In the scorching flames, Sven got closer first, used his lance to deflect the opponent's spear, and then used his right whip leg to kick her calf.

The dark-blonde spearman intentionally dodged, but Sven's whip leg was replaced by a high-swipe aimed at her neck.

But this was still blocked by the opponent's left wrist without haste, although this time the dark blond spearman's wrist was covered with a thick layer of purple ice.

The two parties distanced themselves at the same time, turned around at the same time, and flicked their tails at the same time!


With a harsh sound, the tails of both sides collided with each other, but soon Sven's slender sickle-blade tail was wrapped around the dark-blond spearman's thick tail.

The opponent looked stunned for a moment, but when he looked up again, he found that the opponent had given up his lance and instead used fists and kicks to attack him!

The left hand is burning with red flames, and the right hand is condensed with ice. The substantial flames and ice adhere to the hands like outer armor, forming beast-like claw blades!

"Won't the tail that wraps around me prevent me from getting away?"The dark-blond spearman smiled slightly.

Indeed, when the tails of both parties are entangled, it is difficult to dodge and the spear cannot work at all at this distance.

Therefore, like Swain, the other party also gave up his spear! The dark-blond spearman Bing stretched out his slender hands, but something suddenly changed on the way. Blue-black flames covered his hands, forming two sharp claws!


The claw blades of both sides collided with each other. Sven originally thought that the other side His sharp claws imitated his own movements, but now it seems that the other party is also good at such claw attacks!


Compared to the blond spearman who focused on attacking with his hands, Sven's hands, legs, and even knees, elbows, shoulders, and forehead can be used as weapons! He continuously attacked the opponent's acupuncture points but found that it didn't work at all. Feeling the touch of his own tail, Swain felt that the opponent might be different from him, and that the weaknesses of the creature might be different from other species.

Therefore, the attacks were switched to joint techniques.

This time it worked, and the opponent's claws struck straight away. Parried by Sven, the attack was either dodged or neutralized. He also caught a flaw in the dark-blond spearman. The red flames in his left hand burst into flames, and his left hand, which appeared to be a sharp claw, aimed at her side ribs. One claw pierced the side of the dark blond spearman like five thin nails.

"Well...........Quite capable!"

The dark-blond spearman's expression changed. This attack seemed to hurt her.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!!"

But this only aroused the other party's ferocity!

"No use?"

Sven parried the opponent's attack again, broke through the defense, and grabbed the opponent's face with his right hand. The opponent did not dodge and stared at the claw blade attacking him with a sneer.

"Block! (Occlusion)"

In an instant, a black cube surrounded Sven and the dark-blond spearmen. At the same time, a large blue-black flame exploded in the middle of the cube.

At the same time, Sven felt his magic flow. It stopped in an instant as if it encountered a blockage!

The dark-blond spearman seized this gap and easily repelled Swain's attack, and clasped Swain's throat with his backhand claw, and also clasped Swain's throat with his other hand. He held onto Swain's arm.

The other party's face was close to Swain's cheek, and he stretched out his warm tongue and quickly traced the side of Swain's face.

With a sneer, the other party's magic power suddenly burst out, leading Swain to accelerate straight up.!

Powerful acceleration was suddenly exerted on the two people, but for both parties, this acceleration could not limit their activities at all.

Seeing the other party constantly raising the altitude, the feeling of sluggish magic power just now also took effect as time passed. Weakening.

But at this moment, the two people have flown above the clouds. It is estimated that they may be tens of thousands of meters high. After reaching a certain height, the other party began to spin and accelerate rapidly in the sky.

Swain tried Struggling, he kicked the opponent's flank with one leg, but he couldn't find a good leverage point in the air, so the attack seemed neither light nor heavy.

After the opponent continued to accelerate, his speed was close to several Mach, so there were constant sounds around him. The detonation sound.

The opponent did not stay in the sky, but faced the ground again, piercing the earth from the sky like a spike!

"The sky is nice, don't you think?"

In addition to the howling wind, there was only the continuous sonic boom in his ears, but the dark-blond spearman still had time to talk to Sven.

"It's just that it might be a little too scary for something that can't fly."

The dark-blond spearman looked at the battering ram below. She had seen this guy circling around this thing before. It must be important, right?


"Although it's a pity, if you can survive, I can consider tasting you.~!"

The dark-blond spearman shook his hands hard and threw Sven's battering ram towards the ground.


Sven gritted his teeth and stared at the battering ram below. The damage caused by falling at his current speed would be no more noticeable than if a small meteorite fell to the ground! With his back to the ground, Sven raised his head and stared at the sky above. The dark-blond spearman hanging in mid-air had red eyes and gritted teeth, and the few remaining single-digit numbers reflected in his irises.

"Even if I burn myself to death, I will still strike back at you!"

Sven concentrated all the remaining life force and all the magic power he could summon.

"Ouch ow ow——!!"

Accompanied by the melodious, long and ethereal chirping of a bird, a red and black phoenix totem appeared on Sven's back!

The phoenix totem occupied his entire back, and at this moment, the wings that stretched out wantonly were clinging to Sven's arms!

Accompanied by bursts of phoenix cries, the red and black phoenix totem instantly lit up, then detached from his back, and suddenly magnified dozens of times behind him!

"Oh?"The dark-blond spearman looked down with interest at Sven who was about to land.

"Now that things have happened, there is still a backup plan?"

"To be honest, it's a bit scary."

The Dark Phoenix Totem behind Sven burned instantly, and red flames splashed down into the dilapidated town below.

The young man looked at the rain of fire falling from above, and then looked around at the abnormal fire that showed no signs of stopping at all. environment

"There is no place to hide!"

It's rare for a young man to say something depressing.

"Ouch ouch——!"

The melodious sound of the phoenix was crisp, long and delicate. For a moment, the dark phoenix totem seemed to come alive and swallowed Sven inside.

He immediately spread his wings and flew towards the sky just before landing!


"Come on then!"

The dark-blond spearman took out his spear, and a large amount of blue-black flames burst out from his body. These flames also wrapped her body, forming a vague-looking black dragon head with a body burning with blue flames!

"Roar oh oh——!!"

It was completely different from the cry of the phoenix, a violent roar.

The black dragon head with cyan flames at the top and the phoenix formed by the red flames at the bottom are in sharp contrast.

Ping Yi Chi Ling - Fei Jin Xuan Ling!

"Soaring in the world, I will dominate the sky and burn everything!"

"Close it!"

"Chew it!"

With different declarations, the two flames of different colors on both sides collided directly.

Like a small two-color sun, there was a violent reaction. Countless meteor flames tilted towards the surrounding earth, and sparks were raging. The storm spread to the surrounding areas.

The dazzling light and high temperature took away the time for all nearby creatures to react.

But even so, after such a fierce and high-intensity destructive battle, there was no living thing left nearby. It's a thing.

The two flames seemed to be about the same, but that was just an illusion. In just a few breaths, the blue-black flame stabilized the red flame, but just when the red flame was about to be completely swallowed up. , and a more powerful flame burst out violently inside, or it should be said that it was an explosion............

The young man below was pinned to the ground by the strong wind and high temperature, even though he had already found a low-lying place to hide in advance.

"Oops, my back is going to be burned..........."

The young man felt something was wrong, but he was too exhausted to do anything.

Phew - but a cool breeze.........The cold wind hit, and the sudden coolness made the young man take a breath.

Before he could react to what was happening, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared from above. Without saying a word, he grabbed it with his claws and spread out his white wings and flew away into the distance!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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