Hearing this, Xiaoxue didn't answer before Xueye on the side answered first.

"From a sensory point of view, there are a lot fewer people than at my home. Although it is not noisy there, such a quiet environment is nice."

Xue Ye's face didn't change much in expression and looked a bit old-fashioned, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. It didn't look inappropriate, but there was always a strange feeling, as if he wasn't smiling, but just innocent. The facial expression curve has been upward since birth.

That smile.............It has nothing to do with the changes in his heart, it is just a smile that exists for others to see

"Hehe~" Sister Xiaoxue looked at Xue Ye in surprise.

"It seems that you are telling the truth. You were too lazy to talk at all when you were in my house, and you didn't even answer when others called you."

Sister Xiaoxue took a look at Xue Ye's complexion. At least there was a lot of color on her face. She seemed to be in good health.

"However, don’t you deny that you two are living together?"

As soon as I turned around, Sister Xiaoxue started teasing Xiaoxue again.

"Ahem, sister."Xiaoxue looked like her face was still the same and coughed twice.

"Although what you said is correct, can you change the wording?"

"I'm not wrong, right?"

"When single men and women live under the same roof and in the same room, isn't that cohabitation?"

"But the man and woman are siblings, so please don’t use words that can easily cause misunderstanding."Xiaoxue explained seriously.


"Who?"Sister Xiaoxue pretended to be exploring around the house.

"Could it be that you two have friends coming to visit?"

"where? where?"


Just such a sentence made both of them silent.

"Sister, shouldn’t you be preparing for the exam now?"

"The college entrance exam is supposed to be difficult."Xiaoxue changed the topic, trying to turn her defense into offense.

"Ah, that's not difficult at all."As a top student, Sister Xiaoxue doesn't care at all about the so-called university entrance exam.

"Speaking of me, don't you two also have to prepare for the entrance exam?"

"Have you decided which high school to go to?"

"I can do it, just watch Xiaoxue."

Xue Ye seemed very indifferent. Anyway, no matter what test he took, it was not difficult for him. Sister Xiaoxue even tried to assign Xue Ye to take the designated grade ranking, and the result was that the error was controlled within one place.........

At that moment, Sister Xiaoxue was shocked. For the first time, she knew that in addition to controlling scores, she could also control exam rankings.

"Oh~" Sister Xiaoxue narrowed her eyes and smiled softly

"So Xiaoxue, are you applying for a girls' high school?"

"In this case, Xue Ye won’t be able to be with you."

"elder sister............"

At this moment, Xiaoxue's eyes became sharp, and it seemed that she was really unhappy.

"Okay, I won’t tease you anymore."Sister Xiaoxue stretched her body and stretched her neck, which was stiff from studying for a long time.

"Let’s get down to business."

Seeing that their sister's expression became more serious, Xiaoxue and Xueye thought that the other party really came here because of something serious, so Xueye also put down the book for a while, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

"I'm coming to see you today........."As she said this, she stretched out her hand to the shoulder bag on one side.

"The main thing is to meet you!"

"?"Xiaoxue and Xueye were stunned at the same time.

Then as soon as she changed hands, Sister Xiaoxue took out three more tickets from the safe.

"In addition, I happen to have three air tickets here. How about we go to the beach for vacation together?"


Just right?

Someone must believe what you say!


Looking at the two people who were just blinking and not saying a word, Sister Xiaoxue thought they didn't like going to the beach, so she flipped her hands and three more pictures came out!

"I have a few other air tickets here, and I can go skiing too!"

"Hmm..........But forget about skiing. I'm afraid of the cold on snowy nights. It's rare to stay up for four hours a day in winter. I'd better go to the tropics."Sister Xiaoxue looked at the ticket in her hand and hesitated.

"OK, it’s decided!"

"Just go to the beach and start shopping now!".............

Hot weather, rolling air waves, noisy crowds, and the two people who were almost forcefully pulled out of the door

"call........Sister, why do you have to choose this weather to go out?"

Xiaoxue changed into a light blue skirt and sandals suitable for going out, and looked at the big sun above her head incomprehensively. The hot air waves made her breathing difficult and gave her a sense of occlusion.

Xue Ye stood aside, While taking out a parasol, he took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat of Xiaoxue beside him.

He was fine. It would be better to say that if there wasn't such a big sun in the sky, he would have fallen down from exhaustion with his current physical strength.

"There is ice water in the thermos. Would you like a glass?"While holding an umbrella on a snowy night, I also took a folding fan to fan myself.

"It's okay, no need yet."

Xiaoxue didn't think there was any problem. It could even be said that she was used to asking the energetic sister in front of her.

"If you want to go shopping, you can probably just rely on the weather~"

Sister Xiaoxue looked at her phone and kept browsing the information of the surrounding shops.

"Okay, let’s start shopping here.~!"

Sister Xiaoxue turned around, picked up Xiaoxue and Xueye one by one, and pushed towards the crowd in front.

As if she had checked out the items beforehand, Sister Xiaoxue accurately found every product she wanted in the store.

At this moment, Xiaoxue was sitting on the sofa in the air-conditioned men's clothing store, while Sven was forcefully pulled to one side by Sister Xiaoxue and became a dress-up doll.

"Hmm.........Snowy night, what do you think of this shirt?"

"The material is good and the tear resistance should be good.........."

"OK, STOP!"Xue Ye was interrupted by Sister Xiaoxue before she finished speaking.

"What do you think, Xiaoxue?"

"I?"Xiaoxue raised her head and looked up and down.

"It looks good. The sewing skills are good. It shouldn’t be damaged easily."

"Ahhh..........Not at all."Sister Xiaoxue covered her forehead with a headache.

"No one asked you what the material of this is, but whether it fits properly."

"Aren’t clothes just for wearing?"Xue Ye defended

"Of course, we must first look at the material and comfort level. If........."

"Okay, okay, we'll talk later. Now go change clothes.~!"

Sister Xiaoxue pushed Sven towards the dressing room on one side with a smile on her face, and threw a set of clothes into it.

Listening to the rustling sound inside, I thought it would take a while.

At this moment, Sister Xiaoxue turned her head and looked at Xiaoxue, who was recovering her strength while waiting, and suddenly felt a burst of emotion.

"Are you two too physically weak?"

"How long have you been walking for? It’s only one subway stop and five minutes from your home, and you’re already so tired."

"If you don't get out and move around more, you'll become a sports idiot."

"It doesn't matter, it can also be used as a certain amount of exercise when doing housework at home."It's obvious that Xiaoxue is doing the housework at home.

"Don't worry, sister, we're just not good at going out and facing so many people."

Xue Ye answered sullenly in the locker room.

But in fact, it's good if his body can move. Even exercising will not increase his physical strength, and practicing holding his breath will not increase his lung capacity.

"People, there are obviously so many servants in my family, and if you live in my family, you don’t have to do many things by yourself............However, I am really curious."

Now that the two of them have moved out, Sister Xiaoxue doesn't plan to say anything else.

"But I'm quite curious, Xueye, how you convinced your mother to allow you two to move out and live alone?"

"I simply told her that she and I were moving out, and she agreed."

"Is it that simple?"Sister Xiaoxue was stunned.

"But you two live alone.........Isn't there any inconvenience?"

"Housework, shopping, etc."

"No, online shopping and delivery are very convenient now, so there is no need to go out."Xiaoxue shook her head

"Not much needed?"Sister Xiaoxue looked at her sister's condition and suddenly had a strange thought in her heart.

"Wait, you moved out at the beginning of summer vacation, and it’s been a month now...........When was the last time you went out?"

"July 22nd."

Xiaoxue replied calmly.

"Isn’t that the date you left home?"

"Co-author You two haven’t been out since you moved in together!"Sister Xiaoxue was so shocked that she really didn't go out for a month!

"What are you doing at home?"

"I remember that there was no computer installed in that room, even a TV..........Do you play with mobile phones?"

"I basically don’t use my phone, I’m just reading."Xiaoxue answered seriously.

Young men and women stay together for a month without going out, not watching TV, not playing on the computer, not using mobile phones, but just reading?

Someone must believe you if you say it!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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