierce, wife Fanny, 40 years old, weight....The two of them have a daughter, and the three of them currently have a good relationship with themselves. They once gave them their own homemade dishes, which tasted better, and their relationship is at the level of acquaintances........Wow, so detailed!"

Rin's little mouth opened wide, obviously shocked by such detailed information, and also marked the interpersonal relationship of a family.

Rita then flipped down, and almost everyone's records were pretty much the same, but She felt that if Swain recorded carefully, he might be able to remember clearly how many times he went to the toilet at night. The biggest difference was in the relationship category. The lowest priority records were strangers, then acquaintances, and then friends. Finally, there is family.

A considerable part of the records are for strangers, while acquaintances are classified in shopping streets and other places. Those marked as friends and family are currently not found in North Centoria.

"Ah, there is a dim sum shop here. It says that the price is affordable and tastes good. There is also a description of the taste that my brother likes!"Rin cares more about delicious food and fun than interpersonal relationships.

"What kind of flower shops are there?"As a vegetarian, Gan Yu pays more attention to the flower shop on the other side than the dim sum shop. For her, it is the dim sum shop.

"Let me see......"Rita continued to slide her green fingers, looking for information.

Compared with the others who were checking the map of Centoria, Xiaoxue clicked on her own terminal and found the other character categories.

Xiaoxue found records of many people in the database.

There are many people I know and many I have never met.

But these are not important, she just wants to see the records about herself


When she clicked on her entry, she saw many photos and even some videos.

There were times when she was cold and distant, there were times when she was in a bad mood and she was venomous, and there were times when she was in a bad mood. When I had a gentle expression,

I looked through them and found that they were all ordinary life photos. Although there were a few sleeping photos mixed in,......He was allowed to do something like this!

I just hope that next time I record it, I can remind myself a little bit, and at least sort out my hair that was messed up while sleeping.

"height.....weight.....Hey, fat.....No, now is not the time to worry about your weight."

Xiaoxue shook her head with a blush on her face. Now she should distinguish the priorities! Her fingers continued to slide down. When she saw the information about her relationship with Sven, two big black characters came into view.

Xiaoxue His expression was a little frozen, but it revealed an unexpected look.

"......I knew it."

A lonely person is very sensitive to the emotional changes of the people around him. No matter how similar he is in disguise, it is still a disguise. His hand dropped naturally, and the two words on the screen were clearly————Master.

Xiaoxue has had speculations from a long time ago.

Swain's attitude towards him can only be described as average, not enthusiastic, but not cold either. He had predicted before that he was deliberately keeping a certain distance from himself.

Now it seems that he has directly set his position with her into a master-slave relationship.

It's still the kind of vague respect for each other. After all, as long as it's time to fight, you can see that his attitude towards him is exactly the same as before he was a superior and subordinate.

I'm afraid he doesn't know how to face his own good.

Are they the companions I met by chance during the journey, or are they the family and friends who have disappeared?

But the same is true for Xiaoxue.

On the one hand, she couldn't deny that the person in front of her was Xue Ye, because that would be equivalent to telling herself again that she was alone. Strictly speaking, she was the only survivor in her world, and she was completely helpless..

But at the same time, she couldn't be sure that the person in front of her was Xue Ye, because in that case, for Sven as an individual, it would be equivalent to denying all his current experiences and the meaning of his existence.

So, so far, she's never called Swain by his first name!

Both of them were at odds in a sense, almost like children.

"......"Xiaoxue didn't say anything, just closed the page silently.

Lin and the other people on the other side seemed to have worked out a general route after a while of discussion.

"Sister Xiaoxue, is there anywhere you want to go?"Rin raised her head and asked with a playful smile.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not very good at shopping."

Xiaoxue turned around, her expression as calm as water, and shook her head gently, saying that she didn't need to worry about herself.

For her, she was not very interested in clothes or fun, and her taste in choosing things......I am afraid that in addition to appearance, she will first choose from the material and durability.

"Really? Then let’s go outside first and see what’s good to eat.~!"

"Great~!"Hitamaru happily raised his two little hands above Rin's head and twirled them in circles in celebration.

Rita looked at the map and led the way, while the others followed behind, talking and laughing as if they were going on an outing.

Looking at the person in front of her, Xiaoxue felt more and more like an outing leader from a certain school.

Following Swain's old route exactly, using the excuses and identities used in the records, several people successfully slipped out of the Central Cathedral and went to Centoria City.

"Little sister, come and take a look, the honey cake that you just passed the exam.~!"

"Brand new dagger, the handle is made of wild boar leather, non-slip and durable!"

"The newly imported parchment is in limited quantity~"

Unlike Inazuma, which was rebuilt after the disaster, this place was completely a prosperous city. As soon as a few people arrived in the business district, they were immediately dazzled.

Rin stood still and twisted. His neck turned around in a full circle and crashed directly into Xiaoxue's arms, almost falling down.

"Be careful."Xiaoxue just trimmed his hair and gave instructions patiently. He was not bored at all by the fuss of a few people.


"This is a big town~!"

Lin was lying in front of a glass display cabinet in a shop on one side. Through the glass, he could see many weapons and equipment inside. Each piece shone with a cold light. Inside the house, he could also see someone beating a piece of equipment with a hammer. The scene of the red-hot weapon prototype

"The craftsmanship doesn’t look very good........"

Rita leaned over, looking at the weapons with obvious dissatisfaction.

There are no weapons like Brother Swing at all.

But there is nothing we can do about it. Although this is the location of the royal capital, and the people who can open a shop here are among the best in craftsmanship, the weapons Sven uses, apart from artifacts, are holy swords and magic swords. This is not the case at all. On the same level!

But Hitamamaru obviously doesn't understand the quality of these things. To her, these things, even the smallest dagger, are higher than it.....

"Little girl, the glazed flowers here are picked in the morning and delivered before noon. Do you want to buy a bunch?"

"It will look beautiful and fresh when you go back and decorate it at home."

In the flower shop on one side, the calm-looking proprietress was wrapping a bouquet.

"......"Gan Yu stood aside, looking at these flowers that had never tasted before, swallowing silently.

Beauty and freshness are secondary, deliciousness and fragrance are the key!

The little pink fox got down from Lin's arms and came to Gan Yu's feet. She raised her head and knew what Gan Yu was thinking at the moment without asking.

So it sauntered forward and patted Gan Yu's calf.

Gan Yu came back to his senses, lowered his head, and then saw the little pink fox patting his chest with his fleshy little front paws, then sitting on the ground, using his two little front paws in the furry hair near his neck. After rummaging around, he found a small money bag.

Xiaoxue walked over from the side and looked at the Qilin and the fox curiously, not knowing what they were going to do.

Then she was surprised to see the pink-furred fox take out a handful of coins from the purse around its neck, which was Shia, count them and handed them to the shopkeeper.

"Thank you for your patronage~"

The female shopkeeper knelt down to take Shia's hand, and then handed the bouquet to the little pink fox. The little pink fox turned his head, raised his chin and looked very impressive, and pointed at Gan Yu.


Gan Yu was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly realized that her eyes were shining. After taking the bouquet, she looked at the little pink fox with admiration.

Sure enough, a fox that comes out alone is different!

So reliable. Ah!

At this moment, she seemed to have completely fallen into this little fox’s little fangirl.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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