"How about taking advantage of now………No, even if this woman looks at me here and doesn’t say anything, she can’t escape from this space, and it’s impossible for me to continue my honey poison under the other person’s nose."

The girl was thinking about how to break the situation in this scene.

As time passed by, Sven's side was finally finished. The golden dragon shadow had completely disappeared, and the shadow under Sven's feet also shrank rapidly and finally became the size of an ordinary human figure.


Sven let out a long breath.

When Zhen saw this, he immediately stepped forward to help him.

"how do you feel?"


Sven covered his face. At this moment, he only felt a severe dizziness. His senses were completely different from those when flying without gravity or at high speed.

"This is………A gap in spatial perception?"

"The senses change from the third dimension to a higher latitude dimension………The dimensional feeling is no longer simply from a point, line or plane to a three-dimensional space. Does the additional sense pull the three-dimensional time into a line?"

"Extend and broaden on an online basis……………Yes, the conversion of low-latitude space is achieved by interfering between high-latitude space and low-latitude space."

"Now it seems that this guy's power is not complete, it is just a simple three-dimensional one, less than the fourth-dimensional level. Otherwise, by controlling the time nodes, it should be able to move in space in continuous time to some extent."


Zhen blinked his eyes, but he didn't understand at all.

"This seems to be a multi-dimensional theory. Many people believe that the universe is multi-dimensional. There are different theories. The simplest is the three-dimensional understanding. A point is the first dimension, the line is the second dimension, and the three-dimensional image extending to length, width and height is our life. The three dimensions, and adding time on top of this is the fourth dimension."

The aloof girl who rarely talks explained as much as possible in a way that everyone can understand.

"Uh, oh, um, got it."The lively girl showed a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Well, I see you guys don't get it at all."

Everyone knows that this stuff is too difficult. People who don't specialize in research have only a little knowledge of these things. Even if they know a little bit, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes.

"Sorry for making you worry."

After taking a breath, Swain also re-adapted to his current sense of space. He had an illusory feeling of a light body.

Turning his head, he happened to see the girl and Ying confronting each other.

Swain came to Ying's house with Zhen. Next to him.

Ying glanced at Swain slightly, did not speak, but consciously stepped aside.

"Oh, now that stupid lizard has been dealt with, now it’s my turn?"

The girl said this bravely, but she didn't have much confidence in her heart. She moved the toes of her right foot slightly back and prepared for kicking skills.

The distance between the opponent and her was not too far. If she wanted to do something, she could rely on kicking. In addition, the length of the heel gave him the upper hand!

Zhen and Ying did not speak, only Swain took two steps forward.

"What I told you before was that we formed an alliance and worked together to escape from here, so I will keep my promise and not take action, but if you want to fight, I will also accompany you without hesitation."Sven showed him his empty left hand and extended his right hand to him.

"Hmm?"The girl blinked her bright eyes.

She glanced back and forth between Sven's outstretched right hand and his face.

In the end, she stepped forward with a tentative attitude, and then…………He put the sharp heel of his right foot on Swain's hand.


Sven suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the heel of the shoe leaning diagonally in his hand with a confused look on his face.


Ying had a sullen look on her face, and immediately felt that the other person was humiliating her, so she wanted to step forward and kill her first.

But she was stopped by Zhen.

The girl looked at the different reactions of the two people behind her, and her head lowered in front of her in confusion. She looked at Sven on her right hand.

Obviously she had done this. If the other party really wanted to do something, he would definitely not be humiliated.


"For a woman you meet for the first time, you want to hold hands as soon as you meet her. You take it for granted~"

"Although a lot of things have happened, forget it, today I just need you to touch the heels of my shoes~"

Swain raised his head and looked at the girl who was over 1.9 meters tall. He was speechless.

"first meet………I at least thought that we had fought side by side no matter what, although I never thought that this could ease the hostile relationship between you and me."

"And I think if it’s really the first time we meet, wouldn’t it be weirder to hand someone your feet?"


"This is the first time I let someone hold my toes, I feel honored.~!"

"No, this doesn’t seem like an honor worthy of anything, right?"

If I wanted to shake it, I would have done it at home!

In the morning, noon and night, I can hold three of them just like eating without the same thing!

Swain didn't need to say anything, the real and shadow people behind him detected Siwen in real time. Wen's inner thoughts.

After losing his original body and becoming the existence of Ito Sven, now that the energy in Sven's body has decreased, they have no choice but to go back temporarily to regain their previous consumption. The girl looked at the two quick After the lightning rushed towards Sven and engulfed her body, she saw the space around her suddenly shatter, dissipating like pieces of mirror. The golden space around her disappeared, replaced by Except for the eight large stone pillars and the red carpet in the hall, the only thing left was the throne at the end of the red carpet that had turned into a pile of rubble.

Swain let go of the girl's heels and said seriously:" I won't do it this time, but I won't do it next time we meet again…………"


The girl took back her heels and stepped on the ground, stretching lazily.

"I’m so tired, it’s almost dawn~~"

The girl ignored Sven beside her, yawned and walked towards the door in the distance.

"It’s better to go back and catch up on some sleep. Staying up late is a big enemy for girls."

"And you too, why do you want to launch an attack in the middle of the night?"

"Do you know how troublesome it is for me to crawl out of bed at night, change clothes, put on makeup, and come back again?"

"???"Sven couldn't finish the girl's three sentences.

Before he launched the attack, he didn't see you going out, just because you were still in bed in the room and getting up to put on your makeup! ?

Fortunately it was midnight.

Otherwise, Swain would like to give her some spotlights and red carpets outside, with her makeup.………I couldn’t finish the painting in less than three hours!

You might even have to take a shower again or something.

Anyway, Olga Marie is like this. When there is a large gathering, the other party gets up early and starts preparing before dawn. Sven continues to sleep for a few more hours, gets up at noon, washes up and gets dressed, and there They're all still saying wait for me for a while, I'll be fine soon……….

"Really, you are not considerate at all."

The girl muttered and walked towards the door.

"Forget it, while it’s still early, let’s go back and get some sleep~~"

"Ah, right."The girl looked back at Swain with a teasing look from top to bottom.

"Although it can be seen that you have a good figure, you should change your clothes next time we meet. No girl will agree to your invitation wearing such tattered clothes.~"

"I remember your face. If you invite me to dance next time, at least change into more decent clothes. In that case, I can think about it.~~"

After the girl's figure disappeared from the broken door, Sven was in a state of confusion.

"What's going on?"Sven felt something was wrong. Shouldn't the two sides be hostile?

Can the relationship be so relaxed after just one cooperation!?

And what the hell is that teasing tone?

"This is the first time I've seen someone go his own way than Swain."

After a long time, Mei Lin made this comment.

"How can I not!"

"And when did you come back?"

"Just when you, the foot controller, were playing with the opponent's heels with a happy expression on your face..........."

"When we meet next time, which ice cream do you think looks better, white or black?"

Meilin seems to have discovered some hidden hobby of Sven...........No, not really, this guy doesn't seem to have any intention of hiding it.

If you want to know more specifically, ask Kallen and Sakura, or Zhen and Shadow. Others dare not say, but these four people must know it as people who have experienced the good night firsthand!

"..........I also have gradient colors!"

"Um?"Mei Lin's eyes lit up. Don't care if it's true or not. Just be prepared!


"My sister will prepare gradient colors next time!"

"Guaranteed to make you want to eat more~!"

"What a nightmare!"

"What else can you think of besides this all day long?"

Sven rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay any more attention to the perverted incubus.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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