"That's awesome. It seems like this assassin is going to die."

"That's it"

"The positions of prey and hunter have also changed."

"It's really ugly"

"Oh, it seems like some little things are coming over, haha, no prey, no matter how small, can escape the hunter's eyes!"The archer mercilessly laughed at the assassin who was supposed to be the companion's camp, but the longbow in his hand did not stop.

With just a rapid fire, all the Nightingales of the three reconnaissance teams sent by Swain were destroyed, and in the end they got The reconnaissance picture was just a slightly blurry black figure.

After dealing with the drone, the archer drew an arrow from behind and took it with him. It was completely black, but there were many golden hollow patterns on it and it was constantly exuding. A longbow with red light particles.

This is not the longbow she is used to, but a magic weapon that a skilled craftsman made some time ago!

Therefore, it can shoot arrows that are powerful enough and far enough without using too much effort.


Suddenly, the metal arrow suddenly ignited into a raging red flame.

With a sound that broke through the air, the arrow dragged its red tail and flew towards the 'prey'!

Here, the Kingdom of Heaven was once again suppressed , her increasingly irritable heart made her movements messy. For the assassin, going crazy can be said to be a debuff.

Hepal's knife hilt hit her abdomen hard, and Tianguo moved backward uncontrollably. As soon as he fell, the support of the archers arrived again.

Sven planned to continue blocking, but found that this attack was a little different. The violent energy coming from the special arrow was not something easy to deal with. And the more important thing is the flame.

Although he was unhappy in his heart, Swain did not show it directly, otherwise he would definitely be targeted! What

Swain showed was just the usual way of giving up blocking after discovering a powerful attack. There was no stagnation or incoordination in his posture, face and movements.

He carried Hepal and retreated dexterously, but on the way he threw and hit the dagger at the end of Hepal and Grammer.

And the flaming arrow also It passed between the two people and fell to one side.

A roaring explosion swept all around in an instant.

In the smoke,

Tianguo's eyes widened and she tried her best to fend off Grammer who was the first to break through the smoke and reach her. , but the dagger that followed pierced the center of her abdomen without any pressure!

Black mist particles poured from the chain behind the dagger toward heaven in an instant.

The clothes on her abdomen were the first to be Corrosion, withered in an instant, revealing her slender waist and navel, as well as the light red tattoo that looked like snake scales!!

Sven pulled the chain and pulled the dagger back, but the power of withering was like a plague, no, it should be Like a real plague, it continued to linger around Tianguo's body, and starting from the wound, it continued to launch fierce attacks on her internal organs again and again!

"You bastard!!"

Tianguo took a step forward, but her legs were a little weak. She knelt down on one knee and covered her wound with her right hand.

She raised her head fiercely and looked at Si, who was concentrating on dodging the flaming arrows of the archers. Wen, she subconsciously prepared to use magic power to offset the corrosion of this unknown force.


"Even death!"

"I also want to take you to the funeral!!"

The whole body of Heaven suddenly erupted with a strong magic reaction, and the rising dark red flames directly burned everything on the ground around it.

Sven turned his head suddenly and saw the other party's current state.

"A treasure?"

"It seemed that he was cornered."I haven't been stunned by the opponent, and I can't be completely restrained now.

In this case, it's difficult to hit the Noble Phantasm.

Moreover, the opponent is in a very bad condition at the moment, so Swain is confident that he can dodge the next shot." After the powerful arrows of the archers, they immediately retreated to avoid the opponent's unprepared release of the Noble Phantasm.

But very suddenly, the archers' sniping stopped suddenly without warning.



Without waiting for Sven to be confused, from the direction of the archer's guessed location, two arrows wrapped in an emerald green whirlwind soared up like two rockets and disappeared into the clouds in the sky in an instant!

"That is........"Sven squinted his eyes to see what was shooting into the sky.

However, the next moment, a burst of bright starlight flashed across the sky, and its scope seemed to cover the entire area.

He suddenly looked up at the sky directly above. The clouds that were gathering again after being blown away by Aberdeen's roar were scattered again, revealing the huge halo covered by it, the bright moon and the bright stars all over the sky.!

In this environment without any artificial light pollution, the Milky Way and numerous stars in the sky look so dazzling. The bright gold and blue starlight reflects the sky as bright as day.

And in this beautiful starry sky like an artistic creation, there are endless murderous intentions and crises hidden!

Soon, these little stars fell, and it looked like the entire star curtain was falling down!

"Curse my blood, bring calamity upon me"

"Starting from Koga Saburo, no matter how many years go by, there is something here that cannot be washed away."

Tian Guo also took this opportunity to start chanting the Noble Phantasm. The flames around her body burned more and more fiercely, and her golden right eye also lit up with a faint halo.

"Hiss hiss——!"

An icy neighing sound appeared from behind Tianguo, and the flames around him instantly exploded, rising up to form eight snake-like shapes that were more than ten meters high!

The black man wrapped in flames spit out black words, and his red eyes stared at his prey without blinking!

"The sky, the sky is falling! ?"


"Eight giant snakes!"

The people in the gem began to panic. Even if they had confidence in Sven, they had never imagined such a scene falling from the sky! What's more, there are eight giant snakes on the ground looking at this side with eagerness?

The so-called Is the Noble Phantasm such an outrageous and powerful thing?!

"Arrows made of stars!"

"This is also a Noble Phantasm!!"However, Swain saw the true nature of this move.

The falling sky was just an optical illusion, and its true nature was a large-scale rain of arrows covering the entire city where Swain was!

As the rain of arrows fell, Even here in heaven, we continue to sing the blessings for the Noble Phantasm.

"Psychic - The Origin of Ibuki Okami!!!"

"Hiss hahaha——!!!"

In an instant, the eight big snakes in front suddenly jumped up from the ground, opened their flaming mouths and attacked Sven!

"Are the Noble Phantasms linked together?"

If it were just a precious phantom belonging to one person in Heaven, Sven would not be very surprised, but the range of the arrow rain from the sky is too wide! The attack range seems to be against the army or the city, but in terms of actual power, You can't see it at all now!

If you want to completely avoid these arrows, the fewer existences around you that can interfere with you, the better. Sven instantly changed his weapons, put on his armor, and put his right hand on his waist. His divine power surged. On the hilt of the Rengetsu sword, the core in the middle of the chest began to emit extremely high Honkai energy.

Fortunately, the archers were far away from here, and the arrows still had a few seconds to arrive, and the assassin's magic power was not much, so the Noble Phantasm's The power won't be too strong, then........Kill a few snakes first, and then find a way to attack and dodge the archers' Noble Phantasm!

"Magic Eye, shine!"

"Armament Strengthening Technique!!"

"break out!!"

Using three abilities in a row, Sven suddenly drew his sword and raised it. The giant blade held by the huge arms matching the size of these giant snakes directly cut off the head of the fire snake in the front. Suddenly, flames Exploding in all directions!

While stepping forward with his right foot, he slashed the second knife with his right hand!


The second fire snake also exploded into nothingness!

"very good!"

Sven had a faint smile on his lips. After actually taking action, he found that the assassin was completely exhausted. In this case, he was even confident to kill him before the arrow arrived!

After using the Noble Phantasm, it was also her magic power. The moment when the physical strength is exhausted at the same time!




Continuous swings of swords, deft steps and agile body shapes, just in an instant, even the short time is not enough to blink.

Sven has already appeared from the front Killed in front of Tianguo!

He left behind a wave of graceful sword shadows, and the flames that gradually disintegrated in the air, but still retained most of the snake-shaped flames!

Tianguo stared at the person who came in front of him with wide eyes. On her face, the fiery red light from the opponent's right eye was reflected in her golden eyes. The red fluorescent blade had been chopped off, and the hot blade was in close contact with the young girl's neck.

Poof - blood spattered out. sound


Tian Guo's brows moved slightly, and his mouth opened slightly to say something, but no sound came out.

The blade cut through her skin, severed her muscles, and severed her bones without any pressure.


With a burst of rapid wind pressure, Tianguo's body was slashed diagonally. Half of his upper body and right arm flew up at the same time, and the most critical spiritual core part of his body was also cut in half.

Rather than killing the enemy, Sven now needs to run as far as possible towards the edge of the range of the Archer's Noble Phantasm!

Wow - but before Sven could take a step forward, a small piece of rolling stone fell down from the ruins not far away. Sven looked sideways for a moment, then his eyes widened with a look of horror on his face. look!

"yes.......Too focused and forgetful"

"here..........They are all people!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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