Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka were lying on the sleeping mats of Koyuki and Wuming. Without finding their spiritual veins, they couldn't even receive supplies. However, when they were isolated and helpless, they met Koyuki and others, and Unintentional had a great impact on them. motivating effect.

Can.........Recalling what happened during the day, the feeling of powerlessness still lingers in the hearts of the two of them.


"Can't sleep?"

Hearing the sound of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu turning over and over, Kallen suddenly spoke out not far away.

"yes."The two men replied softly at the same time.

"Any worries?"Karen opened her eyes and looked sideways at the two of them with her blue eyes.

"Yes, actually.........."

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu said at the same time.

Kallen, Sakura and Alice were all listening quietly.

"Are you worried about what a person with no power like you can do?"

"And you are worried that you cannot control your power?"


Karen raised her legs and stood up with a deft move. At the same time, she grabbed the weapon beside her.

"Swain said that if you have time to worry, just pick up your weapon and speak!"

"Do a little exercise before bed!"

"Hey, hey, hey! ?"Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu were very surprised and sat up.

What kind of development is this!

Is it so sudden!?

Outside the abandoned fortress.

In order not to disturb the rest of the rest of the people inside, Kallen and Sakura, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu Xiu chose to conduct a simulated battle here

"Why did it become!"Fujimaru Ritsuka held the wrist of her right hand tightly with her left hand. The command spell on her right hand was glowing bright red at the moment, instilling magic power into Mashu through the contract circuit. Mashu stood in front holding the shield, watching the distance and waving it dexterously in his hand. Kallen was holding a silver spear, while Sakura was standing on one side with no intention of participating.


The spear in Kallen's hand would set off gusts of wind every time she waved it. It looked like it was full of strength. It's very worrying that such a shot, not to mention stabbing, is painful enough even if it hits the body!


After Kallen performed a trick, she directly smashed the tail of the gun on the ground, forming a crater.

"Are you ready?"

"Okay, okay!"Fujimaru Ritsuka's words seemed very lacking in confidence.

"yes!"Although Ma Xiu has the momentum, the posture of his body is obviously wrong.

"The large shield is similar in shape to the cross I used before, so I think it should be used in the same way. Kallen muttered.

At the same time, everyone was curious, what did Kallen do before, and fight with a cross?

So how can a small person fight with something hanging around his neck?

Do you recite a curse when you start fighting?

"I'm going to fuck!"

While Mash was distracted, Kallen launched an attack first.

She didn't run to get close, but turned counterclockwise on the spot. When turning around, she suddenly stepped out with her left leg. With a bang, she left His feet crushed the ground, and his right foot sank slightly.


The muscles on the slender white arm of his right hand swelled slightly, and he suddenly threw the silver-white spear!

"Hey, hey, hey!!"

"So sudden! ?"

Ma Xiu yelled in a panic, and immediately closed his eyes and pulled the shield with both hands in front of him, preparing to resist this attack.



Along with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the spear turned into a The silver meteor landed at Ma Xiu's left foot and penetrated into the ground diagonally. Apart from lifting up some broken soil and dust, it did not touch Ma Xiu at all. After hearing the noise, Ma Xiu turned his head and looked to the left.

"Matthew, be careful!"

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's voice sounded behind her.

Mashu then moved the shield and looked for Kallen's figure in front of him, but the place where she was before was already empty.

"People, where are people?"Ma Xiu carefully lowered his body and looked around with his eyes.

"There is a flaw!"

Suddenly, Kallen's voice sounded behind Ma Xiu, and before she could turn around, someone rushed up from behind, hugged Ma Xiu directly, and grabbed both her wrists from behind.

"Caught~~"Kallen came close to Matthew from behind, and even playfully came close to Matthew’s ear from behind and blew two hot breaths.

"K-Miss Kallen?"Ma Xiu's face turned red, obviously he had never experienced such a stabbing attack.

"Please, please let me go"

"Never~~"Kallen leaned against the back of Mashu's neck with a sly smile.

"If you want to get rid of me, just work hard on your own.~~"

"This, this, Yu, Master!"

However, Ritsuka Fujimaru, the person Mashu asked for help, had a rosy face at the moment, and looked with interest at the two girls in front of him with a slight giggle while making contact.

"Hey hey hey~~~"

"Can't see it.........."

Olga Marie also looked very unhappy. I don’t know whether it was because of Mashu’s low combat ability or because of Fujimaru Ritsuka’s ugly appearance at the moment.

"It's getting late, so everyone should go and have some rest. We'll work in shifts to support you, and if you have anything to do at night, let us know right away."

After Olga Marie said this, she waved her hands and left the control room with a tired look.

"Leave it to me, and Romani also goes to rest."Da Vinci patted Romani on the shoulder from behind and winked at him.


Romani stood up with a sigh of relief, stretched his hands upwards.

On top of the city wall, Wuming was lying on the wall watching the battle below, looking uninterested. Xiaoxue behind him had his legs close together. Sitting on the ground, with a terminal on his lap, the backpack on one side was opened, revealing a hexagonal cylinder.

This is the overall control system of the stronghold defense reconnaissance drone Ant.

Compared to Nightingale, it is extremely secretive and has A highly maneuverable reconnaissance aircraft, the Ant is only the size of a mobile phone and can carry very few things. Although it can fly, its speed and maneuverability are not high, so it is more suitable for a wide range of fixed-point surveillance. It is spread around the stronghold. One circle can replace a large amount of manpower for guarding, but the disadvantage is that it cannot detect high-altitude targets and some special units, so night watchmen are still necessary. The night passes quickly, but it is also very restless.

The ants spread out Almost after a while, there will be an alarm call.

But after careful inspection, there are either scattered wandering skeletons or wild beasts or monsters emerging from nowhere. Although they are not threats, it is really disturbing. So much so that

Jia The staff at Ledi are a little crazy. Now they have a headache when they hear the siren.

"Okay, the two approaching from the west are taken care of."

Karen returned to Sakura's side, holding her arms and leaning on her shoulders, like a child.

Although the sky was still dim and there was no light at all, but according to Chaldea's speculation, It should be around three o'clock in the morning now, and Kallen and Sakura have just taken over Alice's responsibilities and are holding a vigil........

On the northwest side, which is still quite a distance away from this abandoned fortress, a man wearing black attire, a black metal mask, metal gloves, and a metal suspender and belt stood on a hillside and looked at the opposite side. hilltop

"Judging from the brightness and smoke of the fire and smoke, there should be a considerable number of people"

"But this area should already be........."

"Could it be that Archer's army didn't stop those people?"


"Possibly a threat, go check it out."

The man looked at the hillside in front of him, ignored the height that could kill many undead people, and jumped directly down!

Sakura and Kallen were cuddling together at the moment, chatting idly.

"Is that so?"Karen looked at Sakura in disbelief.

"That's right, my brother used to be lazy in the past. He wouldn't get up for three strokes a day. Even if he practiced swordsmanship, it was just moves. He basically didn't do any other physical training. He hated pain and fatigue, so he had very little muscle and little strength. Not big, and even said to have abdominal muscles."Ying Rujia was talking about the time before Sven.

"What a surprise, his abdominal muscles feel pretty good to the touch"

"Now I'm a little curious about what his belly felt like before. Is the gap between it and now very big?"Karen held her palm as if recalling it, imagining how it felt in the past and then comparing it with the actual feel now.

"Maybe." Sakura replied vaguely.

"Sakura, what do you think is better there?"

"I think they're all pretty good."

However, the two people did not notice that the data connection had been made before, and the conversation between the two people could also be heard in the Chaldean control room.

"Fortunately Olga Marie is no longer there, otherwise, tsk tsk..........."Da Vinci looked like his aunt was smiling. etc.............

How did she know how Swain's abs felt now?........I'd better not say any more about this matter.

There are many Chaldean night shift employees who have similar thoughts.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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