Swain couldn't see the opponent's hands that were deliberately hidden in the sleeves, so he could only focus on the girl's figure and legs.

"His hands were hidden in his sleeves. Was he using a concealed weapon or for some other reason?"

"The legs are slender, and the wide blades on the soles are even more exaggerated than the nameless boot blades. I think the legs are very strong, and the opponent will have a length advantage in a fight."

"Judging from the atmosphere, he should be a servant, but the job agency........Hard to judge."

The girl also saw the other person's gaze through Sven's Crow Feather Mask, and immediately covered her mouth with her sleeves, mocking with a teasing smile.

"Oops, he looked at the girl he met for the first time with such passion. He looked like a gentleman, but he didn't expect that he was such a beast on the inside."

Sven didn't argue with him. He took off his hat and put it in front of him and bowed.

"I'm so sorry, lady"

"I'm just attracted by the young lady's figure."

Sven once again showed everyone his ability to have thousands of faces. His voice and behavior changed completely, completely in line with the image of a high-quality young gentleman in everyone's mind. It is guaranteed that no one will associate him with Swain.".

The girl did not let go of the moment when Sven lowered his head. She flashed in front of him in an instant, landed on her left foot, spun her whole body around, and swept Sven's head with the heel of her right shoe.


But Si Wen did not raise his head, but used a folded iron fan to block the girl's heels.


"I didn't realize that you were attracted by my figure but were so wary of me?"The girl raised her lips and showed a sadistic smile. She failed to hit the target. She did not relax at all. Instead, she launched an attack even more frantically. The blade of the heel drew perfect arcs in front of Sven's eyes, and the girl The slender body began to dance with the movements of the footsteps.

Sven kept retreating, holding his hat in one hand, and the folding fan in his right hand was closed or opened to resist the girl's attack.

"No way, the first time I saw you, I knew that your dancing must be very profound and solid, so I had to guard against it. Swain replied with a chuckle. After recognizing that the dance on the other side was based on ballet, he quickly learned the opponent's attack routine and looked for opportunities to counterattack.

Soon, Swain evolved from complete defense to For defense and counterattack, the edge of the unfolded fan is not half weaker than a sharp blade, and together it can hit and slap like a heavy weapon. The blade-like fan swept across the girl's abdomen, and the folded iron fan was like A hammer hit the side of the girl's bladed shoe, and the rippling shock made her legs numb, so that the girl's violent attack had to be restrained.

"But no matter how solid the dance is, you have found flaws."

The girl stepped back slightly, lowered her head slightly and looked at her smooth abdomen. Fortunately, the opponent's fan may be shorter than the sword, otherwise she would definitely add a bloody scar.

"After all, for a gentleman, it is his duty to dance with a lady. If the dance steps are wrong, he will be embarrassed and ignore it, but it is not appropriate to let the lady make a fool of herself."

During the words, the offense and defense switched, and it became Swain's first attack!

Swain turned sideways, feet forward and back, and hid his left hand in the shadow of his body.

"So, after the ballet, please dance a ballroom dance with me."

Sven quickly approached, giving up the idea of ​​fighting with the opponent in the lower plate, and instead attacked the upper lane!

He jumped up to avoid the girl's heel sweep, and the unfolded fan faced her carotid artery and the vertical line where her heart was.

The girl immediately lowered her waist, dodged Swain's attack and performed a perfect backflip at the same time. Her legs were aimed at Swain in the air from bottom to top.

But the heels were obviously as sharp as iron , However, Swain stood directly on the blade of the girl's heel very lightly. Even the owner of the heel did not feel the weight change on his shoe!

Siwen flew behind the girl and turned around suddenly. At the same time, she waved her seemingly nothing left hand.

The girl was not careless. She scratched the ground with her toes, lifted up a large piece of gold coins and threw them at Sven, and jumped to one side to get out of the way.

Rusty - several small streaks The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the girl jumping in the air discovered that the gold coins that had been thrown at Sven had been beautifully cut off by some sharp weapon in the air!

"That is..........silk?"

Sven continued to pursue, and with good footwork he kicked towards the fragile side of the girl's heel. Every step was sonorous and powerful, making the girl unsteady and could only keep retreating.

"This guy..........Although it's artificial, his legs are really good."

While the girl was thinking, the folding fan in Sven's right hand and the silk thread in his left hand cooperated back and forth, attacking relatively fixed places on the girl's body one from the left and the other from the right.

"Sure enough, it is a ballroom dance, and the position of the attack is where a man's hands should be when dancing!"

The girl gritted her teeth, but she still showed a confident smile.

Whoosh! Whoosh!



If that were the case, the girl might still be able to handle it, but when the opponent was fighting, the hands with cyan purple gloves were... It looks like there is nothing at the moment, but when you flip your hands, you will throw a large number of various weapons. It is really difficult to judge the opponent's attack!

My own attack method is based on dance, and I increase the intensity of the attack by constantly dancing my body. At that time, the other party was not used to it, but now his attack methods have been gradually cracked!!

Apparently the other party has also learned dance and has in-depth research, which means that his dance rhythm is being mastered by him little by little!

This makes She's a little overwhelmed

"This guy learns so fast!"

"Moreover, the physical strength is far better than mine, and my strength and speed under normal conditions are not as good as his."

The girl was startled, and she jumped back nimbly. The point where her toes touched the bottom suddenly radiated large blue waves to the surroundings.

"Water magic?"

Sven looked at the clear waves that were rushing toward his feet, and subconsciously chose to retreat. His fighting instinct told him that this thing was definitely not as simple as it seemed! He crossed his hands in front of him, and threw a large weapon while his whole body She quickly stepped back.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, waves rolled up on her toes, and her elegant turning and roundhouse kick shot down all kinds of weapons thrown at her from all angles.

Phew - after the waves passed, Sven She was shocked to find that all the weapons she threw were not shot down, but suddenly disappeared!

Seeing Sven's surprised expression, the girl was very satisfied, and then changed her attack method.


The girl counted the signs for herself in French, raised her legs nimbly, and used her toes stained with the liquid under her feet to throw water blades at Swain.

Swain did not choose to block or attack, but bowed down With his body supporting the hat, he started running around the girl to dodge.


The water blade missed and hit the surrounding gold coins. The hit pile of gold coins was corroded and decomposed, and soon the pile of gold coins was dented. Get down!

"Ability to corrode?"

"It's like sulfuric acid!"Everyone was shocked. If this thing hits the body, it won't be just a scar!

"a ha ha ha~~!"

"What's wrong?"

"Can't you accept my invitation to dance together?"

After dodging several attacks from the girl again, Swain looked at the expansion trend of the liquid under his feet, and once again chose to retreat.

"After all, a woman’s too strong invitation can sometimes have the opposite effect."

"Hahaha, let’s see how long you can maintain your calmness?"

Sven chose to lower his body, use his fan to knock away nearby gold coins to use as a shield, and once again tried to throw a few slower hidden weapons towards the waves that were approaching him.

Gududu -

But these hidden weapons were also the same as before. In that way, the liquid was swallowed by the liquid without even the smoke coming out.

"Not even any wreckage left behind?"

"This does not conform to physics. Matter will not disappear and appear out of thin air, it will only change forms. If it can be violated, then the opponent should be at the level of a magician."

While thinking, the girl penetrated Swain's defense and used her rapier-like knees to hit Swain's chest!


The liquid on her knees shot out in a spiral shape. Swain quickly tilted his neck and used The liquid wiped the side of the cheek and hit the gold coin in the back.

"Ah ha ha~!"

"Split you in half!"

The girl smiled, and immediately raised her right leg to chop down at Swain.


Swain did not dodge this time, but used the folded iron fan to parry her attack.

And this attack, It also made Swain discover that the objects in contact with the opponent's transparent liquid were not only corroded and decomposed, but were also absorbed by the opponent after these procedures! It should be a powerful liquid poison.

Seeing the two or three people on the outermost side of the iron fan There were signs of melting on the fan surface, and Sven immediately withdrew his strength, but this also caused him to be knocked away by the girl.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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