
The next moment, the magical light emitted from the eyeballs completely blasted the upper half of the tower into pieces.

The shadow fell on the ground, and after casually killing a few monsters that were relatively close to him, he raised his head and looked at the magic eye.

"a ha ha ha~!"

"Not bad!"

"This is interesting!"

The magic eye changed its direction, looked directly at the shadow on the ground, and narrowed its eyes in a very humane manner, and the same sense of oppression came from the front.

"It looks like you are very belligerent!"

"It just so happens that little Mei Fei is also a militant!"

The voice of the purple-haired clown came from the magic eye this time.

"What's this?"Ying asked Swain in his mind.

".........That guy's body is already an empty shell, and he may have transferred his consciousness to other places. Whether it was the centipede just now or the evil eye now, it is the carrier of its consciousness."Sven also used the specific induction between the three to communicate.

"Can it be killed?"Ying is still concise and to the point.

"Of course, in this state, the heart and brain are only the key points of the body, not its consciousness. Even if you cut off the head and pierce the heart, it will only mean that the body cannot be used. , just change it to another one, but as long as you find the point where its consciousness is hidden in the body and break it..........."

"I see, then just chop up every bit of the body it is currently using!"Ying repainted Guns N' Roses

"That's what it says..........."

Although Swain didn't say it directly, as far as Ying was concerned, she, Zhen and Swain were now connected with each other, and there was almost no so-called privacy at all.

Therefore, the shadow can feel that Swain's mental energy is severely consumed, and it is obvious that he cannot be wasted like this.

"Give your eyes a little rest........I'll buy time"


The light blessed by the magic eye on the shadow naginata dissipated.

"Oh, do you want to keep it?"The evil eye in the sky tilted its body slightly.

"This is not okay, how can you do such a disappointing thing when you are about to have a good time!!"

The purple-haired clown almost said the last few words viciously through gritted teeth, and emitted countless magic rays as he dived downwards.

The shadow evaded all attacks nimbly, jumped up and stepped on one side. The outer wall of the wall ran towards the sky, and flew up to slash at the Demon Eye in the air again.

But without the blessing of Sven's Demon Eye, this time her attack power dropped a lot, and she only slashed at the opponent's outer layer of flesh and blood. The next scar was not too deep.

The demon eye squirmed through the blood vessels around it and swung towards the shadow, but was blocked one by one.

"Dirty things!"The shadow showed displeasure.


"come on!"

"Come and fight, keep fighting until either side falls.~!"


"How romantic is this~~"

The purple-haired clown made a sickly sound and seemed to enjoy the feeling of killing and being killed.

Sven paid attention to Ying's situation and found that even without her own help, according to her martial arts, even if she could not kill the opponent, she could still stalemate him for a period of time, so she continued to cover Ying while staying as close as possible. The two people at the place evacuated


"just in front!"

Bianca looked at the battering ram in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man looked back at Sven, who was still near the inner city, and then turned to Bianca and asked

"Can that one still move?"


Bianca answered simply.


"So what are we going to do?"

"To escape from here, we must have a considerable initial speed to completely get rid of the attack and pursuit of the big lizards above."

"Just like evacuation in a regular way, not to mention that the"fast horse" used to pick up us stopped temporarily to accommodate us in this environment. It is estimated that we were surrounded and set fire before it started running again!"

"So we have to start from here and escape from here directly on the 'fast horse' that does not slow down in the sky!"

"oh oh!!"The young man suddenly understood.

He raised his head and looked at the battering ram with a defensive layer in front of him, and suddenly understood

"So that’s it!"

"When he originally designed this thing, in addition to being used to break through defenses and city walls, it can now also be used as a defensive position in the center of the enemy's base camp and as a connection point during evacuation!"

"That's it."

Bianca came to a certain part of the fuselage of the city hammer, raised the second holy relic, and worked with the young man to knock down several monsters wandering nearby. The outer wall of this part of the fuselage has been almost destroyed by these guys, and the deepest The gap in the outer armor had obviously broken through the five layers of defense, and the sixth layer had been almost consumed.

The two entered through the gap.

Bianca took out the terminal she was carrying and connected wirelessly. The control terminal of the city hammer. At this moment, the young man can lean on the side of the gap, cover the wound and take a rest while taking charge of the guard.

However, Sven is on guard at a high place outside, so there is obviously no need to worry about monsters approaching at this moment.

"It was quite badly damaged."

"It doesn't matter, this is part of the plan, but obviously even if this thing was originally designed to last for nine hundred seconds, he also added a few more layers of defense for insurance, otherwise this thing would have broken down long ago."

Bianca found out the armor where the two were located through the terminal.

"The energy supply is partially terminated, and the defensive spell is partially lifted."

Through Bianca's operation, the mechanical structure inside the battering ram began to move. The huge metal walls composed of metal plates that could move independently and were inlaid with gems with different runes began to move.

These metal plates began to move. The metal plates are connected by magic arrays drawn with magic gem powder.

At this moment, following Bianca's actions, part of these metal plates began to move again. With the assistance of the computer, part of the original magic array was modified and lost. became active, and the previously unactivated spell drawn by another part of the redundant part came into play at this moment.

Bang bang bang——!

With a series of small explosions, the armor layer in front of Bianca shattered into large pieces. The wreckage.

After a small amount of smoke and dust passed, a very narrow passage appeared in front of Bianca.

She quickly got in, and followed the instructions on the walls and the ground as much as possible in the passage that could only accommodate one person walking sideways. Moving quickly.

The young man originally planned to stay here and continue to retreat, but the continuous golden arrows shot from above and the occasional falling rockets caused not only no monsters to approach, but even the number of nearby monsters was constantly decreasing.

The slightly relieved young man followed Bianca into the interior of the battering ram.

After walking through the winding passage for a while, the two arrived at the center of the battering ram.

On the left and right sides of the passage were There are small and long capsule-like devices, and at the end of the front is the small control room of the city-breaking hammer.

Most of the functions are focused on defense and propulsion performance. The control room of the city-breaking hammer is very small. There is not even a place to sit, and it can only accommodate one person to operate.

"All launch cabins entered the activated state, the system was re-tested, the ejection system was normal, and the slight damage to the outer armor of the upper launch port did not affect the launch."

Bianca reminded the young man behind while doing the inspection.

"Just find any launch cabin and lie down in it."

The young man heard the sound and looked to the side. The small capsule-like cabins opened one after another, revealing a very compact small space that can only accommodate an adult, and it was surrounded by very soft materials. buffer

"Is this how to escape?"

The young man just reached out and touched the material inside, without any intention of going in.

Bianca did not answer the young man's question, but told Swain on the communication channel

"Merchant, the system here is undergoing final inspection and there should be no problem."

Sven avoided the flying dragons that were searching for him, and shot two golden arrows from behind the obstacle to kill the two monsters that were trying to get close to the city breaker.

"Really, then you can go ahead after the inspection is completed, and I will cover your liftoff."

When Swain said this, he also looked around the city of Orleans. Still no hostages were found, but a large number of monsters had gathered outside the city, densely crowding the originally empty wilderness.

Except in the air. , if you want to get out from the ground, you will have to waste a lot of energy.

"Even if you say so, businessman, you probably don’t have much energy left, right?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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