"you......Can you go a little further?"Cylitis thinks that since Lecia can understand people's words, these things should be fine too, right?"

"The order is unclear."The answer given by the drone is also very simple. The logic system of these units is the simplest. Specific orders must be given. If you ask a question, these guys really can't execute it."

"Forehead......."Siritis looked at Qin in confusion.

After a brief hesitation, Qin followed his father's teachings since childhood and said in a relatively serious tone:"Go forward, keep up with the team in front, and provide fire support at the same time!"

"......."However, Qin, who currently has no command authority, obviously these drones ignored her.

Turning back to look at Silitis.

After the demonstration, Siritis also understood how to do it, so she followed Qin's method and gave short and specific orders.

"The acting commander ordered to understand, begin to advance, and provide simultaneous artillery support."

Seeing that these guys were able to move forward on their own, and the speed was not too slow, Barbara couldn't help but admired

"This is so awesome.......How was it made?"

"Can it be made in the blacksmith shop?"

Barbara's question put Qin in a direct dilemma.

Not to mention other things, just the smooth casings of these drones, it takes so many craftsmen and so much effort to make them. Needless to say, this ordinary craftsman's shop , even the famous craftsmen’s shop in the Holy City probably wouldn’t be able to make it out! The shell of this scorpion alone would be enough for them to work for a year, and they don’t know if they can make it out yet!.......

"Front advance......Go forward twenty meters."

Under the bombardment of the Black Scorpions, the front line of the boxing fighters retreated blindly. It didn't take long for the knights to push from the ambush location to the open terrain. Of course, the place to stay is still very limited in the canyon. Openness only refers to the surrounding environment.

Even here, the farthest distance between the rock walls on both sides of the Shuxi Canyon is nearly a hundred meters wide, and what connects the two sides is a huge, stone tablet-like rockfall. Contact Bridge.

The Boxer Fighters and others were forced to retreat to the other side of the Contact Bridge, which is on the south side of the canyon. They huddled behind the nearby rocks and did not dare to show their faces. Obviously, the initial wave of death charges did not achieve results. He said that they would lose their energy!

Black Scorpion and other drones were launched on this side of the canyon, bombarding them mercilessly. Swifts and Wasps fell around the Knights for fear of being caught in the storm of high-explosive bombs. Go, only the wolf spider is still lingering at a safe distance near the boxing fighters.

It can be seen that after the initial warning is ineffective, the instructions set in these drones are really to keep these boxing fighters here forever.!

Very Sven's style. When the battle situation is advantageous, he must beat the opponent so hard that he can never get up again!

Boom boom boom——!!

The bunker composed of stones cannot provide much protection, so the fist fighter The rate of casualties has not slowed down much.

They are now leaderless. Anyone who has the sense to stand up and take command will be directly named by the rabbit on the opposite side.

"How to fight this!!"

"Have the ability to fight with real swords and guns!!"

The boxing fighters lay on the ground protecting their heads, trying their best not to be affected by the attacks, and at the same time roaring and shouting, but those who survived had already been shocked by the continuous shelling, their ears were ringing, and they couldn't hear anything. Here we are.

They are not afraid of fighting with their lives, but they feel it is not worth it to die in such an unknown attack!!

However, when Qin feels that this mission may be easier to solve than she imagined, Suddenly, I realized that Black Scorpion couldn't keep up the bombardment like this!

Quite a few parts of the rock wall in the distance had cracked, and the road formed by the rock wall also had signs of collapse in many places. If this continued, even if we won, what would happen next The road has not gone yet!!

"This is not possible."Qin almost yelled and spoke in Siritis's ear.

With the sound of artillery fire all around, it was difficult to hear clearly what the people around her were saying!

Siritis also frowned, and she was obviously aware of it. Come to this question.

And......She didn't intend to face each other face to face. The boxing fighters were already defeated and there was no need to continue.

After looking at the other members of the Knights, there is absolutely no point in continuing to attack. They can say that they have completely won this battle!

And it was an overwhelming victory!

"The attack is suspended!"

"Acting Commander, some life activity can still be detected on the other side. It is speculated that there are still hostile targets."

"I know, anyway, stop the attack first, otherwise the road will be damaged, which will be a bad thing for us!"

"The command was confirmed and the attack was aborted."

With Siritis's voice, all the black scorpions stopped attacking, and then the faintly red cannon barrels lowered one by one with green smoke.

"Accelerated heat dissipation, residual ammunition detection, high explosive ammunition remaining 21%, can continue fighting"

"The Wasp's remaining ammunition is 74% and can continue fighting."

"On average, Swift's wings are moderately worn and can continue to fight."

"hunting rabbits......."

Taking advantage of this gap, everyone's drones began to collect all the information and send it to Siritis. It was obvious that while the violent bombing had achieved good results, it also consumed a lot of weapons.

Although Siritis doesn't understand it very well, at least she knows that these little things can continue to fight!

After the bombardment stopped, the smoke and dust on the opposite side slowly dispersed. At this moment, everyone discovered that the space opposite the bridge had been widened by a large area, as if a semicircular cavity had been dug in the mountain!

Suddenly, in addition to the sound of gasping, there were also the sounds of several people swallowing dryly.

They tried to reverse each other's roles.

However, without the physical strength and striking ability of boxing fighters, it would be difficult for them to even defend against the aftermath of the explosion. Therefore, if they were to be bombarded by the Black Scorpions, the losses would definitely be much greater than those of today's boxing fighters!

It may even have been completely wiped out!

What everyone doesn't know is that the caliber of the Black Scorpion's gun barrel is actually not large. After all, the size is there. If it were the array cannon used against Orobas against large Warcraft,........

It’s a miracle that this canyon still exists!

The boxing fighters, whose ears were ringing and could not hear anything, raised their heads. The gravel and dust covering their bodies almost buried them all alive, but it was precisely because of this that these people survived the bombardment.

The ringing ears made it difficult to hear things clearly, but this did not prevent them from finding that the vibrations around them had stopped.

He stood up slowly, lifted off the gravel on his body, and emerged from it with a gray face.

He looked at the completely new scenery around him with confused eyes, and then turned his attention to the dark black scorpions on the other side of the mountain stream.


When the first person's eyes were frightened, and he yelled and fled away in a panic, this situation became a trend.

The fear seemed to be contagious, and suddenly swept all the survivors.


The number of people crawling out of the ruins is much less than expected.

There were about seventy or eighty people left when they crossed the bridge, but now there are only a dozen or so scattered people fleeing. Apparently the rest are all buried underneath. Barbara looked unbearable, but all she could do was pray. She prayed that this kind of thing would not happen again, and that it would not happen to the people around her.

Amber came from the side and after Barbara finished praying Finally, he patted her head comfortingly.

She seemed to be an optimist, but she didn't know anything. Many times, she was better at observing other people's emotions than anyone else, so she knew Barba very well. What is the source of the sadness that has been revealed in La?

Qin also stepped forward to comfort him:"Although it is cruel, this is reality."

"Facing this number of enemies, if the tide of battle were to change, we would be no better off than they are now."

"We are all risking our lives for each other. I hope you can understand this."

"The sister I know.....Just for a moment, so many people were........"

Barbara looked down at the drones, her eyes becoming complicated.

"Swain once said that weapons are just weapons after all. They don't do anything on their own. These things are just executing our orders."

"In this respect, they are no different from the swords in our hands."Sylitis directly quoted Sven's theory.

Yora glanced at a few people, then shouldered the sword and lowered her eyes. She did not express anything about the battle situation. Instead, she felt that these people had crossed the line privately. It's the guy's fault in the End Mountains

"Really, why do these guys have to enter the human world? Why don't they just stay in their own country and their own territory?"

The others also wanted to agree and agree, but were interrupted by the voice of a man who burst in.

"Huh, it really seems like something that someone who grew up in the human world with abundant resources can say!"

The drone was the first to react.

Several tarantulas turned their cameras and aimed at the top of the canyon. However, they glanced back and forth even though they did not see anyone, and then began to search around without blind spots.

"Where are the people?"Sylitis asked directly to the drone next to her.

"Searching for the enemy………"

The wolf spiders activated all detection systems, but just when they were about to lock on to the target, deep in the canyon, accompanied by the roar of a giant dragon, airflow with a strong electromagnetic storm erupted from the inside and spread to the periphery. On!

"Ho ho ho——!!"

This roar is familiar to everyone in the Western Empire. It is the cry of a flying dragon, but it is somewhat different.

"This voice is………"Everyone in the Knights leaned down and tried to get themselves as close to the ground or the rock wall as possible to prevent themselves from being blown away, otherwise they would definitely die if they fell into the mountain stream below!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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