"Well, I think this should not be the problem in the current situation."Sven shook his head.

On the other side, Bonzhi Wuzhi looked at the red-haired girl and vaguely recalled some bad memories.

"You are the one who saved everyone in my friend's village and our family.………"The red-haired girl spoke first before anyone else asked, and shouted to Swain very excitedly.


"what are you saying?"Sven closed his eyes slightly, recalling bitterly.

To people in the human world, Swain has only been away for a few months, but to Swain………Gulu has changed from the little chubby girl who could roll down the mountain with grunt at the beginning, to a big Gulu who knocked him unconscious and even almost choked Orobas to death. You said that he and Stheno, Euryale and Anna And how long had Tiamat been on that island?

During this period, I also visited many places such as the bottom of the sea and even helped many people who ended up on the island by chance.………Or something that is not human.

Fortunately, some came by boat, and some fell directly from the sky. In the end, Sven only remembered that she had been a midwife, delivering the babies of a pair of twins.

Even if we don’t mention these things, when we were in Europe, Kallen and I helped a lot of places and saved a lot of people. Now, suddenly, someone came out and said that he saved her and many other people. It’s really hard to sort out the memory. Can't remember

"Didn't you admit the wrong person?"Yora didn't think Commander Swain could save people.

Did he command any other town defense battles?

Or did he ask Sesame and Nuomi to do something?

"No, I can’t remember wrongly, if it weren’t for him that night, all of us would have died at the hands of that monster."The red-haired girl shook her head, very sure that she had not admitted the mistake.

After all, she had used water to wash away the dust on Sven's face. At that distance, she was confident that she would never admit the wrong person.


"Uh...hmm………Uh...sssssssssssssssssssss………"Swain covered his head and frowned, trying hard to find out what the person in front of him was talking about from a lot of similar situations.

"night………night………ah!"Suddenly, Swain showed an expression of realization and snapped his fingers excitedly.

"You remembered!"The red-haired girl turned to look at Swain with a happy expression on her face.

"Are you talking about what happened in Egisa Village that summer? When there are fireflies!"

"No, it's not."The red-haired girl interrupted Swain with a stiff expression.

"Um, so, is that Lishengsia? I remember it was very hot that night."Sven coughed twice and looked at the people around him with some embarrassment.

"Ye, no, and it was not summer, it was winter………"

"Is that Fashat?"

"No, actually………"When the red-haired girl saw Si Wen thinking hard, she immediately planned to tell Si Wen the answer.

"No, no, no, wait, I can remember it soon, give me a few more seconds………"Swain covered his head with one hand and interrupted the girl's words with the other.

"Have you really helped so many places?"Yora couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, looking him up and down as if she wanted to get to know Sven again.

"Could it be Hajika?"

"No, it was spring, and it was not a monster, but a natural disaster………"

Sven's casual thoughts did not avoid the people around him, but when they heard the names of places, everyone looked confused. No one knew that he had done so many things here!

"How bad is this guy's memory?"For someone who can't even recall it, seeing Sven's serious recollection at the beginning now turn directly into a random guess, she was immediately speechless.

"You don't remember it at all?"To be honest, the red-haired girl couldn't help but feel a little lonely. After all, the other person didn't remember what happened to her and the others. But then she felt relieved. She could see that the other person was really busy. She had done a lot of similar things. I don't remember. One of them is normal

"that night………Ah, yes, the two-color sword and the huge fox………"Then she told the rest of the information.

The huge purple thunder fox and the two-color sword left a deep impression on everyone, especially the two-color sword. When it was inserted into the ground, people around were even curious and wanted to pull it out.

"ah!!"Sven shouted directly and stepped forward to cover the mouth of the person in front of him.

"Uh-huh! ?!"The red-haired girl was startled by Sven's sudden action.

When she mentioned Lianyue and Leihu, her memory suddenly shrunk a lot. Yes, this is the human world! She was almost confused!

"Sorry, I remembered something. You should go and rest first. I have something to talk about with her!"

Without giving others a chance to ask questions, with a snap of their fingers, Sesame and Nuomi stepped forward together. One of them grabbed the red-haired girl's back collar and retreated tactically with Swain. Although it had already been I have experienced the speed of retreat when Sven ordered it to retreat, but if you look at this scene from the enemy's perspective,………

You believe me, I just lowered my head to pick up an eraser. Before I lowered my head, one plus one equaled two on the blackboard, but when I raised my head, it turned into a calculus equation.

Everything happened so fast, my mind really didn’t turn around!

"that………wizard………"Lineel reminded softly again.

There is no one to lead the way, who knows where to rest!


We arrived at an open space near the water not far from the camp.

It wasn't until Nuomi put the red-haired girl down and her feet touched the ground that she felt that her soul had just caught up with her.


He staggered back a few steps, and then leaned on the side of Zhima's head to prevent him from falling.

"I finally remembered, are you the one who used water to rinse my face before?"Sven said as he casually conjured up two glass bottles, opened one of them and handed it to the person in front of him.

"Strawberry juice, try it"

"ah no i can't………"The red-haired girl subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Swain forcefully pushed it into his hand.

"Try it, it's made with strawberries that are as transparent and bright as your bright red hair, and I made them all myself from planting to what they are now."Opening another bottle, Swain drank most of the bottle at once, completely ignoring that what he just said made the girl in front of him blush slightly.


"Well, yes."

Seeing Sven's heroic move, the red-haired girl held the bottle in both hands and took a sip.

"Indeed, it is fresher and sweeter than the strawberries sold in the Holy City."The red-haired girl's face was happy, her eyes were shining, and she obviously liked this taste very much.

Seeing that the girl was so unsuspecting, Sven smiled mischievously.

"actually………There is a strong poison in it, and it is extremely lethal."

"Eh?"The girl's face, which showed joy just now because of the sweet juice, was a little dull.

"There is no other way. Now that you know my identity, I can't let you go. The only thing to blame is that you met me here."Sven had a look of regret and grief on his face, but he squinted slightly and paid attention to the behavior of the person in front of him.

"Well…………"Unexpectedly, the red-haired girl did not behave as Sven expected.

His expression was very calm, with no regrets, and no excitement or madness. Rather, he clenched his fists and took a deep breath as if he was secretly cheering himself up.

If you want to say that you are secretly cheering yourself up and preparing to fight to the death, that would make sense, but now this just seems to be encouraging yourself.


Then under Swain's surprised gaze, the red-haired girl raised the glass bottle and poured it into her mouth.


Siwen looked at the other side with an expression of someone watching a show. It was a large glass bottle of almost one liter. She had only taken a small sip before, but now she was completely stuffed in one breath!


When the red-haired girl put down the glass bottle and gasped for breath, Sven looked surprised and clapped with his mouth in a round shape.

"There are so many girls~"

"But I'm more concerned about why you drank it all?"

"Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to be saved at all now? The red

-haired girl's expression was a little lonely, but then she said with determination:"No, it was you who saved the life. Since you need it, I will return it here.""

"Really, you are really serious"

"Among so many people I have met, this is the first time I have encountered such a serious reaction like yours. When other people heard this joke, except for a few who saw through it, most of them just made a fuss, but Interesting"

"Oh, there is also a small group of people who basically look panicked, which I think is quite cute."

Sven said and fed the remaining juice in his hand to the three little beasts next to him.

"Is it………etc! ?"

"Joke! ?"The red-haired girl originally thought she could accept it clearly, but then she realized that something was not right.

"Um."Sven stroked the heads of the two little wolves without looking back.

"So, what about the so-called lethal poison?"

"That's what other people said... After all, in addition to the original strawberries, I also added a lot of sugar to these juices."

"That's about it………It's as sweet as a mouthful of fattening three pounds."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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