Arubiang changed places and slowly fanned his light wings down from the air. He looked at the man in front of him who was fatally wounded and bleeding but continued to fight hand to hand and was having a great time. Ge, and the elf who trades injuries for injuries and refuses to admit defeat.

"Hey, there are a lot of idiots in the world"

"But now there are two of them bumping into each other, tsk tsk………"

Arubiang was bored by this, so he lay down and began to recuperate from his injuries.




Boom! Boom!

Two fists, one big and one small, collided together. Sven's remaining right hand exploded directly from the fingers and palm to the arm, to the flesh and bones of the shoulder, turning into a large amount of flesh and blood. Splattered in all directions.

The dragon finger of Ddraig's right claw was also bruised and cracked, and he could not make a fist hard.

But he still laughed, raised his head suddenly, and hit his head directly.

Of course, this blow directly hit Sven. It became as vertical as a nail embedded in the ground.

Sven did not admit defeat at all, and rushed out from the ground, and also hit Ddraig's jaw with his headbutt like a rocket.!

This dragon-one-man battle is basically you punch me, I'll punch you back and slap you, and then I'll give you a kick after repaying the punch and slap. There is absolutely no skills, it's 100% Hundreds of emotional investments!

The level of savagery is comparable to a brawl between children in a village. Don’t care if it’s a dirty trick, it just works!

Therefore, everyone in the gem and Mei Lin were dumbfounded. Not to mention, the two people working quietly in the distance were also dumbfounded. miserable

"I said you should work harder!"Sakura didn't have much magic power left, but Sven used it very quickly, which made her miserable.

It felt like she wouldn't be able to last long with this kind of magic power consumption.


"Between the two of us, I can contribute the most!"

"If it weren't for my ability, do you think he, with his thin arms and legs, could fight that stupid dragon like this?"Skaya is also glowing with red magic power. Except for her own pressure box, she has no plans to use it. She may be trying her best to support someone in the distance.

"Oops, this is a losing business!"

"I must ask the little fox to reimburse me later~!"

Although she was doing her best, the nature of Skaya's evil and black-hearted businessman was also revealed, and she was already thinking about how to blackmail Sven in the future.

Sakura just rolled her eyes at this, although the other party was serious about it. It’s understandable that he should be rewarded for his efforts, but that doesn’t stop him from despising this black-hearted businessman!



The explosions and smoke from the battle filled the air everywhere, and the traces of the battle between the two sides also spread from the west to the east. Then he hit from the east to the south, and finally to the north.

When Arubiang took a nap and felt a little cool from the freezing rain around him, he realized that none of the land around him was good, and it was all full of potholes. There should be a mountain in the distance, but now it has become flat land.

The dark clouds in the sky have gathered again at some point, but Arubiang can still see that it should be noon before he takes a rest, not It's midnight now



Swin and Ddraig looked at each other in the distance, breathing heavily and looking out of breath. There was nothing good about them, and it looked like they were even headbutting each other. Bumped.

Both sides seemed to have something to say, but neither could speak.

The next moment, Sven fell backwards, and Ddraig fell forward, his mind and body losing contact at the same time.…………

It seems that one dragon and one person have gone down, but in fact, this seemingly draw battle was one against three, and the result is that now there are four down in total...........

Arubiang didn't know what words he could use to describe his complicated mood now.

This stupid dragon really has no magic power or ability at all, and he just relies on his muscles and brute force to fight with the opponent for a whole day?

But this elf is not bad. Although there is interference from outside forces, he can still fight vigorously against Ddraig. but…………

"…………"Arubiang was silent.

So can I just leave these two here and go on my own?

I feel like staying any longer will really bring down my character as a Tianlong!

While Arubiang was thinking about what to do, Sven was not found back, and there were constant explosions in the distance. Therefore, Bianca and Harry, who were worried, rode horses to a high ground in the distance.

Looking at the bumpy and completely changed ground in front of them, the two of them could not speak for a long time.

"Just right………"

The innocent pure white dragon slowly descended from behind the two of them at some point.

The two of them turned around. Without understanding what was going on now, they just felt an extra sentence pop up in their minds.

"It just so happens that you will take us to your gathering place for a little training."

Arubiang's legs were holding Ddraig, who was sleeping to death, and one paw was holding Sven, who was unconscious, and he was communicating with them directly with his mind.


When Harry was dumbfounded and confused, he was once again passively taken away from the battlefield.

Looking helplessly at the calm lake in front of him, he vaguely remembered that he was taken away from Lance not long ago. At that time, what I was looking at was this lake, but at that time there were monsters in the water, but now…………There are monsters around him!!!

Harry twisted his rusty neck and looked at the corpse of a crocodile with a severed tail that once had eight legs and was made of liquid. On the other side, there were two figures, one red and one white. A giant dragon as big as a crocodile lies there


Tired, destroy it.

If I had known what it was like outside, I might as well just stay in Lance City and be the acting city lord!

Although I am now in my prime, I still can’t stand being so scared!

Swain was expressionless at the moment, looking depressed. He touched his still swollen head, especially his forehead. Why couldn't he think of competing with Tianlong for a headbutt?

"Ugh, my head hurts so much…………"

Beside him, a humming voice expressed deep sympathy and agreement.

"Me too."

He looked again at the hand that touched his head just now. The tingling and dull pain all over his body was still very strong.

Although he could be resurrected, the last 'resurrection' power was not his ability, and certainly not his previous ability. Guessing her magic reaction, it should be that a third person besides the black-hearted businessman helped him.

"It would be better to say that my whole body hurts"

"Me too."

The voice continued to echo

"Although hand-to-hand combat is much more enjoyable, it is also really painful."

"I think so too"

"Fortunately, the last time I was beaten so badly was a few months ago when I was beaten violently by the masters and craftsmen. Although it was painful, at least my ability to withstand blows is quite strong now."

"I also………Um, this is not"

"After all, there are very few Arubiangs…………No, it should be that he almost never fought me in a thorough hand-to-hand combat. He basically used his magic power to hit me twice and then retreated to distance himself."

Ddraig tilted his head and recalled with a grimace.

Although its expression did not change much in the eyes of humans, Arubiang and Sven could still see that it was trying its best.


"Well, that guy seems to dislike this. He doesn't care about his magical powers or abilities. Who will fight with you in hand-to-hand combat?"Ddraig gets angry when he talks about it. He is so addicted to playing today because that guy Arubiang never forgives him for playing like this!

And if he wants to find someone else to play with, no one can accompany him!

"It's a shame you can keep fighting with guys like this."Sven couldn't figure it out. The relationship between the two dragons seemed to be good, but they kept fighting.

"By the way, how did you two start fighting?"

"Just because there are advantages and disadvantages?"

"It's been so long ago, I've long forgotten the reason."

"Maybe the reason for continuing to hit me is that it hit me a little more the last time, right?"Ddraig scratched his head and couldn't explain why.

"……………"Arubiang, who was sitting in his nest, squinted his eyes and looked at the two guys who were talking on the other side of the small fire in front of him, not avoiding the dragon at all.

How about you guys, be a little more shy when you say these things?

My dragon is still here!

Bianca sat cross-legged by the fire, holding a bowl of hot soup in her hand, but her bright blue eyes kept glancing back and forth between the two dragons on the field.

Except for what Bai Long said to her through the communication of thoughts before, I couldn't understand their current communication at all.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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