It has a typical Western dragon shape, with four legs. There should have been a pair of surprisingly wide fleshy wings on its back, but now only some of the wing roots are still intact.

The body is covered with dense scales, but now the lines of the scales are almost invisible. The long neck is still straight, and the chest is slightly bulging, where the lungs are. The same is true for the chests of the flying dragons of the integrity knights, and the flying dragons. Breath, one of the most powerful weapons in the world, is as powerful as the lungs. It is probably carved like this to show its power.

This guy is much larger than the Flying Dragon, three to four times as big, and there are thick armors on the two front feet. In addition to looking heavy, it also gives people an indestructible visual impact. Even if other parts of the body are corroded by time, this part still looks unchanged.

At the position of the dragon's head, there are two sharp horns with thunder patterns on the left and right sides of the head. Next, there are two smaller spikes near the chin. Some people are not sure whether they are growing horns or not. It is said that it looks like a narwhal, but it is actually a mutated tooth that came out of its mouth.

The front part of the head is spike-like, like a spear.

The statue is almost directly above the mountain stream, and the part of the dragon statue that can be vaguely distinguished as eyes is rushing towards the direction of the human town, whether it is monitoring or protecting.

"This is the legendary guardian beast, but it was in such a dilapidated state when I came here a long time ago."

Sylitis came from the camp behind.

"I remember that this ruins seemed to be called the Dolug Temple, and it was once a place where guardian beasts were enshrined."Yura followed closely behind

"But I don’t know the specific situation."

"Don't worry about it"

"You can go to the village ahead to find out the specific situation tomorrow."Amber and Barbara also came closer.

They raised their heads and stared at the statue of the giant dragon. It was obvious that like Sven, they were seeing this for the first time.

"My sister said that the place with the giant dragon statue is almost the westernmost side of the human world, and beyond that it should be the last human village in the border area."

"It’s finally here."Bangzhi Wuzhi looked very tired, stretched out and yawned.

She had a really difficult time during this period.

In addition to rushing during the day, she had to fight monsters, and she couldn't rest well at night. She often had Swain kept asking him to go to extra classes.

She even missed her days as a maid.

If she hadn't been beaten, she would have even wanted to grab Swain's collar and shout to him more than once:"You don't need to rest, I still need to rest." Woolen cloth!"

"This is simply not the life of a vampire!!"

"What a ruin. Let’s go and see it tomorrow.………"Before he finished speaking, Sven turned to look at the people around him, his eyes full of doubts and confusion.

"how?"Yura looked around and didn't notice anything wrong.

"I was just thinking, didn't you just say you were going to prepare dinner?"Sven was a little nervous and his face was a little livid.

"if you were all here………So who's in the kitchen now?"


Everyone made cute sounds together, and then…………


It was the huge explosion sound coming from the kitchen of the rear residence that answered Swain's question.

Along with the explosion, there was also a large red smoke cloud, which enveloped everyone in the blink of an eye.

"Ahem………what is this!!"Amber and Yora both showed their masks of pain.


"It’s so stimulating!"Swen covered his nose and resisted the urge to sneeze. At the same time, he felt a burning sensation on his skin. The sesame seeds, glutinous rice and Xiaobai in the distance ignored everything and turned around and ran away.

Obviously this smell is not good for them. They are literally fatal

"This is more effective than those irritating powders I made!"

"Have their technologies improved?"

At this moment, Swain still thought that the two little girls had distorted the ability to make medicine, and continued to increase it.

"Ah, this taste seems to be the taste of my favorite chili powder and chili sauce!!"The only one in the audience who remained calm was Barbara!?

"……What the hell?"Sven looked at Barbara beside him with a sullen and horrified expression.

"Are you sure this is food! ?"

"Well, this stuff actually tastes pretty good when spread on bread, and it’s also good to eat as a snack."

This thing is so effective that Sven wants to get some and use it as a weapon.

But now you say you eat this thing as a snack filling!?

Are you serious!?

"Uh-huh, eyes! The eyes are so spicy!!"

"Ah, no more!"


"No, calm down. Water won't work. Use milk. I remember there are a few buckets of milk in the refrigerator.………"

"Woo hoo hoo, cough cough oops... oops!"

"Neil, you're in trouble, get out of here!"

"I'll just say………Ahem...don't heat the jar directly.………Ah sneeze...better!"

Suddenly the scene was in chaos. Even when facing hordes of monsters, a group of people who had the ability to fight and even kill them all were almost wiped out by the seemingly most harmless snack in the team. Oh... it's simply a team-killing engine!

Isn't this really a mole?


In the human world, the westernmost village—Scuroa Village.

The geographical location is somewhat special. It is backed by a cliff that looks like a thousand feet high and is located on a slope. As for why the village was built in this place, the main reason is due to the terrain.

Surrounded by tall and straight mountain streams, there are very few places where you can build a village. You may have no choice but to choose this place.

In front of the village is a clear river. It is said that the source is the high mountain in the deepest part of the West Empire Canyon, that is, it flows down from the End Mountain Range.

However, when Swain and his party arrived here, they found that the village seemed to be abandoned. No one was seen. However, this place had obviously been baptized by lightning strikes, and it was also the most serious place along the way. If it looks like this, it would be abandoned.………

No, maybe it's too much to call it abandoned. Through the window, Sven took a general look at the surrounding houses. The furniture inside was complete, but a considerable part of the daily utensils were missing. Instead, it looked like he had gone on a far journey or taken refuge.

Several people spread out and searched again in the village, but found nothing useful.

"It looks like everyone has left."Amber scratched his head and felt that it would be better to leave than suffer here.

"I found signs that many people were camping nearby."

Yura went to walk around the village.

"But it's not like the traces of people camping in the village. The traces of cooking are all in one place. They should be the knights you belong to. The traces have been there for several days. It seems that they have already entered the West Canyon."

"It's my sister and the others."After learning the traces of the rest of the people, Barbara and Amber couldn't help but feel happy.

At this time, Xiaobai, who was wandering in the sky, found several people approaching here, so the police officer Yu attracted everyone's attention.

He trained Xiaobai Following the guidance, everyone went to the entrance of the village and happened to see three people walking up the hillside.

"Who are you?"

The person who spoke was headed by a middle-aged man who looked like an aristocrat, and the two people around him were dressed as hunters.

As for why it looked like an aristocrat, it was because the clothes opposite looked aristocratic, but the materials were not the same. It's pretty good, but it's heavily worn and the color is a little dull.

"Why here?"


The Dorug Temple is the ruined temple dedicated to the Guardian Beast of the West that everyone looked at across the mountain stream yesterday.

After entering the ruins, everyone found that all the people in Scroya Village were huddled in the ruins to take refuge.

Although the place is a bit crowded, it can still be sheltered from the wind and rain. The most important thing is that this place has never been struck by lightning, so there is no risk to life.

This alone is enough to satisfy everyone!

"Please take a seat...I'm sorry, the most we can do now is a cup of hot water"

"No, please take the trouble."Sven nodded and took the cup opposite him with both hands.

The group of people just sat on the stone ground without any care, listening to the story on the other side. The noble man just now is the head of this village, and he took people back before The main reason in the village was that the lightning strikes seemed to have subsided a bit during this time, so some people couldn't stay here, and many secretly ran home.

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help but focus on Sven. No need to say more. He said that just keeping his eyes as clear as water can produce an amazing sense of oppression.

The village chief continued to explain that some of the people who left just went back to get some things, which was not bad, but some did not come back directly and lived in their own homes again. At home, he had no choice but to take two people and go back to have a look, hoping to dissuade these people.

"Why do you have to do such troublesome things?"

"If they want to commit suicide, can they just leave it alone?"

Sven was sitting there cross-legged, while Fisel had one leg crossed like a gang boss and the other leg was standing. He also put his arms on his knees and muttered softly. His behavior was even worse than Sven. Want a man

"What qualifications do you have to say this?"Sven tried his best to keep a calm mind.

Calm down, calm down. I just got a beating yesterday, so I have to wait two days before talking about it.

Damn it.………But my eyes still hurt a little!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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