"Why..........Why does this happen?"

"I just want to live!"

"No! It can't end like this!"

"I want to be a rich man!"

"Even if I die, I will kill those who bullied me!!"

"Ah, what a beautiful person, if I could snatch her away.........."

"This little money, poor guy, is not enough for the hard work of sharpening my knife."

"We have worked so hard to protect the town, why don't you at least show some respect?"

"Call, come on, no one will come!"

"Untouchable, don't you see the pool ahead? Get down and clear the way for me!"

"marriage........I know, this is my destiny, but after getting married, I still want to see that person"


"this.........It's all the malice possessed by the humans he eats!"Sven recognized this thing and wanted to get away from these white spirits.

"Don't be fooled, these are all hallucinations!"Meilin reminded loudly again

"And it's useless to poke deaf ears. The reception of magic information does not rely on hearing!"

"whispering sound!!"Sven had no choice but to give up poking her deaf ears after hearing this.

The shadow on the other side of the battlefield also felt that her body was becoming heavier at this moment.

She seized an opportunity to attack and retreated quickly, looking down at her breasts which were slowly getting shallower, and again A body transformed into purple lightning

"The body can no longer sustain it?"


Before she could continue to wonder, the shadow disappeared with a flash of light.

"Oh, disappeared?"

"Hmm.........What a pity, little Mei Fei hasn’t had enough fun yet."

In front, a five-meter-tall, muscular demon stood there with his fists clenched. As the shadow left, the demon's head suddenly self-destructed. From the break in the neck, the purple-haired clown emerged again. , and at this moment he also heard the chorus of songs in the distance.

After a brief surprise, he stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, and then quickly disappeared in the direction of the gray-haired magician.

Gray. The magician is now under complete protection, directing a large symphony orchestra like a conductor.

"unfinished son"

"I can feel the smell of blood on you!"

"With this bloody smell, it seems that you have killed many more people than me!"

"A random killing without any purpose?"

"Or did he wipe out the entire kingdom on a whim?"

"But that doesn’t matter!"

"You still have time to turn back!"

"Don't 'give in' to the temptation of that light. Now you should put it down and join us in destroying this unfair world!"

"Humanity is meaningless!"

"bring it on!"


"For the sake of strength, we should dedicate our blood, body and soul to our faith!"

After Sven dodged another wave of attacks from the sea demon's tentacles, he half-knelt on the ground. The demon eyes were closed for no apparent reason, and the surrounding tentacles stopped attacking. In contrast, the mouths on the tentacles sang. getting louder and louder

"It’s so noisy!"

"Who wants to believe in this ugly belief of yours?"

Sven's eyes were as red and bloodshot as those of someone who had stayed up for several nights playing games. He put Atalanta's bow and arrows on his back and took out Lianyue.

"Wait, have you figured out how to avoid the hostages and kill him?"Meilin didn't need to think about it to know that Swain's blind dodge before was just thinking about countermeasures.

"who cares!"

"Anyway, as long as you live in the end, that's fine!"However, at this moment, Sven seems to only care about the life and death of his opponent. As for hostages, it is completely out of his scope.


Merlin noticed something unusual about Swain.

"Armament Strengthening Technique!"

"Magic Eye, shine!"

But Sven seemed to be overheated. He directly activated the strengthening technique of Lianyue, and forcibly opened the magic eye again, ignoring the swelling, soreness and severe pain in his right eye.


The gray-haired magician roared, controlling a large number of shots to attack Sven from all directions at the same time!

"type of nothing——!"

Sven stood still on the spot, his muscles all tense, and the force of the suddenly expanded muscles in his legs was even transmitted to the ground and shattered the bricks around his feet.


With Sven as the center, the laser beam-like two-color blade flashed rapidly within a radius of ten meters. The sharp blade passed through the swaying sea demon tentacles without any hindrance, and absorbed all the magic power. All the light was blocked, or cut open!

In an instant, countless two-color slashes were left in the space, reflected in the eyes of everyone present, including the gray-haired magician!

"Tsk, so strong, but only to this extent!"

The gray-haired magician opened the human skin book in his hand, and the yellow nails on his slender fingers scratched the pages, muttering unspeakable prayers in his mouth.

More sea demons were springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. It emerged from the ground like a giant, but Sven's slashing speed was faster than the speed of the gray-haired magician summoning the sea demon!


"Most of the magic power went to the 'Chorus', and the speed of regeneration couldn't match the speed of killing with his sword!"

While the gray-haired magician suddenly felt uncomfortable, Swain had already used his slashes to create a narrow path between him and the gray-haired magician.


Sven immediately sheathed his sword and at the same time, the position he was in exploded, and the figure disappeared in an instant.

And he killed him from a very far distance at a speed far faster than the gray-haired magician could react!

"So fast!"

During Sven's first wave of attacks, the gray-haired magician had already guessed that Sven had extremely high mobility, but actually looking at it, without the blessing of magic power, this speed has almost reached the speed of the physical body. Limit!

Sven aimed at the protective shield formed by the stacked hostages in front of him and waved his sword without hesitation.


But everyone in the gem closest to Sven and Merlin still heard the small cry of pain squeezed out from his teeth and the slightly twitching corners of his eyes.


A large number of hostages were cut off. The limbs of these hostages were cut off, and they were scattered around under the powerful impact.

The power of this sword was restrained a lot, otherwise these hostages would not just have their limbs cut off!

The gray-haired magician in the hostage protective cover The teacher saw a slight gap in the barrier in front of him. He was really frightened at first, but when he saw the hostages lying on the ground with blank eyes, it was obvious that his mental control was still effective, indicating that these people were not dead.

The gray-haired magician immediately covered his eyes with his right hand and laughed mockingly.

"a ha ha ha!"

"I knew it!!"

"You are one of those people too........No, you are not the same as them!"

"For you, you may have feelings of pity and sympathy for these people, but in the face of justice and right and wrong, you will not behave like those hypocrites!"


"You only focus on results, and you don’t care at all about other people’s evaluations of you!"

"Whether it's praise or criticism!"

"You are the one who kills evil!"

"You are the one who hurts the good!"

"You are a mess!"

Ignoring the crazy words of the gray-haired magician, after Sven landed, he immediately turned his head fiercely and prepared to launch a second wave of sprint attacks.

His figure once again turned into an afterimage, and he clenched the moon with his hands in a thrusting motion. Aiming at the place where there is no hostage protection, although the opponent has opened a magic shield, his Cui Yao Demon Eye can still be used, so he can penetrate the opponent's defense!

Just as the tip of Swain's sword has penetrated When the hostage pile in front was about to come into contact with the magic shield inside, a man's calm voice suddenly came from above.

"Don't even think about it!"

As two gray daggers crossed and fell from the sky, the target was pointed directly at Lianyue.

With two light taps, Lianyue's sword traces were changed, and at the same time a figure fell from the sky.

Swain immediately gave up the pursuit and retreated..Boom——!!

The figure fell to the ground with a crash, setting off a burst of smoke and dust.

Holding the sword with both hands and stabbing downward, a gray-haired man wearing a black tights with partial armor and a full-face mask appeared.

"red double edged sword...........Saber?"Sven guessed.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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