The blond archer bent down slightly, holding the bow in one hand and already holding the black arrow in the other hand, ready to draw the bow at any time.

The emerald green pupils shrank slightly into a bunch, vigilantly scanning the plains ahead and the dark mountains in the distance, but after waiting for a while, nothing unusual was found.


"No, no small abnormalities can be ignored in the wild."

"I remember being in this direction just now."

The blond archer postponed her plan to return to Orleans, and took advantage of the night to explore the direction where Bianca was peeping at her.

A journey of several kilometers would only take a matter of seconds for a servant with her strength.

Not surprisingly, she found success on the same hillside where Swain and Bianca were before.

"a set of footprints.........."

The blond woman held a bow and arrow, and after looking around cautiously, she slowly leaned down and measured the size of the set of footprints with her hands.

"So small, and the footprints are not deep. Is he a child?"

"It looks like he left not long ago."

The blond archer stood up, closed his eyes, and stood there numbly, as if thinking about something.


After a while, the blond archer, who had been silent for a while, was ready to follow this set of footprints to see where the target person had gone.

"Go check it out."

The blond archer ran quickly, feeling that with his own speed, he should be able to catch up with the lone child soon.

However, Sven was on another high ground, watching the hunter leave, and then looked down at his hands. Pocket watch timing

"It's so fast. My agility is at least A level, but if I don't use magic to continue strengthening it, I shouldn't be able to catch up with me."

Covering the pocket watch, Sven chuckled and picked up Bianca, who was shocked and speechless with one hand.

"Don't be dazed. The investigation is not over yet. Let's take a look at the remaining combat power in the city. This time it may be a siege. If you don't want to die, don't be lazy.".............

One night.

The blond archer walked listlessly out of a dead forest. Behind him, several monsters whose skulls had been shot by arrows fell to the ground without a sound.

The result of following the footprints along the way was this group of monsters. She searched carefully, but found nothing except a child's clothing covered with scratches from monsters.


Throwing away the clothes in his hands, the blond archer smacked his tongue, showed his sharp fangs, and returned to Orleans with an unhappy and sullen look on his face.

Before he even got close to the city wall, there were wandering sub-dragons and dragon-tooth soldiers everywhere. , even though there are no houses anywhere here, the traces of the residents who fled from the city still spread here. The blood stains on the dry crops have already turned black. The place where the corpses are piled up attracts countless monsters. , there were also faint traces of the generation of resentful spirits.

The blond archer kept her eyes closed so that she could not see the disturbing scene around her.

When she entered the city, the smell of blood and rotten smell made her His mood became even worse. He chose to go to the roof where the environment was relatively better. The blond archer jumped back to the castle in the middle of the city.

The building that already looked very distorted on the outside had an equally distorted interior space. It looks like the area is more than three or four times larger than what it looks like from the outside.

It is filled with all kinds of monsters, traps and magic mechanisms, as if this place has been turned into a magic workshop, and has become the home of someone or something. The blond archer returned to her residence.

Her residence was in the middle and lower floors of the castle.

Opening the door, The blond archer frowned as he looked at the room with a slightly simple decoration and a room with nothing but a bed.

" quiet."

She thought that if she opened the door today, those annoying human imps would still appear, sometimes one, sometimes three or two, or even more running to her from other floors.

I really don’t know what the magician was doing leaving these little devils, crying, making trouble, and being very annoying.

Didn’t he just happen to see them when he was first captured, and then he took out the trolls that blocked his way? Have you chased away the skeletons and monsters?

To get entangled with yourself for such a trivial matter. Really, if the magician hadn't said that these little devils are still useful, who could tolerate them!

Close the door, face the other side, and imprison these little devils. He walked to the head's room.

With a bang, the unlocked wooden door was violently opened.

Looking around, there was only a narrow iron window, and not a single figure of the little devil was seen in the straw-covered detention room.

The blond archer's gaze was like that of a cat in the dark, scanning the room vertically from left to right, for fear of missing any detail.

"No trace of anything"

"..........Look for it. If it escapes, it's best to catch it as soon as possible."

The blond archer had a look of disgust and disgust on his face, just like a parent who has to look after his naughty child to do homework after a hard day's work. However, he will still fulfill his responsibilities honestly. It's just that..........In this dangerous castle, how could a powerless human child be able to run to other places?

Along the floors, the blond archer searched for each floor, and soon reached the middle floor from bottom to top.

In front of him is a huge ballroom, which should have been a place used for banquets. However, this time it has become an area exclusive to another person.

Opening the wooden door, in the empty room, a purple-haired girl wearing pure white dance clothes and high heels like slender arrows was dancing in the hall with her eyes slightly closed.

Classical ballet is a profound art. The elegant dance looks as if her body and mind are flying in the night sky. She is so graceful and melancholy.

The hands, eyes, body, and steps are all dancing according to the drumbeat of his heart. The slender pure white sleeves are dancing in the wind, and the long sleeves are crisscrossing left and right. An endless stream of dancing postures are flying and spreading, and the twists and turns of the body are dancing flexibly.

At this moment, the dancer girl is completely immersed in her own world, and she is enjoying this dance.

However, when she jumped to a certain section, her expression suddenly changed. Annoyance was mixed with anger. The expression that was calm and gentle just now, like a gentle lady, suddenly changed, and a violent and ferocious sadistic expression appeared on her face.

The dancing posture that was graceful and light just now suddenly changed, and the movements became fierce and powerful at the same time.

One foot rested on the ground, and her left hand danced quickly in front of her. In an instant, a water blade was thrown directly from the tip of her toe.


The water blade cut on the wall, leaving a deep cut mark. Looking to the side, similar cut marks were all over the room. Except for the floor of the stage, which was intact, the walls and ceiling in the room were intact. Nowhere is good

"Phew, damn it, it’s so infuriating!!"

"After searching for so long, why can’t I find that hateful guy?"

The dancer girl was no longer in the mood to continue practicing. She gritted her teeth fiercely and stood in the middle of the stage sulking, supporting her waist with the two hands hidden in her sleeves. At the same time, she also noticed the visitor at the door.

"oh, so rare."

The expression on the dancer girl's face changed instantly. The corners of her eyes were crooked, and she covered her mouth with her wide sleeves, as if she was not the one who lost her temper just now.

"You actually went to such a high-rise place."

The blond archer did not take the dancer girl's words. Instead, he scanned the entire dance hall and then focused his attention on the dancer girl again.

"Are you alone here?"

The dancer girl slowly walked up to the blond girl and looked at the blond archer condescendingly. The blond archer, who was less than 1.7 meters tall, was almost 1.9 meters tall after wearing high heels and was wearing a wide dance skirt. The dancer girl looked unusually petite in front of her.

When the dancer girl saw the expression of the blond archer, she immediately showed an interesting look.

"Oh, are you in a bad mood?"

"Did something interesting happen?"

I don't know if the dancer girl meant it or not, but she teased the blond archer in this very annoying tone.


The blond archer closed his eyes slightly and moved his gaze slightly downward, with a sullen expression hidden in the shadows.

She turned around and left without stopping, intending to leave the dancer girl behind. However, the dancer girl followed the blond girl directly, leaned over with a slight smile, and got as close as possible to the golden hair on both sides of the blond girl's head. And hairy ears

"Let me guess"

"There aren't many things in this city that could interest you."

"That black guy asked you to defend the city and protect the things on the top. But now that the energy fluctuations are still stable, then the things are still there."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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