"Rocket launchers and beam weapons are not very useful underwater, and the electromagnetic gun will explode on its own underwater."

Sven held the sleeping Xiaobai in his hands and helped him comb his feathers.

"Indeed, when it comes to underwater equipment, there are torpedoes, mines, and underwater missiles."Bianca has no experience in underwater combat and doesn't know what weapons can be used underwater.

"What else can there be?........"

"Uh-huh."The two people tilted their heads and thought at the same time, which made Harry, who was standing between them, very speechless.

It seemed that his suggestion was destined not to be accepted. Everyone here was starting to think about combat equipment. His suggestion was still there. There’s a damn use for it!

"Do you have any ideas?"Sven asked Harry casually.

"........Where's the harpoon?"

"It was very useful when my father was a fisherman........."Harry was very helpless and told his answer.

"Well, indeed, get a harpoon gun, change the arrows, and get a firearm for underwater use. Okay, let’s start designing it now!"


"Then I want to be a weapons tester!"Bianca also jumped up from the ground, full of energy.

Swain also did what he said. He found an open space nearby and moved his entire research room out of the ring.........

The faces of Harry and the rest of the Lance City soldiers who came with him were untroubled, and they were no longer surprised by this.

So when the few guys who were immersed in cooking were frightened by the sudden appearance of the building, they all snorted and whispered:

"Oh, a countryman who has never seen the world!"

But to be honest, setting up a stronghold less than 500 meters away from the enemy's base camp in a straight line is a bit too disrespectful. At this distance, it seems that with a short charge from the opposite side, people like you can go to the underworld to queue up to get the number!

Sven entered the research room. He first glanced at the huge dragon egg that was tightly protected by thermal insulation measures next to his seat. He gently stroked its slightly rough appearance and then sat down. He turned on the void display in front of him and started immediately. Design 3D blueprints

"Torpedoes are somewhat different from missiles and rockets. The power system is different, and unlike missiles flying in the air that require strong power to fly. If water is used as a carrier, the power will be slightly weaker, which will increase the power of the explosion."

"And if the beam cannon doesn't work, then use live ammunition. There should be firearms that can be used underwater..........."

Swain first designed several prototypes of the weapons he had roughly conceived to see the feasibility, and Bianca was also on the side as a consultant.

"Is this too big?"

"Can you run underwater?" Bianca pointed at one of the designs, questioning its mobility.

"And don’t you need to get some diving gear?"

"How will the two of us dive then?"

"Hold your breath and go down, then come back up when you can't anymore?"

"Why do you think so naturally that you want to be with me?!"Swen clearly didn't say to take her with him every time, why is she so self-conscious?

It is undeniable that Siwen's ideas in design are brilliant. If you deny an idea, more improved ideas will immediately arise. Practice.

And Bianca is also a fighter with good potential. She has a natural adaptability and screening ability for weapons. It is just a temporary model. She can judge whether it is good or bad as soon as she gets started.

"The object is determined, the blueprint is determined, the material is determined, the structure is determined, everything is ready, and the construction begins!"

Sven was seen holding a small piece of metal in his hand. As his words fell, the blue light and shadow like data flow quickly covered the entire piece of material. Immediately under Bianca's curious eyes, this piece of metal It was automatically divided and began to reorganize itself.

At first, it was a piece of raw material with a bumpy appearance, but in an instant, it was converted into mechanical components produced and processed by some kind of high-precision machine tool, and was assembled into a weapon.

"Is that how you used this ability to make those weapons?"Bianca slipped her hands from Swain's palm to play with the freshly made weapon.

"Give it a try first."Sven didn't answer her, he just wanted her to test the performance of the weapon................

"A little more, huh..........Let’s modify the angle of the grip. After all, the enemies we face are large. If you hold it up to shoot, the recoil force at this angle cannot be rested on your shoulders, and your arms will soon become sore."Bianca moved the shotguns she held in both hands, feeling a little dissatisfied.

"really."Sven nodded, holding his chin in thought.

"In addition to the ease of use of weapons, local factors must also be taken into consideration. This is my mistake. I need to rectify it immediately!"

As he spoke, he sat back at the workbench to design the next drawing, and Bianca also threw the weapon in her hand aside........In the garbage heap.

Occupying almost a corner of the room, there was a two-meter-high pile of weapons and garbage, all of which Swin and Bianca had tinkered with over the past few hours.

"I.........This is the first time I have seen the process of weapon development. It seems to be more casual than the last aircraft development............"The timid girl doesn't know what words to use to describe her current mood.

Although her family is indeed very rich, right?..........

Because there was no suitable material at hand, the test object was then made of gold, which has the highest plasticity.

Are you so prodigal?!

And this pile of modified golden weapons is still here like garbage, is it really okay?!

Are you still planning to find a non-burnable garbage collection day to throw away all these things?

These two prodigal bastards, do you know how much money you had to spend to get these golden weapons when you were a kid?

"Give up. For him, gold is at most a metal with relatively good conductivity. In addition to the current model, it can only be used by making some kind of chips or instruments."The calm young man comforted his companions

"In addition to this, while he was designing, he was explaining what the hell the egg was!"The timid female voice was not only surprised that gold was used as a raw material, she was also concerned about this guy's educational concepts.

"Is he doing prenatal education for Dandan? ?"

"The key is whose prenatal education is teaching weapon making!"

"If you tell it about thermodynamics, aerodynamics, and fluidics, who will understand?"

"Yeah?"The cold female voice objected to this.

"I think what he said is very good. If possible, I wouldn’t mind having him be my child’s godfather when the child is born."

"Haha, you are overthinking, this is impossible."Sister Xiaoxue sneered, not thinking that the owner of the cold female voice would have this chance.

"Ah, maybe?"



The strong wind is blowing wildly on this land, and the large amounts of dust and sand thrown up are testing the people here all the time.

If the transferred coordinates had not been repeatedly confirmed and correct, I believe many people would have regarded this place as a desert or arid area.

"Bah, bah!!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was wearing a Chaldean uniform, had a bitter face and frowned. She had helplessly spit out the sand that had blown into her mouth countless times along the way.

What made her even more distressed was that she was wearing It's a skirt!

Although she wears black pantyhose underneath, in such weather, in addition to fighting against the strong wind and sand, she also has to cover her skirt all the time. This is really painful!

"This is France?"

"I was thinking about traveling here before, but the climate here looks very unfriendly!"

"really.......This is harder to deal with than the snowstorm outside Chaldea."Mashu, wearing dark purple armor and holding a large shield, walked in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka, resisting the sandstorm and moving forward with difficulty.


"I just washed my hair before leaving!"Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his gravel-covered hair and opened his mouth to shout.

But as soon as he opened his mouth to shout, he was fed by the oncoming sand.


"Bah bah!!"

And everyone in Chaldea in the distance looked at the blurry picture on the big screen in front of them, and their expressions were not very good.

Olga Marie held her hands and stared at the screen. The communication status was also unclear. Not very good, the sound is intermittent and a little noisy

"I said Romani, did you really make a mistake?"The toe of Olga Marie's right high-heeled shoe kept touching the ground, making a crisp sound.

"If the transfer location is wrong, I can forgive you if you tell me now!"

"No, no, no, this place is really good!"

"And you really don’t look like you can forgive me!"

Romani, who was constantly checking the information in his hand, felt like his orange hair was going to be bald by him.

"However, is there no record in history that France suffered such a severe drought during this period?"

On the other side of Olga Marie, Leonardo da Vinci walked over slowly and said with a smile:"Then this seems to be one of the abnormalities."

"But what would it take to make an entire region so dry?"Olga Marie kept biting her thumbnail, and then stared coldly at Romani aside.

"Don’t you have any constructive opinions?"

"No........The best way now is to explore a little bit down to earth."Romani directly spread his hands to express that he was helpless.

"Tsk, it’s really useless!"Olga Marie is not angry at Romani's ability, but at his lazy performance!

Can't you show a little more motivation!

"Ah, who told me to just be the director of the medical department?"Romani narrowed his eyes, spread his hands stupidly and chuckled.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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