"But this guy!!!"


"It will be so heavy!!!"

Bianca is now dragging this guy forward very reluctantly. They must leave this road as much as possible. After all, the top here has been bombarded by beam cannons, and now it has begun to stop. It's rubbish.

Once a chain-reaction collapse occurs, all this section of the road will be destroyed!

So she plans to evacuate to another section of the road a hundred meters away.


But as if it has reached its limit, the masonry above is now There was a sound of breaking and collapsing.

As soon as Bianca looked up, she saw huge cracks all over the top and the ceiling that suddenly broke and collapsed!

She subconsciously raised her hand to block, but it was obviously useless.

But then, She felt her collar being grabbed by someone, and she was being lifted up casually like a plastic shopping bag filled with merchandise. A strong pushing sensation swept across her body in an instant. This feeling made her I had only experienced this on a raiding ship that was moving at full speed.

They ran out of the hundred-meter distance in just a split second.


This section of the sewer collapsed completely, and the smoke and dust exploded and poured into other branch roads. At the moment of collapse, A burst of light flashed, and two people rolled out of the smoke hugging each other.

After rolling on the ground a few times, Sven first turned his head in this dim environment with only weak light, and glanced at the completely buried corridor on one side. After finding that he was blocked by a fairly solid round arch, he felt relieved.

If he hadn't been hit by a few arrows in his legs, he would never have fallen down on this stretch of road!

"Uh-huh........tired."As if frustrated, Sven relaxed his whole body, lay on the stone floor with his head raised, closed his eyes and thought.


"As expected, the range is very far, completely outside my attack range. Next time we meet, we must find a way to get as close as possible."

Crack - a crisp metallic sound rang in front of Swain's face. Recognizing the sound of a pistol being loaded, Swain opened his eyes and immediately saw the second holy relic aimed at his forehead.

"Forehead........That, Miss Bianca?"The corner of Swain's mouth twitched slightly, and he squeezed out a forced smile. His eyes moved slightly downward to look at Bianca, who was held and protected by him before. At this moment, under the dim fluorescent light, Bianca's face was dark. The big ice blue eyes are cold and lifeless, the corners of the ferocious mouth contain a strong murderous intent, and the sight is as sharp as a little lioness on the hunt.

"I really didn't expect that."Bianca's tone was as cold as the biting wind.

"What didn't you expect?"Sven asked in confusion.

"I didn't expect that the people here are all the same thing. There are lustful lolicon businessmen, and now there are also equally lustful lolicon swordsmen?"

"No, no, no, I’m not a pervert, and I’m not a lolicon! Sven shook his head violently back and forth.


"Then do you want to take your hand off my butt first?"

"Forehead..........Can I say it was an accident? Swain tried his best to keep smiling, but the smile looked almost like crying.

"Haha, no!!"

Bang bang!

" After two crisp sounds, Bianca stood up and put away her gun, and Swain also stood up and touched her cheek. There were two red marks on the left and right of her cheek. A small slap mark.

Bianca calmed down and then turned to look at Sven at this moment. She had not taken a good look at this guy's condition before, but now under the light from her waist, she could clearly see the face of the person in front of her. state

"Didn't see it"

"ah? What did you see?"

"I didn’t do anything else this time!"Sven immediately covered his cheeks with both hands, indicating that he had done nothing.

"Forget what happened before!"Bianca's eyes became fierce again.

"yes......"Swain nodded crazily.

"I mean that light rain, are those arrows?"

"Judging from the number of at least several thousand archers shooting at the same time, I know what you did. You deliberately focused those arrows on you."Bianca folded her hands and slowly analyzed the previous situation with her back to Swain.

"Are you trying to protect the rest?"

"No, I just want to see if I can block this number of arrows."

"Who cares if anyone else is around at a time like that?"Sven immediately chuckled, shook his head and spread his hands to deny it.

"This is a liar"

"this is a liar"

"Yes, definitely a liar."

Everyone in Gemstone, as the direct witnesses at the first scene, immediately expressed doubts about the testimony of the parties concerned.........No, it should be possible to prove directly that he is lying!

Do you really think that everyone is deaf and blind?

You could obviously run by yourself at that time!

And with your 100-meter sprint speed just now, although you can't completely run out of the attack range, you will definitely have no problem leaving the center of the attack!

"So you succeeded?"

Bianca turned around and looked at Sven up and down. There were only three or four arrows stuck in the opponent's body, which was 'pathetically few' compared to the number that covered the sky!

Sven, as the person involved, He lowered his head and looked at the arrows stuck in his body. Although the armor on his body was pierced and blood was seeping out like a trickle, it was only a minor injury to both him and Bianca..

In fact, he is even more surprised than Bianca now. He did not use any means at that time. He really planned to resist, so he used all the Honkai energy in his body to change gravity.

"I don’t know, except for the first few arrows that hit me, the rest chose to avoid me afterwards."This is what makes Swain confused the most.

At that moment, he and the arrows were like poles of a magnet, creating a strong repulsive force, which allowed him to survive safely. At the same time, because of the comparison , Anka's move made the archers on the outside think that they had solved the target and left. Otherwise, if they continued to fight, they would only be able to rush towards the position of the archers against the opponent's arrows!

"What is that......"Bianca glanced at Swain, and then sighed helplessly. She supported her waist with one hand and pointed at Swain with her finger.

"By the way, who are you?"

"By the way, have you ever seen a male lolita businessman with red hair and pretty good looks, but when he opens his mouth, he sounds like an irritating male lolita businessman like you?"

"He should have been wearing a suit of armor before........A piece of armor that looks super bulky is flying around in the sky"

"........."Sven was silent

"Why don't you speak?"Bianca looked at the other person curiously, thinking that his injuries were getting worse.

"No, I was just thinking about the person you described."

"So did you see it?"


Sven was silent for a moment and said bluntly no.

"Commander, the 7th Drone Reconnaissance Team reports that a small group of Dragon Tooth Soldiers is approaching from the west side of Paris, at a distance of 5,000. It is speculated that they were attracted by the magic power left after Aberdeen's death. There are currently no combat drones available for support. ,Please advise."

However, before Swain could finish his words, Lecia's report sounded directly.




"I was thinking before that there were two perverted lolita characters in this place. Is there anything special about it?"Bianca had a sweet smile, but her hands had already touched the second holy relic around her waist.

"that.......I can explain it."Sven subconsciously took a few steps back. It seemed that he was suppressed in terms of momentum by the little girl opposite him.

"And I am a wounded person now, look at it!"

"I still have arrows stuck in my body!"

"Eh.........Forget it, we’ll ask about these things later. Let’s go back to the ground now. Aren’t there those Dragon Tooth Soldiers approaching?"

"Go deal with that first, and take care of your injuries as well, otherwise you will suffer the consequences later."

"Am I just passing by?"

Bianca sighed without saying anything. She flipped her hair and took out the map she had received from Swain before to check her current location and the exit channels.

"Then go this way. I remember there is a secret door here to get out."Sven pointed to the dark path on one side.

"snort~!"Bianca curled her lips and entered the sewer path before Swain.

Seeing this, Swain breathed a sigh of relief and followed him.

"Where's your artillery armor?"

"Soon after you were attacked, you were defeated, not even the scum was left."

"No, there's still some left. Your combined beam cannon and energy backpack are still there."



"That's okay. If you repair it, it should be fine.........."

"However, I used it to blast the ceiling of the sewer when digging a hole. Then it seemed to be overheated, and the auxiliary arm and energy pipe exploded. Now they are buried in the passage we just ran out of."

"Well, is that any different from nothing?"

"You could at least dig it out"

"Forget it, I might as well build another one."


"Your 'commission' this time has not been settled yet. Where can you get the funds?"


"Don't be discouraged, you can come and work for me when the time comes"



"I will definitely become the most powerful Valkyrie in the future, don’t I deserve to have a team?"

"When the time comes, you come to be my deputy, and I will definitely not treat you poorly in salary and benefits. At least your income will be more stable than when you are a businessman now who doesn’t even know who to sign for this loss and reimbursement form."



"I'm telling the truth!"

"Then I have to think about it carefully.........Wait, put the gun down first!"

"Can you communicate well with others?"

"I just think it's faster to communicate this way."

"You see, you are already starting to give in."


"Let me go, what you said makes sense, and I can't refute it at all!"

As the two of them walked away, in the dark corridor, the weak light and two shadows, one large and one small, gradually disappeared into the darkness.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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