"That gun is..........."

Swain rolled over and stood up, walking to the side of the gun.

"I remember when it appeared, but it turned out to be just an ordinary spear without any abilities............."

Swain frowned. When he was training, he also tried to use this spear, but it didn't have any ability. The name returned was only Knight's Spear, so he was ruthlessly thrown to the weapons warehouse inside the ring. Got it

"That's because you haven't completely pulled it out yet"

"This thing is rare"

"It is one of only ten anchor points in the world"


"Let me explain that part."

Meilin appeared more than once and intervened in the conversation between the two of them, with a very serious expression.

Sven turned his head and was also surprised how she came here, but then he thought about it, this person often happened to other people It seems this is not the first time that the guy who was messing around in the dream appeared in an unreal environment........

"You are here too………"

"Ahem, although I know what you are thinking, it’s better to let my sister speak for now."

Meilin turned sideways, with the staff in her right hand planted on the ground, and her left hand swung towards the silver knight gun on one side.


"Dear viewers in front of the TV, this is our second flagship product. Its main functions are...........wait wait wait!"

However, before Mei Lin could finish her first sentence, she covered her buttocks and backed away with a look of fear.

"Swain, don't move yet, put down your hand that's holding the palm!"

"Sister, I’m not yours yet, and your family methods can’t be used against me yet!"

"No big deal, sister, let me explain it carefully.........."Meilin looked at Sven aggrievedly and pitifully.

"Ahem~!"After regaining her composure and looking at Sven's eyes that seemed to kill her, Merlin didn't dare to mess around this time.

I straightened my clothes and looked more serious.

"Just like you know"

"you?"Sven glanced at himself and the Fire Giant beside him. Well, it counts as you.

"The history of mankind depends on the existence of the earth."

"But the world has two sides. Most fantasy species live on the inner side of the world - the inner sea of ​​stars, while humans are basically located on the outer side of the world, which is the outer sea of ​​stars."

"And human history is like a piece of cloth draped on the outer skin of the world, but that kind of thing..........A little gust of wind will blow it away"

"And once it is blown away, that is to say, human reason will fall off, and human history will disappear in the world, as if it had never appeared."

"And just as humans nail things up, so does the world."

Meilin turned around and looked at the knight gun that looked ordinary at the moment.

"And this is the nail that fixes the world, one of only ten star anchors in the world, the tower that connects the inside and outside of the world, the storm anchor that locks the stars, the holy spear - Lungominiad"

"That is to say, after pulling it out, in addition to obtaining this gun, you also need to shoulder its responsibility of fixing the world?"

"Is that so?~~"Mei Lin smiled, as if she didn't notice Sven's meaningful eyes.


After listening to Mei Lin's explanation, everyone fell into silence.

"An anchor point that fixes the world........."

"There are only ten of them in the world........."

"The tower that connects the world........."

"The storm anchor that binds the stars......"

Even those who thought they had some tolerance and cognitive ability for this fantasy story-like world had to admit at this moment that the surreal magic and fantasy species that appeared in stories and film and television works they had heard before were... Things like this are too childish in front of the anchor point of this fixed world!

"so.........Why is this thing here?"

"Of course, it’s for you to pull it out and use it.~!"

"You have obtained the preliminary recognition of the Holy Spear, and you can proceed to the next step of the ceremony. As long as you pull it out now, you will be able to obtain the right to use it. When the time comes, it will show you part of its power as the Star Anchor.~!"


"Whether you can obtain all the abilities depends on whether you can conquer this storm anchor."

"By the way, the reason you're here now is also because of this anchor."Meilin continued to explain.

"The short-term external pollution was too serious and powerful, and the filthy malice suddenly stimulated this holy spear, so in order to protect your mind, I pulled you back into the body."

"After all, he is the first person since the birth of the world to be recognized to this extent. It seems that he cherishes it quite a lot."


"It doesn't matter, that woman has also been affected, and since you are not here, no one can control her, and she is now 'hunting' wantonly outside."

Although Mei Lin didn't say her name, Sven also knew that Justeza was definitely making a fuss outside.

"Did you hear that?"

"If you can't gain control of the anchor, all you have to do is wait for the commotion outside to subside."The flame giant teased with a teasing tone. Has the external commotion subsided?

Can Justisa calm down automatically if he doesn't go out?

That's impossible!

But if the other party doesn't stop, this holy spear won't let him out..............Isn't this an endless cycle?

It feels like if this continues, even if the world is destroyed, I may not be able to get out! what is this?

Trapped and dead inside your own body! ?

If this way of death were revealed, a lot of people would laugh to death!

Didn’t you see that the big guy behind him seemed to be feeling happy?


Sven let out a long breath, stepped forward, and stared at the lifeless knight's gun.

"Why are you looking for me?........."

The tone revealed a strong sense of disgust and trouble, as well as a hint of confusion and self-pity.

"There are obviously many other people who are suitable."

The next moment, Swain changed his smiling face again and squatted down.

"Why don't we discuss it? You let me out first, and I'll find you a good home later?"

"Don’t worry, the customers I introduce are definitely high-quality customers that I have carefully screened. They are definitely the right ones for you."

"Generations of family members are definitely honest people, with good roots and good reputation, and they treat others well........Well, no, I am friendly, have a sense of justice, helpful, warm and friendly!"

"In addition to being a little younger, I am still a little dull and a little impulsive in doing things, but I can look forward to the future.~!"

"..........puff~!"After hearing Sven's words, Merlin couldn't help covering her mouth to suppress laughter, and at the same time pulled up her hood to prevent others from seeing her face.

The rest of the gems looked at Merlin and Sven, maybe they knew why these two people got together.

This one is a TV salesperson, and now there is a wedding matchmaker. It is normal for these two crooks to get together!

"boy.........What are you talking about pointing a gun at?"The flame giant added at the end

"No matter what you say, it's useless"


Obviously Swain also realized that what he said was useless.

"Why are you looking for me?..........."

Swain repeated it again, looking at the spear in front of him with complicated eyes, then closed his eyes, raised his head slightly and stood on the spot.

Along with the sound of breathing, Sven seemed to be asleep.

Merlin, the Fire Giant, and the rest of the group also looked at the shots in front of them without saying a word.

As if he was ready, Swain reopened his eyes and lowered his head slightly to look at the gun.

"you need to know...........what kind of person am i"

"Sometimes he is selfish, arbitrary, ignores the rules, does whatever he wants, and for some reason is always troubled. He may be exposed in the wilderness or die in battle."

"I also have a bad personality and a dark heart. If someone doesn't go along with my wishes, I will not continue to talk to the dead. I have killed countless people and my methods are notoriously cruel............."

Swain talked for several minutes, trying to tell the other party all the bad things about himself.

So much so that others listening on the sidelines could not tell which of his words were true and which were false.


But obviously, this gun is inferior to Swain. After saying so much, he still remains unmoved.

"Hey, you are really stubborn."

Sven sighed and raised his head.

"I don't know what you see in me, but if you don't mind switching to another user soon............If you think this kind of me is suitable............"

Before Swain finished speaking, the knight's gun that had been unresponsive until now reacted. The spirally wound silver-white gun body slightly exposed the gap, and the bright light hidden inside leaked out, suddenly forming a A beam of light reaching the sky.

Coupled with the bright and deep starry sky around it, it does seem like an interstellar anchor point.

I have said so much before, but this sentence is not as useful as this one............

"good~!"Meilin jumped up happily. Apparently, with the Holy Spear's approval, the owner of this gun has already been decided.

"You..........All right"


Now that the other party has made a decision, Sven no longer hesitates. He grabs the handle of the knight's gun with his right hand and pulls it out.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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