"Oh?"The archer raised one eyebrow, showing an amused or interested look.

"It seems I'm a step too late."

"It seems like I missed something interesting."

The archer stepped forward and tilted his head left and right, looking for the craftsman.


"what's the matter?"

The sound came from above. The archer looked up and saw a strong man crawling out of the metal creation.

He was working hard just now and didn't even notice that there was an extra person in his workshop. Visitor.

This man has messy blond hair, and his unkempt beard and hair seem to be tangled together. His face is not sure whether it is ashes or stained with something, and his facial features cannot be seen clearly. The fiery red eyes were burning like a fireplace beside them.

Because there were only some torches in the workshop except for the light from the fire, the man overall looked dirty in the dim environment.

The blond hair The man glanced at the archer and suddenly showed a displeased look on his face.

"You're not welcome here, get out"

"Haha, don't be so heartless, engineer."

The archer said this, but when he saw that the other party began to look angry, he immediately waved his hands and showed an innocent look on his face.

"Don't be so nervous, my friend. You must know that the thing you are studying now is provided by me."

"you?"The blond man's expression changed slightly, and his face looked better.

But he didn't show anything. As if the archers didn't exist, he continued to study the metal creation.

"So Mr. Engineer, what are the results of your research for so long?"The archer stepped forward and watched the blond man busy with interest.

When he mentioned a topic that he was good at and liked, the engineer's temper became more serious.

"This thing is very interesting. The shell and frame are made of high-hardness alloy steel. The internal power uses a magic core similar to that of a puppet. However, this magic core is a mixed magic gem, and it is densely covered with pure More than 170,000 characters are hand-engraved!"

"As for the transmission of magic power, he did not use the transmission method of magic dolls, but chose to use these special metal wires, which made the transmission efficiency of magic power many times higher than that of conventional magic dolls!"

"Moreover, this design can deliver magic power to a specific part at certain times. For defense, it is delivered to this generator, and for attack, it is delivered to this artillery."

"Can you understand?"

"Hmm..........In short, it is just to concentrate the magic power. Isn't this a simple matter?"The archer glanced at the metal lump with a vague understanding, and he also discovered a certain mark on the shell of the metal creation.

"This is......The emblem of the unit to which this thing belongs?"

"Or is it the sign of a craftsman?"The archer murmured softly as he came forward to caress him.

The blond man's interest after hearing the previous words was obviously much lower. What insiders hate the most is such a layman.

"You simply don’t understand that this is not difficult for gods and followers, but it is very difficult for inanimate beings to do!"

The blond man shook his head, seeming to be trapped in his inner world.

"but........How is this thing controlled?"

"The mixed magic gem should have runes written on it. Although I can't understand it, it should be a simple energy supply system. So how is the action controlled?"

"Human manipulation?"The archer interjected

"No, I was just checking the structure just now, and I definitely didn't touch anything, but this thing did start on its own and launched an attack, and I also heard vague human voices, which seemed to be...........tactics.......Integrity or something?"

"It’s not human control;.........."

Seeing that the blond man was about to ignore him, the archer smiled and stated his purpose.

"Speaking of which, there are some similar iron lumps in my territory. I wonder if you have any.........."


"Give them all to me!"

Before the archer finished speaking, the blond man suddenly raised his head from above the metal creation and looked at the man below. His eyes seemed to turn into actual flames.

"Of course, my friend, that's no problem, but in exchange, I want you to help me upgrade my partner."

The archer took out the cannon that was even taller than him.

The blond man agreed without even looking at it.

"This is not a problem, but if you want me to help you adjust your weapons, this price is far from enough, so I have conditions."


"Tell me."The archer took a puff of his cigar again. He didn't hate the process of bargaining with the other party. For him, being able to exchange a bunch of useless junk for the opportunity to upgrade military equipment was already a profit.

"I want you to help me find a woman........The whereabouts of a god!"

"Haha, it’s a small matter, engineer, I’ll ask my troops to pay more attention to it."


Boom boom boom——!

"Uh oh oh oh——!!"

The lightless bottom of the water lit up with flashes of light accompanied by the dull roars of the monsters. The turbid lake water continued to roll, and a large number of bubbles continued to rise.

In the dark bottom of the lake, a huge eight-legged dragon crocodile is entrenched here.

The body is forty meters long. The skin of the body is covered with hard water armor like other crocodiles. The unprotected belly is hidden under the body. The slender tail with strong muscles is its attack weapon. The eight legs make it It can move quickly on any terrain. The blood of the dragon family gives it a powerful body and attack resistance, and gives it the ability to control water flow.

Its body is entirely composed of liquid. Unless it opens its eyes to reveal a pair of scarlet eyes, its body in the water will directly blend with the surrounding environment. Unless you touch it, it is almost impossible to find it. possible!

Therefore, as a fantasy species, it can be said to be an existence at the top of the food chain!

Swish, swish - the three torpedoes were launched from the dark water bottom, with a long bubble tail trailing from the tail, hitting the side of the dragon crocodile.

Boom boom boom!!

Following the violent explosion, only one of the four legs on the left side of the dragon crocodile was left with one front leg.

It raised its head and searched the water with its only right eye. It couldn't figure out that at the bottom of the lake, which was nearly a hundred meters deep, there was no light at all, and it was surrounded by terrifying water pressure. Besides itself, there were countless other people. His own family members are lingering here.

This is obviously his home court, but.......

Dragon Crocodile suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a wave of water with dragon's mighty breath! boom!!

The attack failed, and Sven quickly approached it from close to the bottom of the water at a speed far exceeding its movement!

Dragon Crocodile's face was startled, and a large amount of magic power gathered, causing its two front paws to light up with azure blue light.

It raised its upper body and quickly swung its claws forward.


There was a dull sound as the water flow was rapidly stirred, but judging from the feel, its attack must have failed.

This was the first time in the past two days that its attack had failed, so it was not surprised at all. It opened its big mouth and used its fangs and powerful mandibles as the target for the second wave. Offensive weapons!


However, a cold sword light flashed through, and half of the lower jaw of the eight-legged dragon crocodile was directly cut off!

This is still the result of it relying on the biological nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages to detect danger and avoid it in advance. If it were any later, the feeling of its chin would be gone!

Sven was not in a hurry. He turned around and swam past the eight-legged dragon crocodile. On the way, he turned around sharply, raised his left arm, and fired the two large torpedoes hanging on it again.

The eight-legged dragon crocodile suddenly turned around and saw the iron lump that was causing him so much pain. He immediately controlled the surrounding water flow and rushed the two torpedoes to one side. boom--!!

The torpedo that was detonated halfway exploded on the back of the eight-legged dragon crocodile. After almost two days of non-stop attacks, the scarred and fragile back scales were mercilessly broken!

However, there is no time for the dragon crocodile to feel the pain on its body, because it knows that if it does not continue to fight back, what awaits it next is an even more rapid offensive!

It turned around and looked fiercely at Sven in the water with its scarlet eyes. The opponent did not carry any auxiliary equipment. Apart from the endless array of weapons, the opponent seemed not to even need to breathe!


A small amount of bubbles appeared from the corner of the mouth of the eight-legged dragon crocodile. Although it can stay underwater for a long time, this does not mean that it does not need to float to the surface to breathe!

It has been underwater for more than three days now. It was supposed to go up for air yesterday, but instead it encountered such an annoying human.

At first, I thought it was just a shrimp that came to my door, and there was no evidence for a human being who couldn't sneak in the water for too long.

However, it has been more than two days now. Why is this human being able to move freely in the water after experiencing such strenuous activities? ?

Not eating or drinking is understandable, but not breathing is such a thing!

Who is the aquatic species?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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