Although Sven was prepared for the sudden and continuous heavy attacks, the strong shock from the back blow still caused considerable damage to his body.


Feeling the vibration in his internal organs, he coughed twice. After all, the windbreaker could not withstand this kind of damage. The

'Meteor Shower' offensive here had not stopped yet. At this time, the sandstorm behind Sven stopped, and a stream of lightning flew out of it. With only one fist, he punched Swain's open back violently.

Even if Swain didn't have to intuitively sense it, he knew there was danger behind him, because the howling wind sounded like it was about to reach his ears.

"...from rear right....but..."

At this time, Sven mainly used his right hand to absorb damage and defend. If he wanted to defend the right rear, he could only use his right hand. However, if he changed his hand, the thunder blade in front of him would temporarily disappear. In that case, countless debris would fly in front of him. Attack yourself.

Although Sven wanted to consider countermeasures, it was clear that he ran out of time, so he gritted his teeth, canceled the thunder blade in front of him, put on his hood, with the 'Meteor Shower' on his back, and then faced Black Smoke's fist head-on.


Before the thunder blade appeared again, Black Smoke's fist had already arrived in front of Sven, and then he was slapped away with a punch.

Huh - there was the sound of howling wind in my ears, my body kept rolling irregularly in the air, bang!!

The rolling stopped, followed by a very nauseating dizziness. The injuries to the body were mainly from the internal organs and the impact on the back.

Sven was hit by this blow and spit out all the air in his lungs, along with a little blood. And gastric juices and the like.

Although the wave just now, the punch and the current collision were all withstood by Windbreaker, they also consumed a lot of Sven's mental energy, so at this time he no longer had the energy to maintain the 'Burst' skill.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Sven slowly opened his eyes, coughed twice, and then saw that he was hanging upside down on the edge of the top of the wall embedded in the inner city, lying on his back and looking at the sky. He stretched out his hand to wipe away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

But Sven felt that his body was a little more relaxed. It seemed that the bleeding caused by the internal injuries accumulated during the battle was now discharged.

Sven turned over and sat on the wall, looking into the distance, wanting to know about the sneak attack just now. What is his, and then he discovers

".....How can it be! ?"He widened his eyes and didn't quite understand.

"Didn't it say that after the core is broken, the black smoke will dissipate?"

Yes, the one who attacked him just now was the left half of Heiyan's body, which had been chopped off by Swain and whose core was destroyed.

Heiyan used the spears on his back as materials to temporarily replace his body and cut the left half of his body. The body came back together.

At this time, the two met again, and then decomposed and merged. Sven saw that when the fusion happened, two blue hearts reappeared on its left arm and thigh and dived into the black smoke's body again.

"The heart was also repaired! ?"Sven was shocked again. Now this item exceeded his expectation.

".....Could it be that...."Sven raised his head and looked at the black smoke that was returning to its full state.

"Could it be said that all the cores should be crushed at once?"

Sven took advantage of the black smoke repair period to sit on the ground and rest, while thinking about the reliability and feasibility of the idea just now.

"....It seems to be true."Sven sighed, and then looked at the black smoke in the distance

"smash together....It's a bit too difficult for an assassin like me.....I'm not a person like grandpa, who says he's an assassin....Have you ever seen an assassin with a big shield and a giant sword? ?"

"If you kill everyone, no one will know that you did it, and then is this an assassination?"Sven sat here with a wry smile. Even though the black smoke had re-condensed, he didn't look nervous.

At this time, Swain took out his Hassan mask from the ring, holding the cold mask in his hand. , which shocked Swain's spirit. Looking at the thunder pattern tattooed on his right eye, Swain sighed again.

He stood up and hung the mask on the left side of his forehead.

"Looks like I need to work harder."Swen's face hardened and he said firmly. At the same time, he was also considering calling Xiao Ling back to help.

‘Unlock a new skill set - Ye Yin Chongxia’


Sven stared blankly at the message that suddenly popped up in front of him.

After reacting, he quickly opened his skill tray and found that a new skill had indeed appeared near Yae Sakura's skill group.

"I flow....Naraku...Thunder God instantaneous....The eight sufferings of sinking...."

This time is different from before. In the past, whenever a new skill group was unlocked, it would be nice to unlock an additional skill. For example, none of the Zhenyan Xinghun group next door has been unlocked yet, but this time this skill group basically has all the skills. All skills are lit up

"....How is this going?"Sven quickly checked each skill and found that this skill group...

"This is simply a skill created just for assassination!"

Yes, all the skills in this set of skills are designed to assist assassination!

"Could it be...."Swain touched the mask on his head.

He had passed all the courses required for an assassin. Now with this set of skills, Swain believed that his abilities would rise to more than one level.

"Thank you...."Swain didn't know who he was talking to.

Swain raised his head and looked at the black smoke that had arrived not far away. It did not wave anything and threw it at Swain. It seemed that it felt that it had eaten Swain to death, and it looked very calm.

"Not even close!"

"Not even close! Just kill this guy!"

"I still have a chance!"

"I can still complete my revenge on this country!! Ahhhh!!"The beautiful bird with the red core in the black smoke's body thought this way.

"Oh oh oh ah!"

And the black smoke outside seemed to respond to his thoughts, roaring crazily.

In fact, people in the Iron City in the distance had a group of people who wanted to come to help when Sven started flying out, but the inner city was still blocked. The door couldn't be opened and no one could get in, so they had no choice but to abandon Juncheng, go from the passage on one side to the passage below, and then go up the city wall through the gap in the inner city.

Wuming ran at the front, and Xiaoling followed her. floating around, followed by a scattered group of people

"over there!"Wu Ming saw Sven in the distance, and the speed of his feet increased again.

At this time, the people behind him also noticed the lonely figure standing on the city wall, and followed him quickly.

Sven looked at it Seeing the black smoke in front of him, he silently pulled out his second knife, holding his hands behind his back.

Then he raised his head and looked at the dark sky, which was constantly glowing with thunder and making rolling thunder.

‘The Six Dharmas of Heretics! '

Boom - boom!!

He softly shouted the name of the skill, and suddenly the clouds in the sky became darker and gloomier, and the rolling thunder became more deafening. It sounded like a huge monster roaring.



Suddenly, a purple thunderbolt fell from the sky with a roar and struck where Sven was.



Everyone who saw this scene was also shocked and slowly stopped. Others in the distance and the residents in the city unconsciously turned their attention to the place where the thunder was gathered.

Before they could regain their senses, the second and third channels....

Lightning strikes appear from all corners of the sky, but eventually they all converge into one place, looking like a funnel made of thunder and lightning, as if that is where they should go.

"The demon fox appears!!"

Sven, who was in the center of the thunder and lightning, half-crouched down and punched the ground with his right fist.

Bang boom!!!

With Sven's movements, the lightning gathered around him suddenly increased, and then behind him Exploded, the lightning scattered, and began to form a faint shadow.


The body has not yet taken shape, but it has already heard the roar of a beast.


And with this roar of beasts, the place where thunder and lightning were scattered everywhere finally slowly condensed into a purple with nine stripes. Thunder fox with tail

"Oh woo woo~!!"

Sven turned back to look up at the silhouette of the fox. The figure was much more solid and larger than what he had seen before. It must have been affected by the environment, but the tail only had two legs. The bar is a solid image, the other seven still look a bit blurry

"Eh....I didn't expect it was you....."Sven looks at the giant fox

"I really don't know this....Should it be considered fate?"He smiled bitterly

"Well, I don’t know what you are, but now that you are here, please help me."

Sven jumped back and then did a backflip and landed on the fox's back. He leaned down and stared at the black smoke in front of him that had stopped walking, either in shock or something.

"Let's go!"Sven shouted softly.

"Roar!"The thunder fox also raised his head and chirped before flying down from the city wall.

Zizzizi -

The thunder fox ran quickly on the ground full of ruins. Every time he ran and fell, he would appear there. A dark footprint, even if the thunder fox has gone far away, the remaining thunder light will flicker for a while.

Looking from the distant city wall, it is a beam of purple light dragging a long light belt behind it towards the distance. The sight of flying everywhere


Looking at the rapidly approaching Thunder Fox, the black smoke on the opposite side seemed to be anxious. The body shape that had just been gathered and fixed changed again. The spear on the back melted again and slowly gathered on its hands. The two arms overlapped up and down. , and then the hand began to melt and deform, eventually forming a huge, dark, smooth, and shiny shield-like thing.

"Uh oh oh~!!"

Black Smoke bent down, held the shield in front of himself, and then rushed towards Thunder Fox and Sven on the opposite side with heavy steps.

The people on the city wall looked at the two sides sprinting, they were two extremes.

One side is using an astonishing speed to rush forward with an almost invisible body shape, while the other side is holding a heavy shield. Every step he takes is so heavy and slow, with those raptor-like feet. Everyone could feel their feet tremble every time they stepped heavily on the ground.

And these two extremes are about to collide with each other.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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