Rumble-- the ruins surrounding the explosion were directly flattened.

The strong man standing at the top of the still intact section of the broken city wall in the distance narrowed his eyes, set up a huge bronze cannon in his right hand, and looked at the smoking street in the distance with interest.

"They all dodged, what a good reaction!"

He staggered his steps, raised his right hand, held the cannon body with his left hand, and continued to fire in the distance.

Boom boom boom——!

Huge metal cannon pellets drew arcs in the sky and landed at different places in the city. Go.

Bang bang bang!!!

Violent explosions echoed in the neighborhood. The seven people here were each dodging the incoming attacks behind the bunker.

Alice was half-kneeling in a corner, slightly exposing her little head to see Looking into the distance, but not clearly seeing where the attack is coming from

"Where was the attack?"

"Can you find it?"

"I'm looking, but relying on a drone for reconnaissance is a stretch."

Xiaoxue's right hand kept tapping on the terminal screen on her left arm, but she still couldn't find the target.

This is the nightingale studied by Swain. Its main advantage lies in its stealth and vigilance ability. Finding enemies is not its specialty, even if it is When Sven wanted to find the enemy, he also used a large number of dispatches.

Kallen and Wuming followed Xiaoxue to guard against them and crush the debris flying towards them.

Sakura disappeared alone, not knowing how to hide. In such a place, even the strong man did not notice her and focused his attack on others.

"Then leave it to us!"

Ma Xiu held up the shield and protected Fujimaru Ritsuka to the other side of the wall a block away from Xiaoyuki and others.


Hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's voice, people here have already started looking for an attack location.


"Found it, on the northwest side, a thousand and seven meters away, near the turret where the west and north walls meet!"Romani quickly found the target, but his expression was not very good-looking.

"one thousand seven hundred meters..........long distance."Xiaoxue also turned the direction of the drone, and soon saw a small person spot on the city wall.


Boom boom boom——!!

There was another round of bombardment, and the sand and soil raised around made everyone look foggy.

"The attack launched from this distance is Archer!"Da Vinci warned.

Olga Marie was still giving orders, but several people here had already begun to perform their duties.

"Spread out and cover your retreat. Xiaoxue said.

Kallen and Wuming on the side exchanged glances.

"Then I'll go meet him first!"Wuming turned around and left, using the shadows of the surrounding buildings to push in the direction of the archers.

Kallen nodded, and then tapped the communicator on her ear with her right hand.

"Sakura, can you hear me?"

"I know, I'll go too."You can only hear Sakura's voice from the communication channel, but you can't see her.

"Then I will send you on your way and take care of the rest."Karen took out her long gun and shotgun from behind.

"Please, I'll show you the retreat route later."Xiaoxue guarded the sight of the drone from the archers and began to look for a suitable retreat route in the city.

"Can you two still run?"Alice looked back at Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka

"I........."Fujimaru Ritsuka was speechless for a moment

"No problem, I will hold you Master with me."Ma Xiu immediately said that she could go with Fujimaru Ritsuka on her back.

"Master?"However, Mashu's title attracted Xiaoyue's attention.

At the same time, she happened to see the red pattern on the back of Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand - the command spell.

"sorry........."Fujimaru Ritsuka lowered his head apologetically.

At this moment, Xiaoyue understood Fujimaru Ritsuka's mood very well and also knew what she was thinking.

Because for the servants, she and masters like her are holding them back.

"Then let’s go! Kallen shouted, directly raising the shotgun that had just been replaced with ammunition and firing into the air.

Whoosh whoosh! Bang!

The ammunition exploded in the sky, and countless white smoke exploded, causing the surrounding visibility to drop rapidly.

"I'll clear the way!"

Alice was the first to bear the brunt, running forward with one hand on the scabbard and the other on the hilt of the sword.

Mashu and Koyuki, who were holding Fujimaru Ritsuka, were in the middle, while Kallen was at the rear and was responsible for arranging the smoke.

"Tsk tsk, just being clever.~!"The archer chuckled scornfully at this.

"I remember where I was just now......!"

His attacks did not stop, but instead bombarded them more intensively towards the position where everyone was before.

Alice defeated all the surrounding skeleton soldiers nearby, while Kallen from behind kept releasing interference smoke bombs and fought against the chasing skeleton soldiers from behind.

"Huh, there's a person rushing over here."

"That's amazing. Do you want to be the queen?"

Did the archer see Wuming's approaching figure? He raised the corner of his mouth with a mocking look, and then turned the attack direction towards her.

Bang bang bang!

The sound that reached Wuming faster than the shells reminded Wuming of the danger.

She She changed her route without hesitation, and after knowing that she was exposed, she directly jumped out of the shadow of the building and moved above the building.

The way of moving without having to hide made her much faster. , in a blink of an eye, we were almost under the city wall where the archers were. Seeing that there was no place to stay on the smooth city wall, if we continued to jump forward, we would just end up falling under the city wall, being attacked by the archers above. indiscriminate bombing

"Unfortunately!"The archers came to the edge of the city wall, raised the heavy cannons in their hands and pointed straight down, with a violent expression on their faces.

But even so, Wuming's footsteps showed no intention of stopping, and they marched towards the ground-breaking ground with all their strength. Make an appointment ahead

"Armament Strengthening Technique!"

Immediately, her dark red armored legs bloomed with a dark crimson light. As each window opened, her leg armor also changed slightly. The bottom of the combat boots formed something like A hidden blade like a single-edged roller skate, and around the blade, the wind elements transformed by divine power gathered together to form an invisible pedal. The nameless feet stepped heavily on this invisible foothold, and his body straightened straight Fly upward!

The archer has taken aim and is about to launch an attack.


The abrupt archer turned around and set up the giant cannon behind him.


Sparks flashed and Sakura's blade was blocked by it.

"Oh oh oh, I didn’t expect there to be such a beautiful lady so close to me.~"

"It's really rude~" The archer's tone seemed very frivolous.


Sakura obviously had no interest in communicating with the person in front of her, so she almost waved the blood-stained Sakura in her hand and spoke in a confrontational tone without saying a word.

The archer's steps were not messy at all. He turned sideways and blocked the heavy cannon in his right hand in front of him as a defense.

The heavy artillery, which was even larger than the two-meter-tall man in front of her, almost formed an absolute defense, which made Sakura feel very troublesome.

At this time, Wuming also jumped up from directly under the city wall, and whether it was Sakura's intention or a coincidence, the archer's back was facing Wuming, and his defense was wide open!

Seeing this, Wuming didn't waste the opportunity. He kicked his legs hard in the air again, raised the sword and gun in his hand, and aimed at the archer's back.

As she prepared to launch an attack, she also pulled the trigger with her index fingers.

"Don't even think about it!"

However, the archer directly held the giant cannon and jumped up high on the spot, as if he couldn't feel the weight of the weapon in his hands.

Without the obstruction of the archer, Wuming and Ying looked at each other.

In the dark cannon hole At this moment, bursts of white light were flashing, aiming at the location of the two people from above. At the critical moment, the two people made dodge movements at the same time, and boom——!!!

After leaving the city gate, something happened on the distant city wall. The explosion, the huge momentum and the harsh sound made Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu feel frightened.

"Are they really okay?"As the rescued party, Fujimaru Ritsuka asked very uncertainly.

"The two of them have the strongest dodge ability among all of us."Alice did not answer her question directly.

"The enemy has been contacted over there, so I will leave here."

After Karen finally cleaned up her tail, she changed her route and ran in the other direction.

"After planning the route, our goal is to enter the mountain forest area on the southeast side. Although there is no green, the complex terrain there still allows us to rely on these guys behind us."Xiaoxue nodded with a slightly hurried breathing, and continued to do her support work in the communication channel.

Kallen did not speak, but waved her hands to everyone from a distance.

"Well, where is Miss Kallen going?"Ma Xiu doesn't quite understand what these people are trying to do.

"It’s better to say that we can’t understand their action plan either."Romani spread his hands, indicating that his and the opponent's tactical links are really not on the same channel, and he cannot provide effective support at all.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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