
"Eee!"Ma Xiu shouted softly, raised the big shield in his hand high, and turned around to hit the skeleton soldiers in front of him.


Several skeleton soldiers in front of him were directly smashed away, and their bodies were scattered in mid-air. It turned into a pile of scattered skeletons.

Phew - along with the sound of burning ashes, these skeletons suddenly disappeared into ashes, leaving a pale white sharp tooth in place.

"Four enemies were defeated!"

Ma Xiu put up his shield again and stared carefully at the skeleton soldiers crawling out of the ruins in front of him.

"Reinforcements found, enemy count......6. No, there are three more in the house on the right front, nine in total!"Romani's hands were pressing the keyboard quickly, staring at the magic power and life reactions around him.

"Be careful, these guys are not simple skeleton soldiers. The teeth scattered on the ground after death do not look like ordinary creatures. According to the information obtained previously, these are dragon tooth soldiers made from dragon teeth!"Da Vinci informed everyone of the results of his rapid test analysis.

"The physical strength is higher than that of ordinary skeleton soldiers, but if the dragon tooth soldiers are made not from the teeth of flying dragons, but from the teeth of sub-dragons, giant dragons, ancient dragons, or even celestial dragons, they are even as good as some. The fighting power of the servants!"

"seriously?"Fujimaru Ritsuka looked stern, and she clasped her hands tightly. Now she only relies on Mashu, but why not Mashu?

"Matthew, let's try to resolve this as quickly as possible!"Fujimaru Ritsuka plans to increase the supply of magic power to Mashu


"Be careful, there is another hostile reaction from behind!"Romani clenched his fists and exclaimed again

"Eh?"Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately turned around and found that there were skeleton soldiers crawling out from the ground covered with sand!?

"Master!"Ma Xiu turned around and immediately rushed back to Fujimaru Ritsuka with his shield, and defeated all the skeleton soldiers who were close.

In contrast, those who were confronting Ma Xiu just now had no resistance, and they They rushed over together.

Therefore, the two of them were trapped in a block at the moment, and they were in a state of being attacked from both sides!

"Wait, what should I do?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka retreated to one side, and soon his back was leaning against a wall.

Mashu also launched several attacks in succession. Because he did not have the ability to strike in a wide range, the speed of clearing the enemy was very limited, so Also keeps retreating

"This place is not good, it is surrounded by enemies on all sides, and it is too narrow for Mashu to use it."

Olga Marie shook her head and ordered again

"Fujimaru, let Mashu break the wall behind, and you two move the battlefield, at least to an open area, Romani."

Romani understood immediately and began to look for suitable places on the surrounding map.

"After breaking the wall at the back, come out from the path behind the building, go straight for two intersections and turn right. There is a square there with a wide view and no debris around it, which is enough for Matthew to do his best!"

"Yes, Matthew!"


The two men moved quickly, quickly shuttling through the narrow alleys. Behind them, a large number of skeleton soldiers were chasing after them waving various weapons in their hands.

"Matthew is here!"Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the square in front of her and immediately made Mashu stop.

"Fight right here!"


"yes!"Ma Xiu understood immediately, turned around and blocked the intersection.

There was a narrow alley in front of him. The enemy could only come from one direction. Then he only needed to keep attacking. Behind him was a vast square. There was no need to Worry about an ambush suddenly appearing out of nowhere, there are many retreat routes available


Accompanied by bursts of loud shouts, Mashu began a unilateral killing spree............

In about ten minutes, Mashu dealt with the influx of skeleton soldiers by himself, and the surrounding environment returned to quiet.

"Doctor, how's it going?"Fujimaru Ritsuka asked while carefully staring at the surroundings.

"........Okay, there aren't any hostile reactions around, that's probably all there is."Romani nodded and said with certainty.

"Phew, great........"

Fujimaru Ritsuka lost all strength and slumped down on a big rock. Mashu also sat beside her slightly tired, panting heavily with sweat. Although it took some effort, the most consumed was mental effort.

Although they are not fighting alone, the loneliness of just two girls fighting together still subconsciously makes them want to seek spiritual support.

Fortunately, the tactics I learned when playing games are of some use in reality, otherwise I would be in big trouble.

"You two have worked hard, and for this first time being ambushed, you both did a good job."Da Vinci praised without hesitation, but he felt that it sounded a bit awkward and had an inexplicable sense of sarcasm.

"That, director........."Romani was just staring at a certain point on the map at this time

"how?"Olga Marie looked at Romani with a sullen face, and at the same time guessed what he wanted to do.

"When I was searching for enemies just now, I noticed a strange reaction, and it was here."

Romani projected his findings onto Olga Marie's screen, and Leonardo da Vinci on the side also came over to look curiously.

"A strange magic reaction, not like a single body, but like a certain space, or area?"Da Vinci looked very interested.

"The distance is not too far...........Okay, you two fix it up a little and go take a look."

"yes."Fujimaru Ritsuka already showed a very satisfied expression when she heard that she could rest. As for the subsequent exploration mission, I don't know if she listened to it...................

"Fujimaru Ritsuka and the two arrived at their destination, but here is........"

The followers of the Chaldea Control Room, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and others, all paid attention to the sudden appearance of a huge and luxurious palace in the center of the city, in the middle of the largest square!

It is built on a high platform made of huge stones. In front of the door are rows of wide steps. The white rectangular building is surrounded by thick stone pillars. The surrounding walls are hollowed out with relief designs. The stone pillars There are also relief paintings near the walls and eaves, revealing classical elegance everywhere.

Different from the dilapidated environment around it, this building is beautiful and exudes an extraordinary atmosphere, which makes people feel awe.

"It’s amazing, it’s such a big palace!"

"so beautiful"

"so big!"

Everyone gave different reactions

"Oh oh oh oh, it’s really great~!!"

Among them, the one who had the most intense reaction was none other than Leonardo da Vinci.

"This rectangular appearance is surrounded by pillared corridors with columns, and it is also a front and back porch building with porches at the front and back. The outer corridor has an Ionic frieze. Well, it is really a standard Greek-style building."

"Perfect, traces of the golden section can be seen everywhere, and this material.........Wow, it should be Ponsilek marble. It is white and crystal clear, with no flaw in its luster. The materials used to build this place are definitely of the highest quality.~!"

"These high-convex reliefs on the outside of the building are also made by famous craftsmen and are completely natural.~"

"so perfect~!"

"Really perfect~!!!"

Seeing that Da Vinci's interest was getting higher and higher, and he seemed to be getting more and more out of control, Romani hurriedly got up from his seat, and before Olga Marie got angry, he hurriedly pushed Da Vinci back to his on seat

"Okay, okay, we get it. Anyway, please calm down first.~!"

Glancing at Leonardo da Vinci and Romani who were still excited there, Olga Marie sighed with a headache and planned to ignore them for the time being.

"The sudden appearance of such an Athenian-style building in France is out of place, and there is also a weak magical response here."

"The two of you get closer carefully and take a look at the reliefs on it. You might be able to find out who the owner of this place is."

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu nodded to each other, and continued to approach the building in front of them one after the other.

Mashu held a shield in front, and Fujimaru Ritsuka followed carefully behind, walking up the high steps. The two people couldn't help but have an urge to kneel down and worship, and looking up at the palace seemed to be a disrespectful act, so they couldn't help but want to lower their heads.

This impulse followed the two of them. The feeling became more and more intense as people kept getting closer and climbing the steps.

When the two of them reached the middle of the steps, this feeling became more obvious and stronger.

Suddenly, the two of them could not move forward for even half a step. He was pinned firmly in place, and his head that was originally looking up was lowered as if someone had forcibly pressed him down. His calves seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds, but his knees became extremely soft, as if they could not support their own weight. bending downward

"what is this! ?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was basically kneeling on her knees at this moment, holding on to the steps, lowering her head and gritting her teeth to support herself.


Ma Xiu was no better than her. He knelt down on one knee, grabbed the handle on the inside of the shield with both hands and tried to support his body.

"What's wrong with you two! ?"

Olga Marie became anxious when she realized something was wrong. She slapped her hands on the table and leaned forward to stare at the screen in front of her.


"No, we have not detected any other magic fluctuations here. The magic response of the building itself has not changed, and it is not a reaction to magic or traps!"

Cold sweat broke out on Romani's forehead. He looked at the various data in front of him without blinking, trying to find out the reason why the two of them were in such pain.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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