The group of people drove for who knows how long. They drove from noon until the red sunset appeared in the sky. The car slowly stopped after no one could be seen nearby.

When the car stopped, Sister Xiaoxue bumped into the steering wheel and gasped, as if she had just come back to her senses.

"You've done a great job sister."Xue Ye patted her shoulder and said comfortingly.

However, Sister Xiaoxue leaned out from the driver's seat and buried her face on the shoulder of Xue Ye, the co-pilot. Although she didn't make any sound, Xia Tian's The feeling of the thin clothes being soaked by tears is actually quite obvious.

"Escaped.........."Xiaoxue also lowered her head and leaned on Xueye's seat with her eyes closed.

The pink-haired girl and her mother hugged each other tightly along the way. Both of them were too scared to open their eyes. It was only after they got halfway that they felt better.

"You two worked very hard, which is amazing."Xue Ye looked at her sister and couldn't help praising her.

"You are obviously the youngest, but you still pretend to be mature.........."Sister Xiaoxue said without raising her head.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"However, it was getting dark."Xue Ye turned on her phone and found the map she had downloaded before the internet was disconnected.

"Maybe you haven't noticed, but we are not far away from our old house now. However, now that the power generation facility has been damaged, there should be no light on the road. To be safe, we will find a place to spend the night today. We will continue our journey tomorrow."

"As long as everyone is asleep at night, let’s keep vigil in batches. After all, it’s all day and night............."Xue Ye did not continue talking.

"In order to prevent you from falling asleep due to exhaustion, it is better for several people to keep vigil."

Xue Ye said this not only for the sake of the other people's consideration, but also because he felt bad looking at the sun that was about to completely set.

According to his current physical condition, if it gets completely dark and the temperature drops, he will He became more and more weak. He was so weak that it was difficult to stay awake, let alone run away. He was basically unable to help at all.

The others had no objections and drove the car forward for a while, choosing an area with a wider view. The place where we parked and corrected tonight, so that we can detect the surrounding situation earlier........

It happened nearly two months later.

Following the large army in front, Sister Xiaoxue led her younger brothers and sisters, and the pink-haired girl followed her mother. At the same time, she happened to meet many people she knew, classmates at school, business collaborators, and neighbors near her home. , acquaintances of parents, etc.

The family's old mansion had long been deserted, but fortunately, the group got some supplies there and changed into clothes that were convenient for movement. Xue Ye took out the long black box that had been kept in the safe. Finally, Carrying their fleeing bags, the three of them followed the crowd and continued westward, escaping to a city far away from the ocean.

Xue Ye and Xiao Xue held hands while watching the luggage on the sister in front of them moving forward without saying a word.

Relying on current human technology, it is impossible to determine the source of infection, and it is impossible to detect Honkai energy. Although the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the supporting troops are strictly controlled, some people will still be suddenly infected, and then raise their guns and aim at their comrades around them.

Similar incidents happened from time to time among the people fleeing. Before this time, Sister Xiaoxue would immediately pull the two of them to escape. At least her reaction was much faster than at the beginning.

However, this kind of evacuation operation with a large flow of people, coupled with the small collapse events that broke out from time to time, made supply a major issue that cannot be ignored.

During the break, Xue Ye stared at the events ahead as if he was reminiscing about something.

"Hand over the food!"

"No, this, this is our family..........How could you do this? I even gave you a hand before!"

"If it weren't for me, you would have been........"

"I want you to hand it over!"

"Don’t you understand?!"

With the sound of alternating punches, a strong man knocked out the thin man in front of him in three or two blows, snatched his luggage, and left without looking back.

"The clan and companions who worked together to survive along the way were able to act without hesitation, facing the help of aliens.........Huh, that's really ridiculous.........."Xue Ye grinned and shook his head in self-mockery, no longer thinking about the vague memories that had been 'exchanged' and there were very few left.

Similar things are not uncommon among the entire escape team, rather they happen frequently.

Of course, there were many people during this period, and there were also many people who were eyeing Xue Ye and his party.

But the pistol can't deal with a large number of Honkai infected people, but it is still very useful to scare these guys.

But looking at those sinister eyes, Sister Xiaoxue knew that this gun was still useful, but as supplies continued to decrease, those guys would come again.

She was not the only one to realize this, so a small group of people broke away from the large army and chose to evacuate through a different path in the mountains...............

Three and a half months after the incident.

Looking at the inland towns with thick smoke ahead, the fleeing people knew that their destination had been captured again.

It doesn't require any clever means, as long as you control Honkai to participate in the world's water cycle, there will be no safe place in this world.

If humans in this world are given some time to study some Honkai energy, they may be able to discover the huge Honkai energy deep in the Pacific Ocean.

As long as she is restrained a little, maybe humans won't be so passive. but...........Who has allowed this world and the civilization on this earth to never experience collapse?

This is the first time that this planet has been attacked by collapse. Therefore, all this civilization can do now is to serve as a wake-up call for the next generation of civilization and let the next generation of civilization know that there is such a disaster.............

Three months after the incident, the season also changed from summer to autumn and winter, and the temperature began to inevitably drop.

The uncontrollable Honkai Impact has successfully entered the next stage, and animals have mutated. After the Death Warriors, the concept of Honkai Beasts has entered the eyes of people in this world.

But in contrast, Honkai events stopped happening. At least there was no more infection among the dead among the crowd, but instead,............

"According to reports from our reporters, all the coastal cities in countries with coastlines around the world have collapsed, submarine cables have been severely damaged, communication lines have been severely damaged, urban functions in various regions have been severely damaged, and people's lives cannot be guaranteed. However, in various countries, A series of agreements were reached through satellite communications and other means, indicating that they would exchange their needs and spare no effort to work together to overcome this difficulty............."

Xue Ye and his group gathered in a cave. It was raining heavily outside. It was impossible to go out to look for food in this kind of weather. Even if Xue Ye was not the only one present with a gun, going out in this weather was no different than seeking death.

So everyone lit a fire in the cave and gathered together to keep warm while listening to the tape recorder. There were only about thirty people in this team, but basically they were all people who could trust each other.

"The situation is not optimistic............"The middle-aged man wearing a black knitted hat said in a low voice.

"The situation has reached this point. It is true that if human beings do not unite, this difficulty will be insurmountable."

"But it has been three months, and we don’t even know the reason why the personnel mutated, and the animals have also been infected and mutated."

"According to zombie movies, blood spread, water and food spread, air spread, etc...........But in the past, food was strictly controlled and water sources were treated repeatedly, but in the end, even people wearing full-body protective suits were infected............"The male voice, which looked like a high school student, calmly analyzed, trying to find out if there were any details that he had forgotten or failed to pay attention to.

"After all, it was just a movie. This is reality now. Don’t let it hinder your thinking. Maybe it’s a parasite or something like that. A small bug that can’t be identified with the eyes might bite through the protective suit and then infect people?"The aloof woman with brown-grey perm added, and at the same time opened up the inherent ideas for everyone.

Xiaoxue and sister Xiaoxue sat next to Xueye and leaned against each other. The three of them closed their eyes slightly and clasped their hands, trying to get more ideas. get some heat

"The situation is very bad"

"There are limits to escaping like this, whether it's physical, mental or practical supply issues. Moreover, the temperature is starting to drop, so you have to find a place to spend the winter."

Xiaoxue and her sister's thinking is relatively negative or conservative. Rather than defeating the unknown, they are more likely to choose to find a place to repair.


Faced with such low temperature weather, it was difficult to be energetic on a snowy night, so he remained silent. Even because it was cloudy outside and there was no sunlight, he still had the urge to fall asleep.

"........After that, I will broadcast the distribution of evacuation camps in the area. Please choose the nearest evacuation camp...........Disaster.........Past.............."

However, the sudden noise from the radio caused dissatisfaction among the crowd.

"No way, don’t be bad at this time!"

Some people complained and planned to go up to see if the signal was not good because of the rain.

"Humph, human rags"

"A species that never improves no matter how many years pass...........But forget it, it’s all rubbish anyway, it’s enough to be able to convey my words."A strange woman's arrogant voice suddenly came from the radio.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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