The patrol officer responsible for maintaining law and order here looked at the mobs approaching and the frightened crowd behind him, and he kept firing, driven by fear and duty.

The thugs holding murderous weapons were killed one by one, but facing the number of thugs, a revolver with only five bullets was obviously not enough.

The end result of the patrol policemen and innocent people who had emptied their magazines and lost their attack power was to be beaten by a group of people with various weapons, and the worst thing was to become a pile of dark red mud.

"What's going on with those people! ?"

"To attack people indiscriminately!"



Xiaoxue took two steps back with trembling legs and couldn't help but cover her mouth. A strong stomach spasm made her feel nauseous, so she immediately lowered her head and grabbed the trash can and started retching.

Xue Ye walked up to Xiaoxue and patted her back.

At this moment, Sister Xiaoxue also realized that the development of things had surpassed her or that of everyone now.…………?

However, by chance, Sister Xiaoxue discovered that Xue Ye showed extraordinary calmness when faced with this scene.

He is obviously a person who can scare someone if he suddenly talks to someone from behind or suddenly jumps out from around the corner, but how can he be so calm in the face of such a chaotic scene? just like…………As if you're used to this?

Something is wrong, very wrong.............


The third day of living in the apartment.

The thugs outside were still roaming the streets wantonly, but no fleeing people or vehicles could be seen.

The entrance door was still blocked with a bunch of things, but no thugs came to break the door.

The fires on the streets were basically extinguished naturally, but the result was that the entire block was burned to the ground, and the thick smoke basically dissipated.

Basically all the water and electricity were stopped, but before that, I had stored a lot of good things on the roof during the snowy night, including solar power generation and water storage, and there was enough food.

After the initial tense period, both Xiaoxue regained their composure.

A small generator was stuffed into the apartment on a snowy night, and there was relatively plenty of food. It was like a small doomsday shelter.

Normally, Sister Xiaoxue would definitely ask when Xue Ye prepared these things, but the sudden change that occurred in just a few days made her and Xiaoxue mentally drained. The whole person looked listless and unable to function normally at all. Thinking.

Sister Xiaoxue was lying on the sofa, staring blankly at the screen of her mobile phone. The signal above was still a cross. She tried to contact everyone in her address book but failed, and the network system was completely paralyzed.

This feeling of being abandoned on an isolated island called the city, surrounded by extremely aggressive sharks called thugs, was troubling her nerves every moment.

"It's been three days............"

Sister Xiaoxue covered her eyes with her arms, and she let out a long breath. For some reason, these five days, when she didn't have to worry about other things and only had to think about how to survive, felt more relaxed than normal social activities?

"No rescuers showed up yet."

Xiaoxue, who was just an ordinary high school student, lowered his head, and then turned his attention to Xueye beside him, who looked calm, or rather lazily studying as usual.

However, perhaps because he heard Xiaoxue's muttering, the ground began to tremble. Get up, and the sound of gunshots and roars rang out from far to near.

"This voice is!"

Sister Xiaoxue stood up from the sofa smartly, and then ran towards the window in front of her unsteadily.

The man-made mechanical product, the chariot called the mobile fortress on the ground, was crushing the ground full of cars and human remains. , the machine guns on the armored vehicles that followed were mercilessly tilting the fire snakes in all directions.

Those thugs had no resistance at all in the face of these hot weapons. It didn't take long for the neighborhood below to be suppressed.

Obviously. It was the military force that intervened in this situation.

Looking at the two people who couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, Xue Ye looked at these products of human wisdom, with a somewhat complicated look on his face, as if he had recalled something, but also as if he didn't want to To face it.

With the intervention of military forces, the thugs were suppressed, and they also began to search for nearby survivors.

Of course, this apartment was also a target. When it was discovered that the door on the outside had not been breached, the personnel on the outside had already attacked The shouting started at the door.

Sister Xiaoxue’s opinion is that we should follow these people out of here now, first find a way to leave this dangerous area, and then make a decision after getting in touch with our family and parents.

In this regard, Xue Ye has a default attitude , Xiaoxue agreed.

They were taken away, checked, and were detained after being confirmed to be harmless.

This was the first experience for the two sisters, but Xue Ye always thought of some bad memories.

I thought I could They left here quickly, but the result was that the three of them stayed in a refugee camp similar to a concentration camp for nearly a month. It felt like they might as well have stayed in the apartment all the time.

During this month, the three of them also learned that this These mob incidents did not occur in this city alone. They occurred in the eastern coastal areas of the country, and even in other countries. No city on the Pacific coast was spared.

However, after coming here, I discovered that in fact, those who survived There were quite a lot of people here. Sister Xiaoxue also found a lot of people she knew here, including people from the business and political circles. Xiaoxue also saw many people from the same school. The incident happened so suddenly that the United Human Parliament convened an emergency meeting to discuss it. this problem


"This is obviously an environmental factor!"

"Why is it only a problem near the coast?"

"This is man-made poisoning!"

"It's an attack on our country!"

"This is a serious health incident!!"

In a school gymnasium used as a temporary camp, everyone watched the news broadcast on the big screen in front

"Just arguing about this kind of thing without a solution is just empty talk."Xiaoxue held a glass of water and leaned on Xue Ye's shoulder.

"After all, they are all politicians. They will not do anything themselves, they will only talk. If the people under them succeed, it will be their own credit. If they fail, it will be the arbitrary actions of temporary workers."Sister Xiaoxue, as a candidate for politicians, expressed her views with a smile.

"Xiaoxue, you look completely different from when you were in school."Sitting on the chair on the other side holding a dachshund, a girl with short pink hair looked at Xiaoxue who looked completely different from when she was in school with incredible eyes. She was very surprised.

"After all, a lot happened..........."Xiaoxue said this

"Yeah, too.........."The pink-haired girl's smile was also very forced. She and her mother happened to hide on the second floor and filled the stairs with debris to escape the disaster.

And those nights were just a nightmare

"Really, when can I contact my mother and father?"

Sister Xiaoxue crossed her legs, folded her arms sideways and sighed. It was obvious that she was a little impatient after waiting for this month.

Xue Ye stared at the water glasses in the hands of Xiaoxue and the others without saying a word, maybe others couldn't notice. , but today, the concentration of Honkai energy in water has reached a new high.

"........This time it's a waterborne infection"

"Is it really because that continent was thrown directly into the Pacific Ocean before?"

"The first stage of collapse has already occurred. What’s next?............."

"Ah woo~~"

While Xue Ye was lost in thought, the dachshund barked at him.

Xue Ye turned her head and saw this little guy sticking out his tongue excitedly at her, as if he wanted to play with it.


"Do you want me to play with you?"

Besides his gentle attitude towards Xiaoxue and his sister, Xueye has an extremely cold attitude towards everyone else. He doesn't communicate too much and won't talk if he can, so that in the eyes of those around him, he is a He is a very weird and unsociable person. Except for some equally strange people, no one wants to get close to him.

This also makes Sister Xiaoxue very confused. She is so friendly to others at home, why? As soon as he left home, this guy's configuration dropped from a 40 series graphics card to a first-generation core graphics card, and he couldn't carry anything anymore?

No, that can't be said, at least this guy has all the favorability points for animals.

"Come on~"

Xue Ye waved, and the dachshund got rid of its owner's hand and jumped into Xue Ye's arms.

This made Xiaoxue, who was not good at dealing with puppies, subconsciously stay away from Xue Ye.

Seeing Xue Ye's three times This dachshund kept purring in its comfortable throat, and he was having a great time himself.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"beg"Hide" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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