There was not much time to contend with these four knights, especially when faced with a thousand Herrschers, Wing could only choose this large-scale attack to eliminate the threat at once.

However, if you do this, obviously the innocent people still remaining on this continent will not be spared!

"I don't have much time left, this is all I can do"

"The remaining humans, you have to walk the rest of the way on your own."

"Can...........these hands..........Finally, I am like those people whose hands are stained with blood for their own selfish interests."

"But, at least you will not be alone on the road to Hades, I will go with you."

Yi looked at his hands, staying there numbly, then raised his head, looking calmly at the falling sun above.

As the sun fell, before it even touched, everything on the ground began to burn and melt. When The moment the astonishing mass of the sun came into contact with the ground, a powerful shock wave spread to all directions in an instant. The destructive power caused by weapons far exceeding that of humans destroyed everything on the ground, and blazing light and heat swept across the surface of the earth. As he lay across the road, no one along the way could withstand this super-standard energy!

Yi explained with his actual ability that although he had no intention of continuing to do anything before, this did not mean that he could be manipulated at will.!

When being chased and intercepted by humans, he was paddling and releasing water, but this does not mean that he is real water!

Xiaoyue, Yangno and others who witnessed all this from beginning to end felt that they raised their arms to block their eyes. Their eyes were going to be blinded.

Only when the light temporarily subsided, they carefully squinted their eyes and looked at the surrounding scenery.

However, looking at the entire Australia from a high altitude, they discovered that the entire continent had been covered in a sea of ​​blazing white fire. , but the damage did not spill over to the continent. Instead, it was blocked by the wall of flames formed by the arrows fired by Tsubasa. Therefore, except for the various ships around the continent that were lucky enough to escape, the entire continent was devoid of any life from then on...........

If there were not those walls of flames, the impact would continue to spread, and the majestic impact would push dust into the atmosphere. The sun would be blocked, the temperature would plummet, and the scene of the Ice Age would reappear!

"He is not powerless to resist.........."

"He just wanted to enable more people to………live on……………"

When they opened their eyes again, their consciousness returned to their own bodies in reality.


"woke up!"

Kalien, who was guarding Xiaoxue, happened to see her wake up at this moment, so she excitedly went outside the camp to call others.

However, Xiaoxue, who had just returned from the dream, touched her wet eyes, her eyes were dull, and she was in a trance. It was as if she had lost her soul.

She gently touched the corners of her eyes, her heart beating very fast at the moment, and she seemed to be overflowing with sadness.

"How sad"

"As betrayers, what expression should we use to face him?"


In Paris, far away from Orleans.

Paris has been reduced to ruins. Zombies and ghouls are still wandering around once again.


However, with a loud roar, a large piece of city wall flew from one side of the sky and hit the wilderness in the distance.

Next to Aberdeen's skeleton, which had been looted by Sven and had little use value, a fifty-meter-long golden dragon was lying on the ruins of the city.

It lowered its head and kept twitching its nose as if it was searching for something. Its two front paws occasionally flipped on the ground, as if it was searching for something.

Crash, crash, crash - the ruins and debris it catches every time it flips are not much different from meteors and meteorites to other beings.

A little hit and you can quit and restart for the rest of your life!

Such a huge creature was digging like a puppy.

As if it found something close to its target, its movements became slightly softer. Instead of using the whole claw, it scratched with a few separate claws. It didn't look like digging, but like digging. Archeology, one dragon, one pit and one claw digging for a day................

Soon, it used the two pointed nails on its front paws to pick up a metal product that was about the size of a small bottle of oral liquid for a being of its size.

The scientific and technological capabilities of humans in the Middle Ages, as well as the unified design style and scientific research weapons powered by magic.

It was obviously the beam cannon that Sven had abandoned here before. However, this beam cannon had been damaged and had no value for repair or recycling. But for this big stupid dragon, this was its goal.

It scratched the metal shell with its sharp claws, picking out the outer metal shell and all the wiring in it like peeling an orange peel, and finally found its target, one of the core components in the center of the beam cannon— —Fusion magic gem.

It carefully held up the large gem, which was probably no bigger than the calculus in its teeth, and raised it in front of its eyes, which were slightly narrowed in excitement.

However, before it could get too happy too early, it suddenly froze on the spot, its eyes showing confusion and confusion, which eventually turned into shock and anger.

He raised his head and turned his head to look towards the south of the city - the location of Orleans.

Just now, it clearly sensed that its treasure house was missing!!

I don’t know what happened to the clone I left behind!

"who is it——!!!"

This giant beast roared into the sky, and golden light particles scattered out, like tiny bullets fired from a shotgun, directly destroying the already ruined city of Paris, which was even more horrific. What could have been said before It was a ruin, but now it looks like a loose sand dune has been piled up in a circle, almost turned into powder!

It opened its big mouth, swallowed the tiny and almost invisible gem into its mouth, opened its golden dragon wings that covered the sky, fanned its hurricane-like airflow, and the entire dragon instantly flew into the sky above. In the clouds, it turned into a golden flash..........It rushed straight from the sky to the ground below!

Don't be nervous. Don't worry too much if your home is stolen. Anyway, in the past, humans with a little serious brains would come to your door every now and then. Either they wanted to defeat you head-on and seize your treasure, or they used tricks or some patience. They would squat in front of their homes, waiting for them to steal their treasures when they were free to go out to look for food or treasure hunting.

It has become accustomed to it, and now it has acquired superb tracking and tracing skills!

As long as you dig out the treasures buried here and go back and take a look around, you will know that those people can steal them again. When the time comes, you can always get them back as long as you come to the door and you can't lose them!

Don’t underestimate your petty and vengeful character, which is very famous in mythology!

So the question now is, as a miser, his instinct tells him that there should be other good things buried in this land!

If the clone is gone, it's gone. If the worst happens, it can be recreated later.

But if you miss the treasure, you won’t be sure!

I just hope that my voice didn’t damage those treasures!

However, I had previously felt that besides here, there was the smell of treasures a little further to the east, and there were quite a lot of them! , wait until the archaeological excavation here is completed and then go to the east to see it yourself!


"You fools!"

"big eater!"


"What do I need from you?"

When she was young, the gray-haired girl was standing in front of the dilapidated castle, stamping her feet. The rising flames under her feet swept across the ground. However, compared to the blazing blue-black and red-red flames that were still burning in the entire town at this moment, her Fire seems a bit insignificant.

"I'm so sorry, the saint I've been waiting for!"The gray-haired magician knelt grovelingly beside the gray-haired child.

"I really never thought it would turn out like this"

"Originally, that person should have abandoned the gods and fallen to the extreme to become our helper. I am waiting for him............"

"Shut up!"The gray-haired magician didn't finish listening to his explanation. He turned around with his spear and swiped it in his face!


The gray-haired magician flew directly out, smashing many sea demon stumps that had been burned to charcoal along the way. , and finally fell into the wreckage of the building. He was also injured.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so scary~~"The purple-haired clown continued to smile strangely, but at this moment, only half of his body was left, and the rest was a pile of twisted and deformed sea demon flesh. The flames splashed out from the battle between Swin and the dark-blond spearman surrounded the surroundings. The whole earth was burned to ashes, and all his clones were not spared. If he hadn't used up all his magic power in the end, his last body would have been gone long ago. Where would he be able to repair his injuries now?

".........."The gray-haired swordsman stood aside without saying a word. Sven's shot unreasonably broke his Noble Phantasm and wiped out his body. If he hadn't had the willpower to survive, he would have been able to survive. , he has also exited!

Atalanta retrieved the longbow borrowed by Sven from the ruins. She just kept stroking the longbow and stood to one side with the purple-haired girl with a tired look on her face.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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