"That should be it"

"And if there are no footprints on the ground or other traces, then it was taken away from the air. Was it a Warcraft?"Sven raised his head and glanced at the gray sky, but except for the long yellow sand, the sun's rays were almost invisible.

"Visibility is so low......The reconnaissance drone is ready to enter the second level alert situation and strengthen aerial search for enemies."

Sven took out eight Nightingale drones and relied on the connection experience gained from Valkyrie to directly connect the data of each drone with himself in real time, so as to obtain first-hand intelligence.


Close your eyes, concentrate your mind, and observe the information fed back by the eight drones at the same time. Swain's original intention was to first figure out where this place is and what the situation is now.

However, when the drone broke through and approached , From the sandstorm layer on the ground to a high-rise with a relatively wide view, Swain realized that he had come to a not-so-good place this time.

"what is that........"

Everyone who could also see the video data was so shocked that they couldn't take their eyes away from the scenery in the sky.

A huge white halo that surrounds the entire sky and seems to cover the entire area or a larger area. From a height perspective, it is approximately outside the earth, approximately in the satellite orbit. In the middle of the halo, the sky looks like A strange mirror.

It is a landscape that is completely different from natural wonders such as solar or lunar eclipses. Everyone is very sure that this is not a natural sight!

"Huge ribbon of light?"Sven frowned.

".......Unable to parse."Lecia tried a lot here, but she couldn't do anything.

"It seemed like some kind of magic trick."Mei Lin said something.

"Do you understand?"

"No, it can only be seen that it is some kind of magic technique. To be specific,......."Mei Lin did not say any more, but shook her head regretfully.

"It doesn't seem to be an attack technique, it shouldn't be modern magic, it might be from the age of the gods."Sven shook his head after examining it. Without the magic circuit, he couldn't analyze it and determine what it was.

The two discussed a few words with each other, and then Nightingale, who had already flown a considerable distance, also gained something.

"Report, Nightingale No. 4 discovered a life reaction at a distance of 3,200 meters."Lecia said and specially cut out the picture of Nightingale No. 4.

"Based on the heat pattern comparison, it was determined that he was a human being. He was wearing uniform weapons and armor, and he was determined to be a regular army or a private armed force."

"Okay, let's go and have a look. There's a lot of information we need to know."

Sven, who had regained supplies, waved his hand to reveal Pegasus in the form of a motorcycle. Although he could not release the Pegasus form of his Noble Phantasm, as a means of transportation, it could still be driven by the built-in gem engine..Buzz buzz——!!

Accompanied by the roaring sound of the engine, Swain accelerated the motorcycle to the limit the moment he started it. The four exhaust pipes at the rear even emitted blue-white flames, raising a The rapid smoke and dust, like the sound of roaring engines of evil beasts, suddenly sounded in the arid land where sandstorms were raging.......



"Captain, we......."

"Fool, if you have the strength, talk less and walk more......."

A group of soldiers wearing armor and hoarse voices were struggling to move forward.

Their lips were white, their throats were hoarse from dry coughs, and it was almost impossible to understand what they were saying.

The yellow sand blocks the sun, which reduces the direct damage of the sun, but the still high temperature around them consumes the little water in their bodies all the time.

"Captain, front......."

When the hoarse-voiced team member spoke again, the soldier captain, who had already guessed what the other party would ask, squeezed out his last strength to answer first.

"There is water ahead!"

"I know!"

"That is a very hidden mountain spring!"

"Just a few more damn minutes and we're there!"

"But captain, you said the same thing yesterday"

"......"The captain of the soldier did not have much confidence in his heart. Lack of water, sandstorms, high temperatures and the pursuit of monsters from behind were all challenging their spirit all the time.

The armor and the sharp sword in their hands that they once cherished as their wives now felt as heavy as a thousand pounds, and they wished they could just throw them away.

Can......If you throw away your weapons and armor, let alone encounter those monsters, even if you encounter a group of wild beasts who are also hungry and thirsty like you and others, you can say that your group will just sit and wait to die and be sent to your door. Takeaway!


A heavy sound sounded from behind the team, accompanied by the sound of armor and slight friction.

A few people at the front of the team turned around and saw a team member at the back fell directly to the ground.



"stand up!"

"If you fall down now, you're finished!"

Several teammates immediately took two steps back quickly and turned over the soldier who was facing the bottom. However, the opponent was already unconscious at the moment, and only his mouth kept opening and closing.

Everyone saw what was going on, but no one needed to After rummaging around, they found that the last dry food they had was eaten four days ago, and the water was drunk three days ago.

They all knew that their bodies were about to reach the limit, but they didn't expect that that time would be now.

Watching the first place fall The people below, and the rest of the soldiers also looked discouraged, squatting down one by one, or lying directly in the dry desert.

Looking up at the sky whose appearance was completely unclear, many people slowly closed their eyes. , no matter how much fear and despair they have in their hearts, they still can't squeeze out even a single tear from the corners of their eyes.

"Why is this happening?......."

"Did we do something wrong?"

"Oh God~!"

"please forgive my sin......."

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, God, please bless my soul to enter heaven."

Looking at the people who had completely lost their fighting spirit and strength, the soldier captain slowly sat down, put down his sword, took off his helmet, and then followed the others' example and lay down on the ground.


"Sorry, my daughter, daddy is going to miss the date this time......"

The soldier chief closed his eyes in pain. At this moment, in his heart, the longing for her daughter was greater than the fear of impending death.

His senses began to slow down, the surrounding touch became blurred, and the high temperature environment he was in seemed to no longer exist. His consciousness began to fade away, and the experiences of this life seemed to emerge in front of his tight eyes.

He thought this might be a revolving door.

He saw himself getting married, and then his wife gave birth to a baby girl, who was now a ten-year-old girl.

That was the greatest treasure and wealth in his life, and it was also his regret at the moment.

He promised to take her to the beach next time he went back for vacation.

Thinking of this, he seemed to hear the sound of waves, and the sea appeared in front of him. He ran forward, and then plunged into the sea.

The sweet seawater flowed into his mouth and nose, which relieved his thirst, but it was followed by a strong sense of suffocation.......suffocation......Suffocating feeling! ?

The soldier captain's eyes widened suddenly, and then he saw the sweet water flowing continuously from his eyes, and it was still cold!

He opened his mouth and wanted to drink, but the water entering his nose made him cough continuously.

"Cough, cough, cough!!"

The soldier captain sat up suddenly, covered his mouth and nose and kept coughing. But after he realized that this was precious water, he covered his mouth and nose hard for fear of losing the water, and even lowered his head and threw away the water on his body. Armor, sucking hard the water stains on his clothes.

When he recovered a little, he turned around and saw a handsome young man about seventeen or eighteen years old, holding a large kettle. Water was poured on the faces of other people who fell to the ground from a high place.

After the same mouth and nose were filled with water, they suddenly got up due to the feeling of suffocation, then covered their mouth and nose, took off their armor and sucked on their clothes.

Wait until After all six people in the team woke up, the big kettle in Swain's hand was also emptied.

After seeing that there was really no water after Swain shook it twice, the expressions of these people with red eyes from thirst became normal, and they turned to Looking down at the water that flowed into the arid land and disappeared, I felt regretful and sad. Many people even looked at the spot on their body that was still stained with water, and planned to lick it again. After looking at them, they saw that it was a standard European person appearance

"Are any of you feeling better?"Sven put away the kettle, turned to everyone and spoke in more common English.


However, everyone's expressions were stagnant, and then their expressions became much more serious, and they began to lower their heads and look for their weapons.

"This guy is British!!"


Looking at the people who became nervous and the incomprehensible language coming out of their mouths, many people didn't know what they were talking about.

"Is that English?"The lively female voice, who is a bad student, has a bitter look on her face. Her academic ability is low. Listening to this sentence is no different from the Bible.

"No, it's French."Sister Xiaoxue shook her head, this is a top student.

"They suspected that Xue Ye was British, so they became nervous."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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