At night, the room allocation was still the same as yesterday, and Alice also emphasized to Wuming not to sneak into Swain's room in the middle of the night.

Although Wuming was a little reluctant, he still agreed.

Soon one of the four people in the three rooms on the second floor fell asleep, and that person was Swain.....

The nameless person in the room next to him hasn't fallen asleep yet because he's still not used to it, while the two people in the room opposite are still whispering between sisters at night.

"Sister, why did you say that today?" Seluka, who was lying on the side wearing emerald green pajamas, asked Alice, who was lying on the side wearing light blue pajamas.

"Are you telling Sven that there might be an artifact in that cave?"


"What do you think Swain will do when he hears this?"

"Um....According to my brother's temperament, he will probably search for me, but with his strength, I don't have to worry about him."

"Well, indeed...But what if he goes looking for it and doesn’t find it?"


"You see, Sven can run away for more than a week just to get a handy weapon. If you tell him that there is an artifact in a cave so close, but he goes to look for it and doesn’t find it......"Alice slowly explained to her sister

"elder brother...You must be very disappointed....."Seluka also seemed a little disappointed after hearing this.

"So we can't tell Swain about this."Alice said this, but Seluka on the other side heard the meaning of her sister's tone.

"Sister, what do you want?....."Seluka looked at her sister and asked uncertainly.

"That's right, the two of us will go find it ourselves!"Alice said excitedly

"Impossible sister!"But this proposal was directly opposed by Seluka.

"It's impossible for just the two of us. Let's not talk about the monsters on the road. No one has been in the cave for a long time. We don't know what kind of monsters are there....."

"Besides, I don’t know how to get there now, let alone if it’s just the two of us......"

"The cave is so small, there may not be enough space and time for us to use sacred magic."

What Seluka said is true. No one knows what will happen in the cave, and the terrain inside may be complicated. You may encounter a monster directly around the corner. By then, the two of them may not even have a chance to chant sacred magic.

"Well.....This is true...."Alice's little face fell

"It’s better not to think about this yet......"

".....Eh! What do you think we call Wu Ming?"

"Um? Forehead....Judging by her appearance, she should agree to come with us.....But we don’t understand her either. What if she only knows sacred arts like the two of us?....."

"I don't think so"

"Didn't you see that the weapons she took out today are all for melee combat, and she hasn't prepared a posture for sacred magic yet?"

"....Maybe, it's just not necessary?"

"And I always feel like she doesn’t know how to use sacred magic....."

"Eh? No, no matter how poorly adaptable they are, they will at least be somewhat adaptable."

"No, I just think she has never seen it, so she has never used it."Alice turned over, lying on her side and looking at Seluka

"Maybe you didn't see it today. When she saw me using Bingsu, her look wasn't a look of surprise. It looked like she was surprised, as if she was seeing that scene for the first time."

"Well....The light of Sorus can illuminate the entire land except the Dark Empire, and even the Dark Empire should be able to use sacred arts.....


The two girls just lay on the bed thinking about some strange things. Occasionally they were surprised by their sudden thoughts, but they always laughed and forgot about them.

In the end, the two of them chatted for almost the whole night. When they realized that they should go to bed, a trace of fish belly white and a touch of purple clouds appeared in the distance outside......

———————— midnight crunch~

"....Um?"Sven heard a strange noise from the window on the right side of the bed at night. He immediately opened his eyes and raised his head, and then saw a white object flying towards the house.

"....Phew, it's you."After seeing clearly that the object was Xiaobai, Siwen relaxed his strength and lay back on the bed.

"Where were you all day yesterday? I thought you lost it....."Swain closed his eyes again.


There was a sound of a hard object hitting the wooden table.

"Um?"Sven, who was just about to go back to sleep, raised his head again, and then saw a beautiful stone on the table, while Xiaobai was gone, leaving only a window with a crack on one side and curtains blowing in the wind.

Seeing this, Swain Bed, walked to the table opposite the end of the bed, picked up the stone and looked at it carefully

"Um.....What's this? Stones in the river? It doesn't look like it....!! It hurts!"Xiaobai suddenly returned and pecked and scratched Swain's back.

"etc! well! I won’t touch your things anymore!"Sven immediately put the stone back on the table, because he saw that there was another stone in Xiaobai's mouth.

Swain put the stone back on the table, and sure enough, Xiaobai calmed down, and he shouted viciously After looking at Swain, he put down the stone in his mouth and flew out again.

Swain looked at the two stones on the table and then looked at the wide open window.

"this....What are you doing at night?"Sven scratched his head for no apparent reason, then walked to the table again, looking at the two stones without moving.

"...Crystal clear, no impurities, and no traces of manual polishing....Rough stone?"Sven relied on the faint light by the window to look at the two stones, and then discovered that they were actually gems.

"So big? Two more?"Sven frowned and looked confused. What's going on? Are you here to give gifts so late at night?

Just when Swain was puzzled, Xiaobai flew back with the third gem in his mouth. Seeing that Sven did not move him After something, it flew out again


"It seems....I probably haven't woken up yet...."Swain felt that if Xiaobai had not been cast into a white falcon by mistake from a bowerbird that liked to collect gems, then he would have to wake up.....

Who will give you money this late at night?

Even if there is, it is with bad intentions.....

And the person giving money is a guy like Xiaobai who often holds his own money bag........Doesn't this guy want to take all his property and then blackmail me by saying that he lost the stone and then demand compensation from me?....

The more Sven thought about it, the more it seemed possible.....

"It's better to leave it alone and go to sleep....."

So Sven lay back again, and he automatically filtered out the occasional sounds of flapping wings and the sound of gems settling in his ears. After all, these sounds were nothing.

Sven turned his back to the window and fell asleep again. Time passed slowly, and the sound of flapping wings and the sound of the collision of gems formed a melody with a certain rhythm.....


Finally, morning came.


Alice's door was opened, and two very sweet, cute and lovable girls came out.....If you remove the dark circles under their eyes,....

"Drink~~~~"The two of them yawned very cutely at the same time.

"ah...Very sleepy...."

"Don't worry, sister, today we are studying light element. Basically, the two of us can come back and rest in the afternoon....."



Alice patted her cheek lightly with her little hand

"good! Keep up the good work today!"She clenched her little fists and cheered for herself. At the same time, there was a trace of blush on her fair face. She didn't know whether it was from the beating just now or because her skin was already full of blood.

"Sister, you are really energetic..."Seluka on the opposite side still looked sleepy.

"Of course! She is my sister after all!"

"Okay, let's go wash up and get ready for breakfast~~"

"Hey, cheer up a little bit."Alice looked at Seluka, who was slightly in a bad mood, and said a little seriously.

Seluka glanced at her sister blankly and said,"Who caused this! He kept me up and chatted with me at night"

"Ha ha...Feel sorry."Alice laughed and apologized honestly.

The two sisters just went downstairs, occasionally teasing each other, and began to prepare for the day.

After the second floor returned to a brief period of tranquility, the second door that opened was Seluka. In the room, Wuming walked out of the room sleepily, with a faint smile on her face. She didn't know if she had a sweet dream last night or if she was just in a good mood today. At this time, she had not yet changed out of her pajamas, and she looked up and passed The sunlight coming in from the window at the end of the corridor looked at the surrounding environment, and then walked to Swain's door.

Creak~ dang!

Wuming opened Swain's door, but when she pushed the door inside and was about to go in and call, When Swain got up, he found that the door had just opened to accommodate a child, and then it was blocked.


Dang! Dang!

Wuming pushed it twice in succession, wanting to see if he could push it.

"Alice doesn't need to push, it won't open."Sven's voice came from inside the house.

"Um? Why?"

"Ah? It's Wuming, it's you."Sven was slightly startled.

"Well, regardless of that, what are you doing in there?"Wu Ming tried to push again and found that the door was not open yet, but his own strength was about to break the door.....

"What's wrong?"Alice and Seluka on one side also came up from downstairs. They also heard the clanking sound when Wuming pushed the door open, so they were attracted to come up.

"Sarah, I don’t know either."Wu Ming waved his hand.

"Hmm?"Alice frowned slightly, and then walked towards Swain's door.

Dong Dong!

Knocked on the door twice with a little force.

"Swain, what are you doing in there?"

"I....I haven't figured it out yet......"

"But now it seems that I am surrounded and cannot move....."


(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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