"Are you afraid of us?"Ma Xiu asked Fujimaru Ritsuka uncertainly.

"seems like it."Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded.

"Okay, at this time, we need to use the skills taught by our predecessors. Don’t continue to get closer, but gain trust first!"Ma Xiu mustered up his courage and wiped the shield in his hand on the ground beside him with a bang.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka was frightened by the sound and looked at Masu in surprise, let alone the crowd in front of him.

"Sorry, can you excuse me?"Ma Xiu started shouting from a considerable distance.

"No, no, no, Matthew, this is a foreign country, you should use English."Fujimaru Ritsuka next to her immediately took her little hand and reminded her

"Ah, yes!"Ma Xiu suddenly understood and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka with admiration.

"As expected of Ritsuka-senpai!"

"Um, no........I was praised for something like this......"Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled awkwardly, feeling really unhappy



"British! (French)"

The moment Matthew opened his mouth, the crowd on the opposite side immediately started rioting.

It should be said that he was taught by Swain. What he did and what he experienced were so similar.

When Matthew used force.....physics.........Ahem, after some convincing persuasion with virtue, these people calmed down.

Relying on the translation device, everyone who was finally able to talk normally relaxed their vigilance a little.

"Thank you so much!"

"Thank you so much!!"

Everyone who received fresh water supplies from the two people thanked them one after another and began to grab the precious water resources. They did not doubt whether there was any problem with the water, and their aura showed that these people could not even walk just now. Staggering.

Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously stepped back, and then they discovered that a woman in the team was just sitting on the mound on one side with a lonely look, with no intention of participating. She was kind-hearted. Matthew thought the other person was injured or unable to move for some reason, so he took the initiative to talk to him.

"Are you okay?"

"If that's okay, I still have water here. Would you like some?"

The woman slowly came back to her senses. Looking at the kettle handed to her, she subconsciously raised her hand, but then put it down with a lonely look.


"Child, keep this water for yourself and drink it. In this world, water is too precious."The woman shook her head, looking at Mashu, her eyes became extremely soft, full of the radiance of love.

"Don't worry, we have plenty more here."Ma Xiu thought the other party was worried about him.

The woman just shook her head with a faint smile.

"I already......Hey, I'm afraid we can only go here."

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was following from the side, looked at the look and expression of the woman in front of her. She was obviously heartbroken and without any light or hope.

She was stunned at first, but soon stepped forward with a smile. , asked softly:"Auntie, what happened?"

"If you have any difficulties, can you tell us?"

"Don't look at us like this, actually...........She is very strong!"Fujimaru Ritsuka wanted to say that we are very strong, but when the words came to her lips, she took a step back and pushed Mashu forward.

"Eh! ?"

"Um, I, this........"Mashu was at a loss as his eyes kept glancing back and forth between the woman and Fujimaru Ritsuka behind him.

After a brief moment of panic, Ma Xiu lowered his head, but quickly raised his head again and asked in a low voice.

"convenient.......Tell me something?"

"Maybe we can actually be of some help?"

Perhaps it was Mashu's pitiful appearance that moved the other party, so he also told the situation about the country at this time and his own experience. The two people here and everyone in Chaldea were listening carefully. , and even kept corresponding records

"..........My daughter and I went back to my hometown to visit relatives, and my parents lived in the suburbs of Orleans, so the moment those monsters in the sky appeared, my parents took my daughter and me and ran away together."

"But on the way we encountered an army composed of skeletons. They formed a queue and came towards us. Many people who fled died in their hands. My parents stayed behind to help us and my daughter escape. Use the farm tools in your hands to buy us time."

At this point, the woman's eyes had turned red, and tears were welling up in her eyes.

Everyone who was listening to the woman's experience was also silent at this time.

"but.......Well, even if my parents risked their lives, even so, ugh.......I, I still watched helplessly as a demon snatched her from my hands............."

The woman was already crying. When Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka saw this, they stopped asking questions. Instead, they leaned forward to comfort the woman.

In the control room, everyone who had received considerable information from the woman began to seize the time to sort out the information.

"It can be concluded based on the current situation........"Olga Marie looked at the panel in her hand and said slowly:"With the power to eliminate water overnight, there are dragon-like monsters wandering in the sky, and organized skeleton soldiers."

"Well, and judging from the rest of the testimony, the person commanding the skeleton soldiers should be a servant, and the devil........The possibility of being a Servant cannot be ruled out."Da Vinci's face was full of depression.

"Flying dragons, even sub-dragon species are very troublesome."Romani sighed. He couldn't imagine that the current Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka are really capable of facing the dragon species? The woman here is lying on Mashu's shoulder and crying, which makes her not very good at it. The girl who came into contact with other people seemed to be at a loss.

Fujimaru Ritsuka kept patting the woman's back. Looking at the panicked Mashu and the sad woman, Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to have made some kind of decision in her heart.


"In this case, it's up to us to rescue your daughter!"

"Eh! ?"Ma Xiu and the sobbing woman turned their heads at the same time, looking at the speaker in disbelief.

"But before that, please take good care of your health, otherwise when we bring your daughter back, she will be so sad when she sees you lose weight.~!"....

The group of people was now moving toward the east in a mighty manner.

However, the expressions of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu who were at the end of the team did not look relaxed at all.

"You guys!"

"Who told you to decide the future strategy casually?"

"There is no time for you to save people now!"The voice on Olga Marie kept coming from the communication machine, and the sound seemed to break their eardrums.

"Uh-huh........"As a good boy, Mashu had no objection to the decision to take action without any discussion.

"But, but."Fujimaru Ritsuka accompanied the smiling face and tried to defend his behavior.

"But we have to repair this singularity after all, so if we can save someone easily, and I heard that the demon has kidnapped many other children, we can't just ignore them, Director!"

"Who told you that I would die without saving you!"

"What I mean is that it depends on you two to save people?"

"You guys are rushing to add food to each other, right?"

"At least first secure your position, and then look for any available combat power!"Olga Marie sighed, feeling that her blood pressure had risen a lot.

She subconsciously pinched her temple with one hand with her right hand, closed her eyes and stretched out her hand to one side.

"Hey, really, you can’t even follow orders like these recently?…………Swain, black tea"


Romani and Leonardo da Vinci next to her looked at each other, looking at Olga Marie's hand that was stretched out in mid-air.

Da Vinci touched Romani's shoulder slightly, and Romani immediately shook his head back and forth to indicate that he would not do it. However, after Da Vinci's repeated silent urging, he reluctantly walked away from the little boy at his feet. A small plate of strawberry cake was carefully brought out from the freezer.

Then he handed it to Olga Marie, and judging from the way the other person took the plate, she obviously thought it was a red saucer.

"???"Da Vinci’s original intention was for you to make her a cup of black tea!

The thing is at the coffee machine not far behind you!

Who asked you to take the cake?

Having already anticipated the next result, she shook her head with regret and sighed, and consciously took a few steps back to prevent accidental injury.



"Hiss hiss............."

Accompanied by the sound of gasping to suppress the anger inside


Well, today the director is still full of energy and vitality, and the withdrawal reaction is still very strong. A certain doctor suggested increasing the dosage of the drug!


With sirens and roars.

Romani was very grateful to these skeleton soldiers who suddenly appeared, otherwise he really felt like he would die under the roar and claws of the director!

Sure enough, women are terrible..........

"Master, there are a large number of skeleton soldiers approaching from behind, please give instructions!"

Ma Xiu here had already seen the skeleton soldiers staggering towards this side, and immediately set up a shield in front of him.

But obviously the other people around him were used to seeing these skeleton soldiers, and they immediately kept crying. He ran away in all directions, his movements were very skillful. He was used to it, but not used to it yet.

For humans, these guys who are born with no physical strength and will not feel tired, even if they run slower than you, but in the vast space On the plains, even if you use up all your energy to completely escape from their sight, it is very difficult, so the only way to escape at this moment is to run faster than your companions!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Please add it to your collection" or"Please give me your monthly ticket"

PS: I have had a fever and cough these past few days, and I also fell asleep the whole day before...........The updates may have been unstable recently. After I woke up, my mind was foggy and I really couldn’t think of anything. In fact, if there wasn’t some outline, I don’t know how I wrote this chapter........

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