

The sounds of blood and flesh splattering and bones cracking continued to sound. Sven casually threw away the corpses of the monsters one after another. However, before they landed, they would be eaten by other monsters in mid-air without leaving any dregs.!



Compared with Sven, who seemed to be very at ease, his eyes were filled with the glowing eyes of monsters, and what was ringing in his ears was the weird sound of beasts chewing flesh and bones. Blood was dripping, pieces of flesh were bitten, and bones were being chewed. The crunching sound is always testing everyone's nerves in this dark environment!


Once again, a claw pierced the facial bone of a monster, and the beast-like armored claw blade directly crushed its entire face..Compared to the fantasy flying dragon formed by the gathering of huge amounts of ether in the ether environment, the flying dragon here is just a monster with a stronger flesh and blood body!

".....Just relying on quantity will not kill me."Sven clenched his hands into fists in front of his chest, and then opened them suddenly.

Sven's shadow expanded suddenly in the darkness, completely turning into a shocking wave and attacking the surrounding monsters.

Above the nervous-looking viewers below The hearts of everyone in the World of Warcraft Sphere were all raised to their throats!

But this situation did not last long. Black shadow thorns suddenly pierced out from the inside of the sphere like spears, mercilessly piercing the bodies of those Warcraft Beasts. Body.

Almost as soon as the body was pierced, the blood of these monsters was quickly absorbed by the shadow gun, and the body shriveled up, completely absorbing its vitality.

"It's just that this level will only make me feel better."Sven muttered, but if the magic circuit cannot be used, the absorbed vitality cannot be fully utilized, which will cause a considerable amount of waste.

"The remaining energy of the fusion gem is 3% and is expected to be exhausted within a few minutes. Please pay attention to energy distribution."Lecia's report sounded almost at the same time.


Swain didn't say anything, just sighed slightly.

However, this sigh was clearly captured by everyone in the gem.

"Sure enough, the problem with the magic circuit is very serious. Magic cannot be used. And the thing called the Noble Phantasm, although I have not seen it a few times, but its power should be among the trump cards. Miss Xiaoyue's problem is very serious.........Um?"The calm young man stated his inference straightforwardly, but found that the expressions of the others looking at him became very speechless and helpless, and even looked at him with disgust as if they had a headache.

"Why are everyone looking at me like this?"

However, he asked the people around him unconsciously

"You are so inconsiderate......."The timid girl spread her hands and complained speechlessly.

"No wonder you've been single all your life"


No, I am just seeking truth from facts. Why am I being called single?

Here, when Valientel realized that the circle of flying monsters had been broken open by Sven, revealing Sven's figure bathed in the blood of monsters, it gathered a considerable amount of sacred power and turned into wind speed to linger around. All around it!


Valiente flapped his wings rapidly, and in just a blink of an eye, he turned into a huge meteorite with a faint green fluorescent outer layer, racing at high speed in the dark sky!

When Sven saw this, the flying wings behind him suddenly burst out with light. He was only idle for a short time, and then he chased after him at a faster speed than Valiente, and compared to a meteorite, he was a red-black meteor that was faster. suitable!

In the sky, two figures, one green and one red, kept fighting and colliding with each other. They fought several times in just a few breaths.

Compared with Valiente's rounded and continuous flight trajectory, Sven's trajectory is much weirder. Many abrupt changes in trajectory make the trajectory look as sharp as a needle's rays, with no rules at all!

The various sacred arts and magic attacks continuously released by both sides formed different streams of light and the brilliance formed by the collision was more like a grand fireworks party!


Needless to say, the people on the ground just looked up blankly and stared at the two figures constantly flying back and forth in the sky. They were all dumbfounded to the point of being beyond words!

"What are these?......"

Even the dynamic vision of archers like Amber and Silitis cannot accurately capture the figures of Valiente and Sven in the two streamers of different colors in the sky.

"A speed that even the eyes can’t keep up with!"

"Even a flying dragon cannot fly in such a trajectory!"

Alice was also fascinated, but she turned her head and squinted her eyes to look in the direction of the canyon at the entrance of the altar, where bursts of smoke and dust were rising.

"It's those monsters that came after receiving the order!"

Alice reacted immediately and immediately ordered everyone to move immediately. They couldn't even attack these monsters on the ice on the water!

Boom boom boom——!!

Valiente swept out a series of fireball attacks with his tail, However, Swain, who was hotly pursued from behind, completely dodged it by using a zigzag pattern.

"The remaining energy has dropped to 1%, and the propulsion system is about to stop operating. Please be ready to land."

At the same time that Lecia issued the final warning, Sven finally seized the opportunity of the exhausted Valiente.

That's it now!

"Magic Eye, shine!"

At the same time that the Cui Yao Magic Eye was activated, Sven's arms overlapped and turned into two magic swords. Hegni and Tierfeng simultaneously flashed a beautiful but weird red color like fresh blood.

"Feather of Ether!"

With both hands waving vigorously at the same time, the two magic swords condensed the last magic power in the fusion gem in the armor and suddenly formed a crescent-shaped shock wave about two meters wide, but as thin as a wing, piercing the air towards Valiente's back. Attack!

Lala lala——!!

The crescent shock wave cuts along Valiente's back from the tail to the root of its left wing, and cuts it off directly, exposing the bloody edge of its shoulder blade!

If Not that it dodges very fast, this moment should be enough to cut its head in half from the back of its head!


Valiente endured the severe pain and closed his mouth tightly, but the heartbreaking pain still made him let out a low roar of endurance from his throat.

Having lost one of his wings, Valiente could not rely on a single wing. The side wing continued to fly, so it staggered and fell directly from the altitude of several thousand meters following the severed left wing.

Whoosh whoosh!


Watt! Lentel hit the canyon on one side first, and finally fell straight to the ground at the entrance of the altar. The vibration caused by it directly made everyone who had just climbed to the shore from the ice below the water unsteady on their feet. , almost fell, and even the person who climbed halfway almost fell down again!

Valiente used his remaining right wing to sweep away the smoke and dust around him, and then got up from the ground.

Not far in front of it As he landed and the magic power of the fused gems was exhausted, Sven, who was unable to maintain the second stage of the armor, also landed. On the way, he knelt down on one knee to buffer the force and at the same time, he switched his emerald radiant demonic eye to the red radiant demonic eye!

"Boom oooo!!!"

Valiente roared ferociously and rushed towards Sven, a man of this sizeHowever, let alone ordinary people, the impact of a large object, even an entire army or an entire city wall, would be completely unable to withstand it!

However, Sven did not dodge, and rushed directly towards him under the worried eyes of everyone in the knights.

When the distance between the two parties was very close, Swain paused, turned slightly sideways, took off the ground, made a fist with his right hand and stretched it back to the extreme, and then.....


A huge arm and a fist about the same size as Valiente's head appeared out of thin air. It was covered with red light, the same color as Sven's magic eye, and struck Valente with a straight punch without mercy. Rentel was hit right in the chest!

The breastplate, which was already covered with sword marks, was completely shattered. The fragments were scattered everywhere, and many of them were directly pierced into its chest by the punch!

It was this punch that caused Valiente, who was already charging, to lose his balance. His body crookedly passed by Sven, but after running a few steps, his front legs fell to the ground. on the ground.

Turning around, Sven prepared to continue the pursuit and kill the dragon in one go, but the densely packed monsters in the distance were already rushing towards us, crowding the canyon.

"The Six Dharmas of Heretics!"

Sven subconsciously planned to use the thunder fox to deal with the remaining monsters in front of him, so that he could concentrate on dealing with the dragon.

However, when a large purple thunder flashed, three magatama also appeared behind Sven, and he used thunder and lightning. When the huge fox pattern formed was broken in the middle, the elemental thunder fox that was supposed to jump out did not appear as Swain expected. The members of the Knights who were coming from behind to support Swain also looked on dumbfounded. Sven's body was stiff, his expression was slightly dull, and the corners of his mouth and eyes were twitching slightly. The person who replaced the thunder fox with a huge elemental body was one with completely similar characteristics. He was only two heads tall. If he insisted, he might not be there. A two-headed creature that is as tall as a large cup of milk tea.

Hitamamaru is curled up in the air at the moment, holding a glutinous rice dumpling that is larger than her body in her arms, squinting her eyes and tearing at it happily and very resiliently. The glutinous rice coating, while savoring the sweetness of the red bean paste.

When she heard the roaring footsteps of the attacking monster in the distance, she opened her eyes in confusion, and then she saw the index finger of her right hand pointing forward. Yes, Swain in a sluggish state.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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