
Ma Xiu agreed while holding a shield and standing at the forefront of everyone.

But other than that, the others didn't seem to have much reaction.

"That, that?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka looked around in confusion, wondering why no one seemed to have any intention of taking action?

Xiaoxue did not speak, but after pondering for a moment, he opened the terminal on his wrist, retrieved the information, and found it from the photo album. After opening one of the photo albums called Hours, he lifted up the projected image and compared it with the two people in the distance.

Several people around him came over curiously when they saw this, with their little heads next to each other.

The tense atmosphere just now suddenly became strange.

The person in the profile looked exactly the same as the person in front of me, except for the hair color, eye color and expression............It's really not bad at all.

The person in the photo is wearing a fluffy white top and tight jeans, with her bright blond hair pulled up high, and she is happily watering the flower field with a showerhead, just like a gentle woman, There are quite a few differences between the person in front of me in terms of atmosphere and appearance.

I thought these pictures were just special cases, but Xiaoxue scrolled through several pictures and found that the clothes, hair accessories and makeup of the blond girl in the pictures changed every day, and none of them were the same. After a while, at least the other party had something. More than twenty completely different sets from tops to socks and shoes.

"Okay, so many.........."Xiaoxue wanted to continue complaining, but then she thought about it.

I seemed to have more than a dozen sets of clothes that the other party made for me, and they were all different, so I wisely kept my mouth shut.

"I always feel that from the photos, it seems.........Hmm, more like a quiet and well-behaved person?"

Karen answered with her fingers pointing to her temples unsurely.

"You can't say that. Yue also said that people will change, and it is possible that they will behave differently when facing different people?"Wuming is not too sure either.

"Rebellion period?"Compared to these Sakura, she seems a little worried.

"I hope Rin won’t have this period.........."

"Will my sister's rebellious period turn into this?"The female spearman also compared the difference between the real person and the photo, and seemed to be a little worried about her sisters.

"Probably not, and Rin is such a well-behaved kid. He shouldn't dye his hair and wear contact lenses like this."Karen actually thinks Rin is quite sensible.

"But when your elder brother put on your toenail polish before, Karen, your laughter attracted her to it. As a result, she kept clamoring and wanted to put it on before."

"Yes, yes?"Kalian blushed and scratched her hair and turned her face slightly. The ten round little toes in the boots were slightly curled up, and the soles of her feet were also itchy, as if she recalled the touch of that day.

"Who told Swain to start pinching my toes halfway through? After I struggled for a few times, he suddenly started scratching the soles of my feet and scratching them one by one. I didn't expect that..............."Kallen whispered, but there was no sound behind her.

"Then, I'll just be careful not to laugh so loudly next time, or just close the door."

"You, you, you!!!"

Seeing a group of people facing a face that was 100% similar to themselves, but with a silly smile that was 100% untainted by knowledge, the people standing opposite suddenly became very angry!


"Any kind of photo is good!"

"Hurry up and delete all the photos with that silly look on your face!!"

"Otherwise I will burn the whole thing that makes a clicking sound!!"

The gray-haired boy raised his spear with a flaming flag and a spear in his hand towards the crowd. His expression looked very fierce, his eyes widened, and he looked full of courage!

"Well!! Seeing this , Ma

Xiu pressed down even more, as if she was the most nervous person in the room.

"That is impossible."Xiaoxue closes the terminal

"This thing is saved in the cloud. Even if you burn this thing, these photos will not be destroyed."

"And the clicking function is the camera function, which is one of the many capabilities of this terminal."

"Aha?"The gray-haired child was dumbfounded.


Taking pictures?


She raised her head and looked at the dim sky above and the misty clouds.

"I don't care about you!"

"Since it is placed on the cloud, I will let Feilong burn the clouds here in a while!"

"That's still impossible"

"In addition, the cloud does not refer to the cloud in the sky, but to a remote big data storage function. Its essence is........"

Seeing Xiaoxue starting to explain what the cloud system is to the gray-haired child in a serious manner, the people present showed very complicated expressions.


"...........Um?"Romani looked confused. He squinted his eyes unconfidently and looked at the situation at the scene again with uncertainty through the screen in front of him.

"Is now the time to say this?"

He cast his gaze on Leonardo da Vinci next to him as if asking for confirmation.

In response to this, a certain genius just spread his hands helplessly and said, don't ask me, I don't understand either.

"what is this.....Really.........."Olga Marie only felt that the journey seemed chaotic from the beginning.


I've had enough of this kind of life!

Just leave all the work to Swain!

When the time comes, I will just be responsible for supervising his work.

Otherwise, what's the use of his deputy director?

"..........So if you want to make these photos disappear completely, you need to destroy the server that stores the data first."Speaking of this, Xiaoxue even wanted to subconsciously push up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, but she was not wearing glasses at all. When the gray-haired child listened to Xiaoxue's explanation, blue veins popped up on her forehead, and she turned angrily. Turning around, he stomped the ground several times as if to vent his anger.


"Anyway, put that or something.......Just ask the server's warehouse to burn down, right?"

"You guys wait, I'll be there soon..........."Gray Hair was just about to turn around and ride on the flying dragon to leave here, but he suddenly stopped.


"I should kill you first before talking about other things, I almost forgot!!"


When everyone was silent, Wu Ming, who was not only natural but also sinister, suddenly said something leisurely:

"How stupid, I only realized it now"

"Have you really done the homework and exams assigned last month?"

"You can't even write your own name, right?"

"How can it be!!"

"Of course I can write my name!"The gray-haired child immediately argued, but his tone soon became unconfident again.


"............"Everyone was silent again.

Just this IQ.........

Really, anyone who has been to elementary school will not be like this!


The gray-haired boy didn't want to continue to tangle with these guys he didn't know.

With a sudden jump, the whole person suddenly flew up, spinning the spear in his hand and slashing towards the ground where everyone was.

Suddenly everyone switched from the relaxed atmosphere to a fighting state.

Everyone in Chaldea also reacted and began to use their hands and feet to control the keyboard in front of them.

"Take on, take on the enemy!"

"start to attack"

"The opponent was inferred to be Lancer, and his magic reaction was so high that it reached the EX level!"

"Be careful, the opponent's magic attack is very powerful!"

"yes!"Ma Xiu responded immediately after dodging, and at the same time prepared to raise her shield and step forward to buy time for everyone to counterattack.

But there was a figure who rushed forward faster than her!

"Eh?"Ma Xiu was stunned.


With a soft and clear sound, the golden one-handed sword and the dark spear collided.

"That's it, put your weapon down."

Alice, who has been silent since just now, is holding a sword in both hands, trying to use brute force to press the tip of the gray-haired child down. Her blue eyes are staring at the gray-haired child.

"What on earth are you going to do again?"

"What's going on with those dragons?"

"You can control them. Could it be that you were the one who was attacked in those villages before?"

Alice suddenly felt that there were many things she wanted to know.

"Forget it, stop now!"

"Whatever your reasons, what an abhorrent thing you are doing to an unarmed populace?"

"Think carefully about how pious you were back then, praying in the church every day, and how commendable what you did was. You have helped many people, and many people in Santoral also praised you. But what's wrong with you now?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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