At this moment, in addition to soldiers, there were quite a few civilians who wanted to escape from the city that was about to become a sea of ​​fire and crowded around the city gates.

"Roar oh oh oh!!"

But looking at the crocodiles that kept climbing up from the water, they had to stop!

Being caught on both sides, could they just wait to die?

"Roar oh oh.........."

But soon, everyone discovered that the appearance of these climbing crocodiles began to become strange. Their screams stopped suddenly, their bodies began to tremble continuously, and their actions became weird. Their shaking heads seemed to be suffering from a shocking shock. Such pain.

As if reaching a critical point, the bodies of these water crocodiles instantly expanded from the inside out, and when they broke through their own volume, they instantly collapsed into a pool of clear water, and there was no trace of gathering into the lake in front again. So quietly flowing all over the place

"......Dead, dead?"

The people closest to these water crocodiles looked around and realized that this was not a rare phenomenon.

In just a few breaths, all the water crocodiles disappeared, and there were continuous explosions in the lake ahead. The splashing water column completely dissipated at this moment, and the lake surface became calm.


"Absolutely dead!"

"Get out of here!!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted such a sentence, and everyone suddenly became excited. They ran out of the dilapidated city gate one after another and swam towards the water.

Bianca and Harry also reacted when they saw this.

"Yes, all in the water!"

"You will definitely be burned to ashes or roasted to death on the ground, but there is still a glimmer of life underwater!"Harry turned around and shouted to his men.

"Let everyone get into the water. Don't go to the other side yet. Otherwise, even if you escape the flames in the sky, you may encounter monsters wandering nearby.......Warcraft!"

Sven, who was underwater, had just finished killing the eight-legged water crocodile, and had made two more cuts as a precaution. He had planned to let Justisa absorb such a big guy again underwater. He then received communications from above

"A monster flying from the other side of the sky?"

Sven blinked, but he quickly reacted, dropped his trophy, let it sink to the bottom of the lake naturally, and then quickly returned to the surface of the water.


I just watched it. The clear sparkling water surface, but the ensuing explosion flash reflected on the water surface and the vibration transmitted later caused the water surface to vibrate violently. The crowded people who kept pouring into the water like dumplings, there was no trace at all. I noticed in the water in front of me, a human head suddenly emerged from the water.

"what happened?"

I wiped my face and smoothed my wet hair back. I followed the fearful gazes of the people in front of me and found the reason why the crowd was so panicked.

Powerful magic fell from the sky through the clouds one after another. The attack, for humans without any ability to protect themselves, is enough to be called a natural disaster!

Sven raised his head and used the Demonic Eye of Distant View to penetrate the clouds and look at the true faces of the two big guys who had been hiding above..

A huge ocher-red dragon, covered with dense and thick dragon scales. It is tall and strong, and the muscles on its tail are even more explosive. Even if it is a dragon, it is rare to be slapped by this thing. An existence that can stand up again.

The gauze-like dragon wings behind it have amazing strength and tenacity, enough to allow this fortress-like red dragon to fly freely in the sky. The two front paws appear It is very strong and powerful. There is an emerald-colored gem on the back of each hand. The claw blades are also wrapped with red flames. On its face that looks like it is covered with armor, there is a relatively thick red dragon horn, rounded. The big eyes reveal an emerald color like imperial green. In the depths of its pupils, its eyes are fixed on its powerful enemy, the pure white white dragon with azure crystal-like pupils! The one competing with the red dragon The white dragon is relatively thin, but its body is more slender. The surface of its body does not look like scales, but rather like a layer of soft-looking hair. The dragon horns on the tip of its nose look very... It is slender and long. If the red one is a drill, then it is a thin sword, each with its own characteristics. The two front claws are shorter than the red dragon, but the slender one is full of blue magic power at the moment. The legs of light are a weapon that can allow it to fight against the red dragon!

Compared with the powerful tail of the red dragon, the blue light wings of the white dragon with dreamy light blue light spots like glass products are the most attractive. It's so powerful!

However, both the red dragon and the white dragon have countless large and small wounds at this time. It is not known whether the injuries were caused when they were fighting each other or due to other reasons. The injuries suffered.


The red dragon's dragon claws wrapped with flames grabbed the white dragon in front. The white dragon turned sideways slightly and waved its other legs wrapped with blue poison to use kicking skills to block!

Boom boom boom——!!

Red flames and blue poison offset each other and splashed everywhere, but most of them fell towards the ground below the clouds.

But obviously, where their attacks landed had nothing to do with them, but they themselves He was not interested in this either.

After a brief confrontation, the two dragons pulled away from each other in a tacit understanding. A trace of red and blue fire erupted from the corners of their mouths at the same time, and then launched their strongest breath attack!

Boom boom boom— —!!

Two powerful waves of magic energy collided with each other, entangled with each other, collided, and finally exploded. The impact of magic energy caused by the violent collision directly centered on the two dragons and blew away all the surrounding clouds. , causing the earth and creatures below to see the blue sky again after more than ten days.

The red dragon and the white dragon also stepped back from each other due to this blow, stopped, and looked at each other

"Humph, what's wrong?"Chilong spoke first, with a mocking tone.

"The attack is no longer as aggressive as before. Could it be that the wounds from that thing were more serious than I thought?"

"You are the one, your movements are much slower than before, your wings can hardly be flapped anymore, is the wound on your back so painful?"Bai Long didn't fight back angrily.

"How could such a small injury hinder me!"Red Dragon roared

"Me too, an injury of this magnitude is simply useless!"Bai Long also said in a deep voice.

"But to this extent, there is nothing that can hinder the fight between you and me!"

The two dragons said in unison, and it seemed that they were planning to take action again.

However, they soon saw that between the two dragons, a human slowly flew up from below.



"Are you here to challenge us, a guy who doesn't know whether to live or die?"


Neither of the two dragons took action immediately, but looked with interest at the human who dared to stand alone between the two heavenly dragons.

"What do they seem to be growling about?"Sister Xiaoxue suppressed the fear in her heart and tried to face the two dragons.

"Um, this, this is a real dragon, right?"

"It feels completely different from the ones I saw before!"The timid girl swallowed dryly. Although she was not herself, she would feel frightened no matter what if she was being stared at by two huge dragons that were far larger than her with the four dragon pupils that were shrunk into needles.!

"Will this really not be eaten?"The lively girl also suppressed her tone and spoke very cautiously, as if she was afraid that she would offend the other person by speaking too loudly.

"Unfortunately, for others, there is an option to escape, but for him, it seems that there is no other choice but to stand up.........."The calm young man slowly closed his eyes, feeling more and more admiration in his heart.

For a group of people who have nothing to do with him or even have anything to do with him, he can stand up at this moment. Although he doesn't know what else he has done before, in the eyes of everyone at this moment, he is worthy of his name as a knight.

Sven looked around. These two dragons were top-notch in terms of size, appearance, and the terrifying magic power fluctuations surrounding them. Similar magic power fluctuations were only seen by Sven in Tiamat. I have experienced something similar in my body, which is the fluctuation of the dragon species.

Compared with the dragon turtle and the dead dragon crocodile below, it has a more pure and strong dragon bloodline, and its combat ability is not comparable to that of the two dead dragons!

Just now he saw the two dragons preparing to attack again. Before Sven could even prepare the slightest countermeasure, he used the power of the Earth Star to rise into the air and intervene.

Facing such an opponent now, he seemed very unsure, but fortunately, these two dragons only had fighting intentions at the moment, and there was no malice or hostility like the previous two. They were attacking the ground without intention.

From the conversation between the two dragons that he overheard on the way up, Sven learned that the two dragons wanted nothing more than to fight each other. They probably wanted to decide who was better, so there should be room for negotiation.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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