Swin and Mima Tiantori talked for a long time. During this time, Wuming, who was sitting at the door, turned his head to look at the dark door countless times.

"Haha, don't worry, it's fine."Mie, who was sitting opposite, said softly.



The metal door was pushed open, and the two people walked out. Judging from their expressions, everyone thought they were chatting happily, but in fact they had their own little calculations in mind. In the end, it all depends on who can calculate more.

"moon! Brother."Wuming came to the two of them and looked back and forth.

"Are you done talking?"


"not bad." said Mima Tiantori and Sven.

"Mie, go and help Yue pack a bed. From now on, he will be with us."Mima Tiantiao turned to Mie and said

"yes."As if he had known it for a long time, Mie didn't show any surprise.

But Wuming didn't:"Yue, are you going to come with us? ?"


"Very good!"

"So, Mie, can Yue come with me?"

"Well, of course!"

"Okay, Yue, come with me!"After saying that, Wuming pulled Sven and ran towards the back, quickly disappearing into the crowd.

"It seems to be going well."Mie said to Tianniaomeima.

"Well, although there are still some minor problems, this is enough for now. We will have plenty of time to change the rest in the future."


Time passed quickly. When Wuming took Sven to visit Kecheng, the two Juncheng vehicles also arrived at a new station.

"How is it going?"Tori Mima asked the people around her.

"No, they won't let us in. They only allow people from Jiatiecheng to enter."

"Hum, that’s easy, we just force a breakthrough"

"Eh? Should I use that directly?"

"No need, that was a surprise for him after he got to King Kong Guo and met his father."

"Mie, go find Wuming and Yue."

When Tiantiao Meima said this, everyone immediately understood what he meant.

Soon Swain and Wuming were brought here. After Tiantiao Meima gave a brief explanation, Swain immediately patted his chest and expressed Just leave it to him

"Don't worry, since I promised to let you face your father, I will definitely do it"

"Yue, I’ll go too!"

Hearing Wuming's request, Sven looked at Tiantiao Mima.

Of course, he got the permission very easily.


In the distance, people from Iwato Station saw two Juncheng vehicles parked in the distance and rushed straight towards them. They didn't know how to react.

"What are they going to do! ?"

"No, I don’t know. Do you want to break through the city wall directly?"

"Hello! Go check to see if there is any problem with the city gate suspension bridge!"

As Juncheng approached, everyone on the city wall began to get busy.

"Master Mima, what on earth is going on?"Sifangchuan Changpu came to Kecheng and asked sternly when facing Tianniao Meima.

"Miss Calamus, don’t worry, it’s just a small incident that will be over soon."

"But why are you rushing towards the inn?"

"It's a dead end there now!"

"Well, Miss Calamus, calm down, just sit back and watch."

As she spoke, Amata Mima waved her hand, and several people immediately gathered in front of Sifangchuan Iris, and Kuchi Laisu, who followed Sifangawa Iris, immediately stepped forward to protect her behind him.

"ha? What are you confirming? Isn’t the control lever right here?"A leading warrior standing near the control lever looked disdainfully at the warrior who came to confirm.

"Don't worry, there are more than a dozen of us here, no problem!"

"Well, then, I'll go back and resume my life....."

"go Go."The leader waved his hand and drove the man away.

"Yep, worry about it."As he said that, he took out a small wine bottle and was about to take a sip.

"Hey, boss! There's someone there!"One of the warriors shouted

"Um?"As soon as the leader heard this, he immediately stood up and looked towards where the man was pointing. There were indeed two figures on the iron shelf above the side of the city gate suspension bridge.

"You are making me happy!"The leader punched the man on the head.

"Aren't they just two little brats? I guess someone's child ran out to play, and what's the use of it there? Can he still cut off this iron frame?"

At this time, Sven didn't know whether he heard the conversation of the group of people in the distance, and slowly took out the saber from his waist.

He looked at the rope on the other side.

‘Zero Void Three Flashes'

Three jet-black arc-shaped sword energy spurted out from the blade in an instant

"Hello! that!"A person in the distance exclaimed.




Three sword energy flew towards the rope in the distance with the sound of breaking through the air. In just an instant, it cut off the rope that required two or three people to hug it. The rope suddenly broke, and the suspension bridge that lost half of its support suddenly sank. The iron frame under Sven's feet began to make creaking sounds everywhere, and it was obvious that it was being overloaded at this time.

"shot!!"When he raised the knife in his hand again, continuous gunshots were heard in the distance, but unfortunately, it was difficult to hit Swain with their range.

"Damn it, let’s go down and get closer!"Suddenly a group of people began to move

"Don’t you think it’s a little late for these guys to come now?"Wuming looked at the warriors in the distance and mocked.

Sven didn't say anything, but silently waved the katana in his hand.


There was another sound of the rope breaking, boom!


Lost two The suspension bridge holding a supporting point suddenly hit the ground hard. Everyone nearby was stunned. Many people directly grabbed the railings and other things around them as a reflex, while those who had nothing around them just sat down. on the ground

"Great, so everyone can come in!"Wuming said excitedly

"....."Siwen looked at Wuming like this and didn't say anything. He just touched her head gently.

"Now, full speed ahead."Tornori Mima looked at the wide open door in front of her and immediately ordered.


Boom - boom, boom, boom -

Sven looked at the roaring Juncheng below, hugged Wuming and jumped up directly. After that, he stood up and stared at the two Juncheng, even though Tiantiao Meima promised that he would not Killing innocent people indiscriminately, but if you can believe him, he will be a ghost!

He will definitely do something where he can't see it

"nameless....."Swain spoke with some difficulty.


"There's something I want to tell you"

"Well, I'll listen, you tell me." Wuming blinked his big eyes, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in his eyes.

After that, Swain told her his guess and what Tiantiao Mima wanted to do.

"This, this is impossible!"

"moon! this....Your joke is too much!"

"....."Swain looked at Wuming without saying a word, and Wuming's voice became smaller and smaller.


While the two were confronting each other, a subtle amplified sound came from the rear of Juncheng.

But both Swin and Wuming were immediately attracted by the sound.

I saw a few people opening a carriage very discreetly, and then I saw a few Kabane being thrown outside, and the carriage was closed again discreetly.

"Hum, sure enough"

"this....Impossible, I, I have to confirm!"As Wuming said this, he wanted to go to the front to confront Mima Tiantori.

"You are waiting here! I'll deal with that first. Don't go there even if you're here! Do you understand!"

".....I...I see..."Wuming said as if he had lost his vitality.

"very good! wait for me!"

Sven turned around, but did not go forward to catch up. Instead, he jumped from Juncheng to the elevated platform, reached out and took out a few lead bullets, took out one and placed it in the crook of his index finger, and then aimed at it with his hand. He was very interested in the several figures falling from the elevated structure, the day Swain flew out from the bottom of the tunnel with Wuming in his arms, and the attack methods of the steam cylinders used by everyone, so Swain wanted to combine his abilities to see What reaction will happen?


Purple thunder light begins to wrap around the fingertips.



With a flick of the thumb, the black lead bullet carrying the purple thunder light makes bursts of roar, and the lead bullet turns into a meteor. , approaching those Kabane at a speed that exceeded ordinary people's dynamic vision.


The beam passed through and connected two Kabane in a row. However, after it was shot out, Swain had already taken out the second lead bullet.

The same thing Steps, the same posture.



After repeating it a few times, he killed all the Kabane. After Swain confirmed it for the last time, he left here relieved...... after that....

"This scumbag...."Sven looked at the Kabane that he had destroyed again.

"This is the first wave."

At first I thought he was just an ambitious man who wanted to rule the country to replace his father, but now.....I just think he's crazy.

There is no idea, no creed, no vague purpose, everything is just for revenge, for revenge.

Swain has been behind to deal with the 'baggage' left by Mima Amata here. When he finally caught up with Juncheng, it was at the exit.

Swain used the same method to open the door here and connect it to the suspension bridge.

When he returned to the roof of the car, Wuming was already sitting there curled up, looking at the changing scenery in the distance.

Swain didn't say anything, he just sat calmly next to Wuming, keeping his hand on her head.

They didn't know how long they sat there, but surprisingly, no one came up to disturb them.

".....Yue, why do you say brother?...Is he going to do this?"Wu Ming raised his head and looked at the sky where stars had already appeared. Then he turned to look at Sven and asked,"Why do you want to help him like this?"

"snort."Sven chuckled lightly and looked up at the sky.

"I didn't think about helping him, I just needed him to do one more thing"

"Eh? Yes, what is it?"

Sven turned to look at Wuming and said,"Kill the current general."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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