"Sister Brünnhilde!"The other three people immediately exclaimed.

Not only Sven also saw these Valkyrie data, but there were also three Valkyries who were sharing their data.

"These data are........"

"Information in the database that we should have lost before the war!"Altlinde clearly remembers that the information about various Valkyrie individuals was lost in Ragnarok a long time ago.

"Although there are not many, there are only records about us, but this......That's right, it's the part that was transferred from the previous database."

The main database was destroyed and the backups disappeared. Now the three of them are only using a small local area network composed of only the three of them. Therefore, a lot of information is lost and they are not even aware of it.

You know The Valkyrie network used to be very lively. Dozens of Valkyries communicated with each other intimately in the same network, and were also connected to the database. There was almost nothing in Northern Europe that they didn't know!

"Those Valkyries......they?"When the data stream sharing was over, Sven covered his dizzy head and curiously asked the three Valkyries.

Xiaoxue and Shidunai, who had been in the situation and outside the network since just now, had no idea what the four of them had just done. What exactly did they see, and why did the three Valkyries suddenly become excited?

"Some of them were missing in Ragnarok and were most likely destroyed, while others were......I think you should have some idea."

Skadi's voice was the first to ring from outside the door. As everyone's eyes moved away, they saw Skadi in a good mood on the snow outside, smiling and teasing the two wolves.

Sven was the first to get up. Go out and the others follow

"Do I have an idea?"Hearing this, Si Wen lowered his brows and thought carefully.


Although he has been in Northern Europe for a long time, he has actually not been to many places, so he might have some clues......

"Deep under the castle, at the bottom of the cliff, I remember that there was a door covered by the wind and snow, with almost only the top frame remaining."

"Huhu, not bad."Skady was very satisfied with Sven's answer.

"I just like this place about you. You can know many things without explaining them clearly."

"Is it?"Sven spread his hands and looked very helpless.

"But if possible, we would like to ask a certain Queen to help answer our doubts. Why does this eye contain information about Valkyrie?"

"Do you have any clues about this magic eye?"Sven gently touched the closed eyelid of his right eye.

"makes sense......In fact, I can’t remember the main things clearly, or I forgot them."Skati's expression looked a little depressed.

"So casual?"Sven sighed, originally thinking of getting some information from Skadi.

"Long-winded~!"Skadi looked displeased, stood up and kicked Sven's calf fiercely.

If it was normal, forget it, but he had just been 'trained' by someone, and his body and spirit were in a state of extreme exhaustion, so the god's kick still made his expression change.

Skadi is also puzzled by this. Gods rarely forget things, unless it is related to the god's own personality or style of doing things. If they forget other than that, then the situation is very wrong.

"However, if there are clues, it cannot be said that there are none."Skati was very satisfied with Sven's appearance, so she also started to think about it.

"What is it?"Sven leaned down and rubbed his calves, then raised his head and asked.

"This is Northern Europe, so when you think of eyes and there is only one eye, and this eye is related to Valkyrie, who do you think of?"Skati stretched out a finger and pointed it in the middle of Sven's forehead.

"have no idea." Swain answered straightforwardly.

"I don’t like to read myths and legends."

After all, it is very common for Sven to be in the Age of Gods. He has been to many places when he was a child. Now imagine that those places with a strange sense of oppression are not the thick and overly atmospheric ether of the Age of Gods?

Who knows how many of the guys he knew before were human?

So from his perspective and the existence of the gods, what do the myths and legends spoken by humans have to do with the gossip that the uncles and aunts in your hometown village talk about all day long? Is there a difference?

The so-called myths are just a bunch of gossip about gods or other beings. As long as they are not too gossipy gods, who likes to learn about these all day long?

"this.....That's true."

After listening to Sven's words, Shidunai nodded cutely, as if there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell it?

Skadi thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was the same. She didn't like gossip, so there were many things about gods. She wasn't too sure.

Seeing that each of these gods seemed completely unaware of the affairs of the other gods around her, the people in the gems around Xiaoxue's neck seemed to see a bunch of kamidai squatting at home.

Her circle of friends was basically No, the communication partners are limited to your own family members, or convenience store clerks and couriers and takeaway guys.

It feels like a bunch of nits!

So when your family dislikes you for staying at home, you can say that you are embarking on a journey. The path to becoming a god!

But I don’t know whether you will become a god or not, but you may see your too-nie or your great-grandfather that day.

And here, opposite to these Nite gods, there is the mythical and legendary Koyuki who had a bad relationship with Inazuma for a while. gave the answer directly

"Odin."Xiaoxue dragged her elbows, put a hand on her chin, nodded slightly, and said slowly:"Odin, the king of the gods of the Asa clan in Nordic mythology, is said to be in charge of time, prophecy, kingship, wisdom, and healing. , gods of magic, poetry, war and death."

"He has hundreds of aliases in mythology. In Germanic mythology, he is called Woden, from which Wednesday is named."

"Odin in mythology is a one-eyed god with a long white beard. He wears an eagle helmet and golden armor. He holds the eternal spear Gangnir and carries the golden ring of Dropnir. He sits and can see On the supreme throne of the nine worlds, there are two ferocious wolves beside the throne, two ravens on the shoulders, and the mount is an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir."

"Uh-oh~~"Not only Sven, but also Valkyrie, Shidune, and even Skadi looked sideways at Koyuki.

"You know so detailedly"

"That is to say......Is this eye something from a great god in the past?"Altlinde isn't so sure.

"There is no way to know this. After all, in my memory, I have never seen the Great God use a similar magic eye, and besides Sven, no other existence has ever been connected to our network."

Valkyrie is still curious about the information in the Magic Eye, because it may be the key to repairing the remaining models!

"I didn't expect that later generations of humans would describe him like this. Skadi frowned slightly, as if she was struggling to recall Odin's true face, but she really couldn't remember his specific appearance.

"Isn't it?"Xiaoxue asked everyone curiously.

"The data was lost. There were records about the master, but the detailed records were damaged."Slud shook her head, obviously she couldn't answer Xiaoxue's question.

"No, it seems that the general description is quite correct."Sven here is constantly recalling the incomplete fragments deep in his memory.

"But why do I remember that he seems to be an old man who is almost bald?"

"Aha?"Everyone looked at Sven in shock.

What Xiaoxue just described was the majestic God King. Why did you just stretch your crotch here?

"Really, I remember that I even called him bald, because after all, the top of his head was clean. At that time, he was ready to fight with me, saying that he still had a hair on the top of his head."

True, true or false?"

"........."The scene fell into silence, and no one knew how to answer.

You can only hear the heavier breathing of the three animals, Sesame Nuomi and Little White Bear.

"Ah, I remember there seemed to be a fire afterwards?"

"ah!"When she heard Sven mention the fire, Hilud was the first to react.

"Could it be that that time Sven burned down all of Lady Skadi’s west wing?"

When mentioning this, Skadi's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Sven fiercely, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Sven did not speak, but complained wordlessly in the Valkyrie network.

"Can we not mention this?"

"I haven't started repairing my side hall yet......."

"I finally managed to make her happy. If you do this, I feel that the next time I come back, the other 'her' can really kill me with one shot!"

"Well......Hey~!"Hilud also knew that she had made a mistake. She cocked her head and stuck out her tongue and immediately acted cute, trying to pass the test by being cute.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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