"Brother, do we want our new home to look like sister Lina’s home?"

When Rin asked Swain with bright eyes, everyone could see that she really liked this place.

"No, that style at home is pretty good too. It’s covered with tatami mats and you can run around barefoot in the summer........"Rin said and closed her eyes, holding the little pink fox in her arms while thinking in distress.

"But this means that you can light the fireplace in winter, and you don’t have to get into the kotatsu and cannot move. Instead, the whole room is warm and you can run around.........Woo woo woo~~~~"

"Rin, you're thinking too far, and you haven't even determined the address yet."Sven waved his hand and quickly brought Lin, who was indulged in his own fantasy, back to his senses.

"By the way, why are you here? Do you want to build new residences on that land?"Sortilina changed the topic to the main topic.


Sven smiled and squinted at the white cat who was just about to peek out his little head from behind Sakura. He felt that it was necessary for him to stand up and negotiate on behalf of the 'Zibeluku Family Head'.

As if he noticed the sight, Kallen Turning his head, he met the smiling Swain's eyes.

"Well~!"Karen's blushing face, the temperature on it hasn't completely dropped yet, but it's rising again

"Me, I’d better go out for a walk!"

Then Kallen took advantage of her long legs, stood up and rushed toward the door.

"Excuse me, madam, afternoon tea......Wow~"

At the same time, the maid pushing a small dining cart filled with afternoon tea snacks happened to open the door and come in. She only felt a strong wind carrying the fragrance of flowers blowing by her side, and a white figure rushed out.

Hmm , are used to it.

If she encounters Warcraft or Honkaimon, Kallen will not flinch when faced with difficulties, but in this situation, the only way left for her is a tactical retreat. She has been obedient from the beginning. Rita, who was standing aside, and Wuming, who kept eating snacks, stood up and went to help the maid in the mansion.

Wuming pushed the dining cart, while Rita and the maid poured tea for their master.


"new snacks~!"Hitamamaru, who had been lying down on the corner of the table after eating too much, was now resurrected with full health, and he and the little pink-furred fox were lying on the table to grab food.

Sven looked at Kallen, who had long since disappeared, and said nothing. He just patted Sakura's lower back with his right hand twice. Sakura understood immediately, stood up with a smile on her face, and bowed to Sven and Sortiliena.

"Well, brother, Miss Lina, I will also go out with Kallen to take a look."

"Please do so."Sortilina directly stretched out her hand to let Sakura do as she pleased.

When Sakura also left the table, Sortilina looked at Sven curiously and asked in a gentler way:"I have been very I'm curious about your relationship with Miss Sakura and Miss Kallen.......Hmm, it seems a bit complicated?"

Everyone can see that Kallen has a crush on Sven, and her feelings towards Sakura are also very complicated. It would be better to say that the three of them would choose one of them at random, and treat the other two with exactly the same attitude. Others are completely different

"In fact, she could just say that she didn't understand the relationship between these three people."Xiaoxue secretly thought.

She had thought that someone would ask this question before, but the people in the central church, the integrity knights, would not ask about Sven's affairs, mainly because they could not be defeated. The integrity knight commander and deputy knight commander were I don't care at all. As for the rest of Swain's so-called students and the nuns from the Axiom Church, or the little girls headed by Rita, they don't think there is any problem at all.

After all, this is an era similar to the Middle Ages, side rooms and so on. They are all very common things.

"Just let nature take its course. Now let’s talk about that land."

"Of course, we won't ask for it in vain. Miss Lina can put forward your requirements. As long as they are within my ability, they can be used as negotiation factors."

Sven did not answer directly, but chose to fool around.

At this moment, Xiaoxue felt a little surprised.

Sister Xiaoxue was also surprised, but it seemed reasonable after thinking about it carefully. After getting rid of her surprise, another thought emerged in her heart. Doubt.

The negotiation between Sven and Sortilina did not really come to fruition.

The house they are currently in is just a villa of the Serrut family, and Sortilina only visits the territory on a routine basis on behalf of her parents. The real residence is in Centoria City. Sven has offered his own chips, but Sortilina said that she has to go back and report to her parents, and her father, who is the head of the family, can make the decision. In this regard , Swain expressed his understanding and said that we could talk about it later. After walking for a while after leaving the Serulut family's villa, looking at the gradually changing color of the sky, Xiaoxue asked the question that had been held in her heart for the whole afternoon on behalf of her sister.

"that......I have a question."

Xiaoxue's voice interrupted the words of a group of girls surrounding Sven, but they were not chatting, but teasing Kallen vaguely. The road here is blocked from the way it came. If Kallen dares to be alone again If she ran away, then she would most likely have to find her way back alone. Anyway, the tower of the Central Cathedral could be seen from a long way away, so there was no need to worry about getting lost.

"What is it?"

"Riddle?"Rin jumped to Xiaoyue's side. Xiaoxue was not very good at dealing with Rin's lively temperament, so she took a step back. Kallen here scratched her head and relaxed after being freed from the besieged state. tone

"No, I'm just curious. If anyone......I mean, what if, hypothetical, possible, possible situation"

"What kind of question do you have to say so many hypothetical words?"Wu Ming made a sad face, completely unable to think of what Xiaoxue wanted to ask.

Looking at Siwen's equally curious eyes, Xiaoxue slowly spoke.

"If someone proposes marriage to you in the future and wants to marry you......Hmm, just like your family, sisters, or other little girls, what would you do?"

"Will you allow them to marry?"

This question was raised by Sister Xiaoxue, but to be honest, Xiaoxue also cares about it, so this answer will also determine her future.


As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became quiet. Everyone even stopped and looked at Swain's reaction, waiting for his answer.

Sakura, who was holding Sven's arm, did not look at the faces of the people around her. Instead, she lowered her head so that no one could see her tangled and nervous expression at the moment.


After a while, Sven opened his eyes as if he had thought about it.

"That's right too"

"If they have this idea themselves, I have no objection."

"but......In addition to being someone they truly like, their partner must also be approved by me."Sven held his chin and answered seriously.

"Brother's approval?"Rin doesn't understand this very well. Now she only knows that other girls in the village basically got married at the age of her current sister.

"Yue, how do you get your approval?"Wu Ming acted as a substitute and asked everyone's thoughts.

"In other words, getting married means taking over the responsibility of protecting you from me, and you must be able to shoulder this responsibility."

Although Siwen's words, Xiaoxue kept nodding in agreement, feeling that he was right.

"Therefore, the first rule is that you must at least have the strength to kill me. This is the minimum, otherwise I won’t worry."


As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a second or two, and then they frowned and looked at Swain who answered sincerely, as if he was saying,"What are you talking about?"

"Well, let me ask just to be on the safe side. When you say kill me, you mean......."Xiaoxue's tone was as complicated as her face

"Of course it's a life-and-death fight. Kill me if you can, or I'll kill you."

"kill you.....once?"Xiaoxue thinks that if it's just once, someone should be able to do it, right?

"Of course not. When that time comes, of course I will try my best. I will use all available weapons, all means, all methods, and the other party will also use them to their fullest, assassination, poisoning, sniping, or one-on-one battles. Or he could lead his army here. It just so happens that I have made new progress in the research on drones and armor recently, so I can give it a try by then."

"If that doesn't work, then you can only try the Sun Crown. Of course, if your magic skills are enough to use the Noble Phantasm by then, ordinary opponents should not be able to use the Sun Crown!"Sven said this, his expression looked very confident.

"......."Everyone was speechless, and the scene fell into silence.

Are you the first one?

To the west of the human world, although Valiente's first seven years have passed long ago, it can still be said that his bones are still fresh.

However, this guy who caused widespread casualties and serious property damage in the Western Empire has not killed you once.

Are you making this condition now?

And what do you mean, either I will kill you, or I will be killed by you?

You want to propose marriage together and tie your head to your waist?

Everyone seriously suspected that Swain was deliberately making things difficult for others.

But if you think about it carefully, what if there seems to be something wrong?

As the person who took over Sven's guardian responsibilities, how could it be okay if he was weaker than him?

At the same time, it can also be seen that this guy's selfishness is actually quite strong.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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