
"Village chief, what should we do now?"

The escape team consisting of more than a dozen people had just escaped death again and escaped the flying monsters in the sky. They were all exhausted and hid in the forest without any leaves to cover, leaving only bare tree trunks for a short rest..

You must know that just ten minutes ago there were nearly fifty people here, but now there are less than twenty people left.

There are people carrying huge luggage, which contains all the belongings and hopes of the family. There are middle-aged men who only have water and a small amount of dry food, mothers with tired faces holding the hands of their children, pregnant women who listen to their pregnant belly and look around confusedly, looking for their family, and there are also women who are the only ones left in the family. There were children hiding in the corner of the team, sitting on the ground with their arms folded, crying, and a few who were lucky enough to escape together, but there were also old men who had lost all their family members and became lonely. Their eyes were cloudy, and they just looked up blankly. The sky, for them, all their descendants have passed away, leaving them alone. This is not luck, but another painful punishment.

They are not people from the same place, but survive on this land, but in the face of natural disasters In other words, after a man-made disaster, the family was destroyed, and the escape team accidentally gathered together after wandering around in confusion.

Although all natural water sources disappeared overnight, fortunately, there were water tanks or buckets at home. Water storage containers allowed them to survive.

But this also has a limit. They have been walking for more than a week and have almost exhausted food and water.

However, the dry scenery around them has never changed, and even at night They are all frightened and unable to sleep, and they have to keep rushing to a place where they don’t even know their destination during the day. Such days are undoubtedly a challenge and torture to the spirit!

Many people have lost their energy and their desire to survive. It was almost worn out when I got up.

"We go northeast."

The so-called village chiefs are not really village chiefs. They are just more prestigious and capable people selected from the villages with more survivors.

"Yes, I agree too"


Some people agree with this proposal, but others are confused.

"Some time ago, someone came to the place where we were staying. He said that someone in the northeast had seized a city from the monsters. There was water and food there, as well as weapons that could kill the monsters!"

"And now the city lord there is searching for survivors and gathering them. People from our village originally planned to go there together, but they encountered a monster on the way and got separated. But I think it is necessary for us to go, and according to rumors, there It shouldn't be that far away from here."

With a show of hands, everyone finally decided on the team's direction. The destination was Reims in what is now France.

Crossing the plains and passing through the dry forest, the fleeing team was surprised to find that along the way As we get closer to the destination, the number of teams around us also increases. The fleeing teams coming from all directions make the team of this group of people longer. From the perspective of the units in the air, this winding road on the ground The long dragon should not be too eye-catching!

Whether it is a monster or a wild beast, a place where a large number of prey gathers is a hunting ground!


Just when everyone can slightly see a corner of the city, this one The middle of a mountain on the side of the team suddenly exploded, and several monsters covered with fine scales, landing on all fours, and dragging long tails behind them, appeared on the plain!

They looked like lizards, with short limbs, but long heads and tails. It looked like Looks like the type who is good at crawling

"It's those monsters~!"

"Run away!!!"

Suddenly, the unmanned crowd was in chaos. Many people dropped their bags and ran away without caring about anything. Few people could accept the threat of death without changing their expressions.

Of course, there were also people who completely lost hope or were killed. People whose legs were so frightened stood still and waited for the approach of these monsters.

These giant lizards moved their noses slightly and found the place where the crowd was densely packed. Then without any hesitation, they charged directly towards the crowd in a straight line..

But this place is very close to the city and has already fallen into the warning category.

Bang bang!

Two eye-catching smoke bombs, one red and one purple, rose from nowhere and shot straight into the sky.

Subconsciously, I looked in the direction of the smoke bomb. , they saw a cavalry team composed of more than a dozen people approaching the monitor lizard quickly.

Many people thought these people were crazy. Even the musketeers couldn't kill these guys, and even relying on artillery could only do so. Slightly delaying their pace, what is the use of the light cavalry that is now close to these dozen people?

"Don't panic!"

"Just keep moving forward in formation!"

"Let us take charge here!"

When the cavalry passed the crowd, everyone heard the shouts of these people. Without waiting for them to respond, these people left on horseback.

As the cavalry got closer to the monitor lizard, they also saw clearly Target

"The targets, five monitor lizards, are of a very common type and we can handle them."A cavalryman who just shot a red smoke bomb to warn nearby friendly forces and used a purple smoke bomb to report that there are civilians here is changing arrows.

The equipment in the hands of these people has not changed much. They are still long swords and long bows, but these two things All have been upgraded, with improvements in materials and craftsmanship, directly from the medieval level to modern times.

The long sword has not been upgraded, because even if it is upgraded to a laser sword, these people cannot use it. If they really want to fight in close combat, these people They haven't even gotten close yet, and all of these people will be wiped out with one claw of the Warcraft, so let's just pull them away from a distance.

Therefore, if there is anything that has changed the most, it is the arrow baskets behind them.

Wooden arrow bodies, animal feathers Tail feathers and arrows made of iron or even wood directly ushered in an update.

Arrow bodies made of alloy, tail feathers with their own small disposable flame thrusters, and specialized explosive arrows filled with rune gems.....

An epoch-making arrow that combines human craftsmanship, advanced technology and mysterious magic, it is guaranteed to make modern scientists and magicians frown and tremble at the same time.

I have no idea whether this thing should be classified as technological equipment or magic gift.........

Some people may think it would be better to just use a gun?

But it's a pity that these medieval soldiers can only use arrows, and they need to retrain to use guns. It is not as straightforward as changing arrows now.

You can tell me directly then.

You are strengthened!

Come on!


Estimating the distance, the cavalry captain directly asked the people behind to set up arrows and shoot!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several arrows were shot out, and when they were about to hit the target, the thrusters at the tail end were fully fired. These archers did not need to use any strength. , the gem arrow directly pierced the opponent's skin, and then exploded. The explosion from the inside could directly blow away the entire piece of flesh. Even if you were lucky enough to hit a vital part, like the one who was hit in the neck over there, A direct arrow shot had half of their necks blown off, killing them on the spot!

As for the remaining few, they continued to circle on horseback while the knights were dispersed, and were eventually consumed to death by flying kites.

So the battle started and ended. It only took a few minutes to end, and another green arrow shot into the sky, indicating that the battle here was over.


The people who had just escaped came back one by one, picked up their luggage, and looked at these people and the flags they were holding blankly.

It was not a French flag. It looked like the cross flag of the church, but it was a different cross flag.

When the cavalry approached the fleeing team, someone quickly approached them and asked them who they were and why they were wearing French armor and weapons but holding the flag of the church.

"We were originally the garrison of Reims, but now we do not belong to the French army. We temporarily belong to the Axiom Church. We are not for the country or for individuals. We are united to save more people in this catastrophe. group"

"Under the leadership of Lord Shenzi, we formed the Axiom Church Guardian Army"

"Don’t worry, as long as you reach here, from now on, you will be protected by this flag and the Son of God!"

Many people were confused when they heard this. Is there any difference between the Axiom Church and the church they believe in now? It seems to be the same, but it seems that the Axiom Church has a much stronger fighting capacity, and now there is one thing that can confirm itself. It seems safe to wait for others?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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