Seeing Sven's attitude, Mei Lin immediately asked questions.

"You want to jump?"She remembered the height just now, the vertical drop of hundreds of meters. From a bird's-eye view, Sven was sixty or seventy meters away from Alice's fighting position.

"The distance seems a bit far, why don't you fly there?"Meilin suggested that it would be better for Sven to fly over at once.

"No, I don’t know how long that gem energy can be used. It’s better to save it for later. After all, it’s impossible to deal with flying dragons without some air superiority."

"Yes, but this distance......."Merlin nodded, closed one eye and looked at the distance between Sven and the other person.

"no problem......."Swain looked at the approach track in front of him, and then like a sprinter, he leaned down, put his hands in the water, put his fingers on the ground, moved his legs forward and back, and only the forefoot of the front foot touched the ground. The leg on the back is straightened and tightened, and the heel is also raised in preparation.

The forefoot on the rear side crushed the gravel under the river surface, and the body pressed down again, with the chin almost touching the river surface.

"Without using any external force and relying solely on physical fitness, my vertical jump height on the ground is about forty meters. Although I have never tried it horizontally, I don’t know, but didn’t I specifically choose to run?"

"It shouldn't be much different."

Sven's arm and wrist strength are not outstanding, but his foot and leg strength are among the best, so he may not be good at lifting things, but the power of jumping and kicking cannot be underestimated!

"Forty meters! ?!"

Everyone in the gem once again looked at Sven, who had been in poor condition since they met. Is his physical fitness so outrageous after his body recovered and strengthened?

Can he jump vertically forty meters on the spot?

According to modern buildings, one floor is three to four meters. Calculated by calculation, the height is about the height of an ordinary person jumping to the 13th or 14th floor!

Before everyone could do anything, the second person below found the opportunity and repelled Jin Muxianzhi with one blow. The sword evolved into a ribbon of petal light. Looking at Alice in front of him, who was unobstructed and exposed to his attack range, his face showed a smile that seemed to have been victorious.

"Kuanglan!"The second-in-command used his special skill again!

In Alice's eyes, her reflex nerves could see the cyan wind wrapped around the opposite side, and at the same time it was hitting her at an incredible speed!

Alice subconsciously wanted to do It was good to defend and dodge, but she hesitated about which side to choose.

When she finally wanted to choose defense, she raised her hands with all her strength, intending to raise her sword to block, and then she suddenly realized that she The movement speed of my body is so slow!

I can't catch up with my own reaction speed!

"Oops!!"Alice's eyes trembled slightly, and a trace of cold sweat slid down her forehead.

Several people in the knights at the rear also reacted and immediately wanted to step forward to help, but their speed was not enough. Leaning forward, she took a step forward, and the attack from the opposite side had already reached Alice's eyes!

On the other hand, everyone on the Fist Fighter side shouted and roared loudly when they saw this, celebrating like a wild beast that had successfully hunted!

"snort."The corner of the second seat's mouth also curled up.

"The outcome has been decided......Immature integrity knights, die!"

The second seat performed several rounds of front handsprings to directly shorten the distance between the two parties, and then took off directly. After gaining a certain acceleration, his right foot was like a cyan drill bit, carrying a powerful shock wave and destructive force towards Her breastplate was attacked!

This blow could definitely penetrate her defense and break open her chest!

Even before the attack came, Alice felt that the wind surrounding her body had already scratched her face in pain, and The small metal accessories on the armor are also constantly making dense and crisp collision sounds!

"Goo!!"Alice gritted her teeth. The matter was at this point. She didn't need to think about it to know that she had no time to defend herself. This blow would hit her directly!

And if she was unlucky, she would be able to withstand a full-force kick from the second-ranked fighter, and her sternum would be hit. It may break directly!


However, while both sides in the center of the battlefield were busy with their own thoughts, the Knights and Fist Fighters who were far away were all attracted by an explosion on the top of the cliff on the north side!

"what is that........"

Yura, who had already taken steps forward and started running, couldn't help but look sideways, fearing that something might happen again.

However, even if you look at it, you can only see some dense water mist that has not completely dispersed after the explosion.

"On top!" Amber, who was preparing to provide shooting support with Silitisi at the back, keenly saw an extra black spot in the sky.

The people on the Fist Fighter side also looked up, but the huge black spot hanging directly above the sky The light emitted by the sun and Horus is so dazzling that almost everyone cannot see what is in the sky.

"Can't see......."

Everyone squinted their eyes, which were a little dizzy and swollen, and their eyes were starting to have dark shadows when they saw things, but they still didn't forget to raise a hand and put it between their eyebrows to shield them from the sun.

Seat 8 and Seat 7 also looked up in the same way.

And as the black spots began to fall rapidly, their vision gradually became clearer.

"That......It seems like a person?"Qixi also speculated with certainty.

"How can it be!"The eight seats immediately shouted in denial.

"It seems like he jumped from the cliff over there?"

Amber from the Knights also made a similar conjecture.

Qin on one side maintained a skeptical attitude, but Barbara was directly shocked and said:"The cliff over there is hundreds of meters long!"

"How could he jump down?"

"No.......Not impossible......."Silitis wanted to deny it, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them with complete confidence.

At this time, both Alice and the second officer also noticed the rapidly descending black spots above their heads.

But the second seat is not in a hurry. He is very fast. The height of the opponent is at least a hundred meters away. Even if he drops quickly, he can quickly retreat and dodge after the attack is over!

No problem, no need to dodge now, just keep attacking.......!!!

However, just as the second-in-command returned his gaze to Alice in front of him, he suddenly found that his line of sight had been blocked by someone!

Prayer of the Saint - A new star shines.

It is a skill that can quickly rush to the side of teammates when they are in crisis. It is precisely because of this that a distance of more than one hundred meters can be instantly crossed, but this seems to be the limit of teleportation.

When the second chairperson looked at the faint smile on the corner of the other person's mouth, the second chairperson felt a thump in his heart.

Why is this guy! ?


However, before he could express the unexpected and surprised emotions in his heart on his face, nor before he could subconsciously raise his hands in front of him as a defensive reaction, Sven's flying kick had already preceded him with a violent war cry. It landed solidly in the middle of his chest!!


It was completely unlike the roar that a human body would make when it was hit. A ball of gas with black mist exploded in the second seat's chest, and he His body seemed to be stagnant in the air for a short time, and then suddenly flew straight back, surrounded by the storm!



The second seat let out a roar of pain and fell backwards on the white jade stone bridge, his back constantly rubbing against the thick stone tiles.

Feeling the pain in his back, the second seater kicked his legs hard on the ground and rolled back to his feet. However, he continued to slide for a few meters before stopping.


The second-in-command wanted to stand up straight and show his unwillingness to admit defeat, but the power of Sven's flying kick, which he quickly dropped from a height of 100 meters, was too amazing.

He only felt a surge of blood in his chest. , all the internal organs have been impacted to varying degrees, especially his lungs. Now just a gentle breath is sending back bursts of stinging pain. The pain from his chest to the whole body makes him suck in cold air constantly, but As a result, it would only make his pain worse, forming a vicious cycle.

And the power of withering in his chest was constantly corroding his body.

"cough!!!"The second seat's throat tightened, and his body went limp. He spit out a mouthful of thick blood from his forehead and knelt on the ground. He gasped for breath, raised his head with furrowed brows, and glared at Sven far ahead with an angry look.

"Second Master!!"

Needless to say, the other boxing fighters around him rushed forward to help.

Here, after Sven landed on the ground, he stumbled and just used the flying kick skill - Nova Fire. What he has now is a little bit wrapped around his feet. The power of withering dissipates, otherwise a big hole will be corroded by him in the white jade stone bridge under his feet!


Alice set up her defense at this time, panting heavily and looking back and forth between the second seat that was still in front of her just now, but now had flown a considerable distance away, and the back figure that suddenly appeared in front of her.

The heart that had been in your throat just a moment ago suddenly fell back into your chest.

Sven turned around and looked at her with a smile of joy after a long separation.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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